6 research outputs found

    A Music Composition Through the Use of Animal Sounds

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    The knowledge on animals has been studied over many years by researching and understanding animal behavior and creativity with music. Bioacoustics shows a great deal when it comes to collecting sounds through many principles for sound data collection. With saved recording of animals, music, speeches, and so much more, it has impacted the way music is created through technology. Music production has been advancing in many creative ways. The foundation of sound manipulation is musique concrète. The project uses these concepts of audio recording and digital sounds to produce a composition that includes animal sounds

    Solvent and Temperature Probes of the Long-Range Electron-Transfer Step in Tyramine β‑Monooxygenase: Demonstration of a Long-Range Proton-Coupled Electron-Transfer Mechanism

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    Tyramine β-monooxygenase (TβM) belongs to a family of physiologically important dinuclear copper monooxygenases that function with a solvent-exposed active site. To accomplish each enzymatic turnover, an electron transfer (ET) must occur between two solvent-separated copper centers. In wild-type TβM, this event is too fast to be rate limiting. However, we have recently shown [Osborne, R. L.; et al. <i>Biochemistry</i> <b>2013</b>, <i>52</i>, 1179] that the Tyr216Ala variant of TβM leads to rate-limiting ET. In this study, we present a pH–rate profile study of Tyr216Ala, together with deuterium oxide solvent kinetic isotope effects (KIEs). A solvent KIE of 2 on <i>k</i><sub>cat</sub> is found in a region where <i>k</i><sub>cat</sub> is pH/pD independent. As a control, the variant Tyr216Trp, for which ET is not rate determining, displays a solvent KIE of unity. We conclude, therefore, that the observed solvent KIE arises from the rate-limiting ET step in the Tyr216Ala variant, and show how small solvent KIEs (ca. 2) can be fully accommodated from equilibrium effects within the Marcus equation. To gain insight into the role of the enzyme in the long-range ET step, a temperature dependence study was also pursued. The small enthalpic barrier of ET (<i>E</i><sub>a</sub> = 3.6 kcal/mol) implicates a significant entropic barrier, which is attributed to the requirement for extensive rearrangement of the inter-copper environment during PCET catalyzed by the Tyr216Ala variant. The data lead to the proposal of a distinct inter-domain pathway for PCET in the dinuclear copper monooxygenases

    Modulating OxyB-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions in Vancomycin Biosynthesis by Incorporation of Diverse d‑Tyr Analogues

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    We report a general method for synthesizing diverse d-Tyr analogues, one of the constituents of the antibiotic vancomycin, using a Negishi cross-coupling protocol. Several analogues were incorporated into the vancomycin substrate–peptide and reacted with the biosynthetic enzymes OxyB and OxyA, which install the characteristic aromatic cross-links. We find that even small structural perturbations are not accepted by OxyA. The same modifications, however, enhance the catalytic capabilities of OxyB leading to the formation of a new macrocycle within the vancomycin framework