340 research outputs found

    Evaluating the use of spiny pigweed (Amaranthus spinosus) and water leaf (Talinum triangulare) for bioremediation of crude oil polluted soil in Ikarama Community in Bayelsa State Nigeria

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    The potential soil amending impact of various concentrations of macerated roots of Amaranthus spinosus and Talinum triangulare singly and in combination on crude oil polluted soil of Ikarama community of Yenagoa in Bayelsa State Nigeria was investigated using gas chromatography technique for twelve weeks. The polluted soil was bagged in seven groups with the addition of 250g of Amaranthus spinosus root, 500g of Amaranthus spinosus root, 250g of Talinum triangulare root, 500g of Talinum triangulare root, 250g of combined roots of Amaranthus spinosus and Talinum Triangulare, 500g of combined roots of Amaranthus spinosus and Talinum Triangulare and labelled as follows Ga, Gb, Wa, Wb, GWa and GWb respectively; and a polluted and not amended bag which served as control. Each bag contained 1000g of polluted soil. The Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH), Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH), pH and enzyme concentration were analysed at intervals of four weeks for twelve weeks. The result showed that TPH reduction in the impacted soil varied between 29.5% for Ga and 1.79% for Wa after week 4.The results also showed that PAH reduction varied between 53% for Gb and 14.2% in GWa at week 12 (p<0.05). The results suggested that the roots of the plants Talinum triangulare and Amaranthus spinosus are best used singularly and not in combination in the bioremediation of TPH and PAHs.Keywords: Amaranthus spinosus, Bioremediation, crude oil, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, Talinum triangulare, Total petroleum hydrocarbo

    Constraints to Capital Market Growth in African Economies: The Case of Nigeria

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    Capital market as an intermediating sector for economy should organically grow as the economy grows overtime. Using Nigeria as case study, the paper investigates the constraints to the growth of the market. It adopts a primary sourcing of data from regulators, operators and investors and identifies ten variables for investigation. Using regression technique it discovers that four variables were immediately significant at various levels. To achieve a better fit for the variables a remodelling resulted in six of the variable becoming highly significant. Variables of concern were basically poor organisation of the market, high transaction cost, lack of various securities, and instability in governmental policies. A surprising outcome shows that the rates of interest, inflation and exchange have had a positive effect on the market. Major recommendations of the study are on strengthening of the internal structures of stock exchange, introduction of over counter (OTC)) deals and improving of corporate governance environment. In addition, external constraints to the system can be solved by the government

    Stimulating Women Potentials through Entrepreneurship for National Development in Nigeria

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    Women over the years have been faced with the problem of marginalization in virtually all human endeavors This male chauvinism and gender inequality in our society in the name of culture have done more harm than good to the economy d socio-political development of the country as women entrepreneurship is greatly ‘‘hampered in this respect most especially in the formal sector This paper therefore examined the level of women participation entrepreneurship which include among others, finance, limited mobility, family ties, education and risk bearing abilities The paper is of the opinion that development cannot be fully realized Nigeria if women who constitute almost half of the population are not being carried along and suggested that women should be treated as specific target group in all development programs and that government should create enabling environment that will promote entrepreneurship development among women by discouraging all forms of discrimination against them for their potentials to be fully harnessed for national development

    Relationship of blood pressure status, dietary factors and serum electrolytes of in-school adolescents in Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria

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    Background: Globally, rising blood pressure is of public health concern as it is a major cause of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), and preventable death. This study accessed the relationship of blood pressure status, dietary factors and serum electrolytes among in-school adolescents in Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria. Methods: A cross-sectional survey of 488 secondary school students (aged 10–19 years). Blood pressures were assessed using auscultatory method and questionnaires were used to obtain food frequency and 24-hour dietary recall data. Blood samples from volunteers were used for serum sodium and potassium assays. Results: The mean systolic blood pressure (SBP) increased with age, irrespective of gender. The prevalence of elevated blood pressure and hypertension among participants were 19.3% and 10.5%, respectively, with males and females having similar pattern. Dietary factors like addition of table salt to already prepared foods, higher intake of eggs, and lower intake of vegetables were associated with the development of elevated blood pressure among the adolescents. The estimated mean dietary intakes (mg/person/day) of sodium and potassium were 2289±938.7 and 1321±603.8, respectively, with majorityconsuming far higher (for sodium – 80%) or far below (for potassium – 95%) recommendations. The mean serum sodium (138.0±18.3 mmolL-1) and potassium (3.06±1.1 mmolL-1) were similar across genders. A significant (p<0.05) negative relationship exists between serum potassium and SBP. Conclusions: The blood pressure status of the adolescents studied are of great concern and are somewhat negatively influenced by poor dietary and lifestyle practices. They require prompt intervention to slow down the development of CVDs in the future. Keywords: Adolescents; dietary patterns; hypertension; table salt

    Deep Venous Thrombosis in Children with Musculoskeletal Infection

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    Socio-ethical implication of contraception and abortion: A rising paradigm of John Paul II’s culture of death

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    Contraception and abortion remains a global socio-ethical problem – more so to religious traditions like Christianity. John Paul II, the Pope (1918-2015) perceived the same problem as a culture of death because it diminishes human dignity and divine content. Against this backdrop, the study considers contraception and abortion from the insights of John Paul II, concerning the critical implications for humanity. The study is a qualitative research skewed in phenomenological method of inquiry and analysis of the Nigerian experience. Findings show that contraception and abortion are recurrent practices among the single and the married. Even as the practice is not legalized, yet, it is common amongst the people. The individuality crisis, obscurity of the sense of the sacred and phony theories of morality in different ways offer alignment to understanding the Nigerian experience. The study identifies debasement of self-esteem, physical health hazards and mental-spiritual crisis as some of the consequences which build up to the culture of death. Towards reducing the rising culture of death there should be profound pedagogies on human life. Concerted enlightenment is also necessary.Keywords: Contraception, Abortion, Social Ethics, Culture of death, Nigeri

    Geometric Control of YAP-dependent Mechanotransduction: A Proposed Model

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    The Billiar lab is interested in the interplay between mechanical tension and programmed cell death (namely, apoptosis) in cells growing on micro-contact printed aggregates. The Billiar lab uses a bioinspired hydrogel to develop an in vitro model for mechanosensitive signaling in mammalian cells. The micro-contact printed cell aggregates experience a loss of tensional homeostasis at the center of the aggregates, which results in selective cell death at the center, but not periphery of the aggregates, followed by calcification, similar to excised diseased aortic valves. However, the subcellular mechanisms responsible for transducing the mechanical cues from the loss of tensional homeostasis to pro-apoptotic signaling have yet to be elucidated; the Billiar lab is interested in finding this link. Mechanotransduction is the functional link between mechanical cues and the consequent subcellular biochemical response.1 Cells sense and respond to their physical surroundings via cell-cell junctions, cell-matrix adhesions, and intracellular actin networks.1 For example, in epithelial cells, restriction of cell growth to spatially patterned circular arrays leads to (1) increased proliferation and (2) higher tractional stresses at the periphery than at the center.2-3 Proliferation at the periphery of these circular cell aggregates is YAP-dependent, with nuclear localization of YAP at the periphery.4 Transcriptional co-activator YAP is (1) a nuclear relay of mechanical signals,5 (2) the main transcriptional effector of the Hippo pathway,6 and (3) involved in both proliferation (via TEAD promoter) and apoptosis (via p73 promoter).7 Cell competition is an apoptosis-dependent cell communication phenomenon based on cell fitness comparisons, and which creates “loser” cells that die via apoptosis and “winner” cells that survive.8-9 For example, co-culture of TEAD-activity-manipulated fibroblasts with WT induces cell competition, in which cells with higher TEAD activity “won,” and cells with lower TEAD activity “lost” (underwent apoptosis).10 Hypothesis: Culture of fibroblasts in geometrically constrained, circular cell aggregates induces cell competition via the formation of “winner” and “loser” cell populations due to differences in tensional homeostasis experienced at the periphery vs. center of the aggregates

    Impact of road safety education on commercial drivers’ knowledge and behaviour towards road traffic codes and safety driving in Delta State

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    The propensity of increase in road traffic accidents and injuries poses a serious public health problem for Nigeria as a low-income country. Without sustained action, road traffic crashes may become one of the major cause of death. Consequently, this study seeks to assess the impact of road safety education of the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) on commercial drivers’ knowledge and behaviour towards road traffic codes and safety driving. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised all commercial drivers in Delta State. A sample size of 320 respondents was selected for the study using stratified and simple random sampling techniques. Three research hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The Drivers’ Road Safety Knowledge and Attitudinal Questionnaire (DRSKAQ) was used to collect relevant data. The data were analysed using Analysis of Variance and Multiple Regression. It was found out that the FRSC education programme influence commercial drivers’ behaviour towards road traffic codes and safety driving. In addition, a joint impact of commercial drivers’ educational background, duration of learning road safety, behaviour and knowledge was observed on the attitude towards road safety education programme. But, the safety education programme had no influence on drivers’ knowledge of road traffic codes and safety driving. It was recommended that other non-governmental agencies should support the FRSC in giving intermittent road safety education programmes to commercial drivers.Keywords: Road Safety Education, Attitude, Federal Road Safety Commission, Behaviour Driver Educatio

    Assessment of commercial drivers’ perception of road safety education on compliance to road traffic rules and regulations in Delta State

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    The Global strategic plan to reduce worldwide deaths from traffic injuries recognizes the driver as the key element in its approach. Hence drivers’ education has been accorded the highest priority in Nigeria by the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC). Thus, this study seeks to assess the perception of commercial drivers’ on Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) education on compliance on road traffic rules and regulations in Delta state. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised all commercial drivers in Delta State. A sample size of 320 respondents was selected for the study using stratified and simple random sampling techniques. Two research hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The Drivers’ Compliance on Road Traffic Rules and Regulations Questionnaire (DCRTRRQ) was used to collect relevant data. The data were analysed using Two-way Analysis of Variance Statistics. It was found out that 
Road traffic safety education programme influenced drivers’ compliance to road traffic rules and regulations. Drivers’ experience was observed to affect their level of compliance to road traffic rules and regulations.Keywords: Driver Education, Perception, Federal Road Safety Commission, Complianc

    Cost and Effects of Data Breaches, Precautions, and Disclosure Laws

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    In recent times the breach of security systems or cyber-attacks leading to unauthorized acquisitions of computerized data that compromises the security, confidentiality, and integrity of personally identifiable information by many organizations has grown. There is a general belief that data breaches and today’s organizational practices are axiomatically regarded as cause and effect. This paper addresses the cost of data breaches, disclosure laws, and precautions that have been instituted for many organizations and concludes that cybersecurity and data breach question is not “if” but “when” it might happen. Data has grown as one of the critical assets, and the absence of security protocols creates a vulnerability that can be misused by bad actors engaged in hacking and other forms of the data breach. This paper documents that the last decade experienced a phenomenal rise in the number of data breaches caused by hacking and the efficacy of disclosure laws that have been instituted by 48 states in the US. The frequency of data breach incidents has been alarming as billions of records have been breached and billions of dollars have been spent to mitigate those breaches, which could have been allocated for other projects. It is recommended that all organizations, big or small, have cybersecurity policies and a business continuity plan in place to deal with data breaches
