7 research outputs found
Valeurs usuelles des hormones thyroĂŻdiennes dans la population gabonaise : application Ă la typologie biochimique des hyperthyroĂŻdies
La dĂ©termination des valeurs usuelles des hormones thyroĂŻdiennes et de la typologie biochimique des hyperthyroĂŻdies constituent le but du prĂ©sent travail. Deux sĂ©ries de recrutements ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es Ă cet effet : 316 sujets pour les valeurs usuelles et 95 hyperthyroĂŻdies des deux sexes appariĂ©s pour lâĂąge (15 Ă 65 ans). Les valeurs normales des hormones thyroĂŻdiennes rapportĂ©es sont (TSHus : 0,13-2,85 mUI/l ; T3 totale : 0,78-2,66 nmol/l ; T4 totale : 75,66-116,8 nmol/l ; FT3 : 2,10-5,84 pmol/l ; FT4 : 8,54-14,79 pmol/l). En fonction de cette norme gabonaise, la maladie de Basedow, le goitre secondaire toxique et le goitre multihĂ©tĂ©ronodulaire toxique sont des hyperthyroĂŻdies sâexprimant au plan biochimique par une Ă©lĂ©vation de la FT4 et de la FT3, tandis que lâadĂ©nome toxique lâest surtout Ă FT4. Nous soulignons lâintĂ©rĂȘt de la dĂ©termination des normes de population pour des dĂ©ductions cliniques et pathogĂ©niques adĂ©quates. © 2013 International Formulae Group. All rights reservedMots clĂ©s: ThyroĂŻde, FT4, FT3, TSH, Normes
ParamĂštres obstĂ©tricaux et nĂ©onatals associĂ©s Ă la concentration des lactates dans lâartĂšre ombilicale du nouveau-nĂ©
Il sâagissait de dĂ©terminer les paramĂštres obstĂ©tricaux et nĂ©onatals associĂ©s au taux de lactate dans les accouchements Ă terme. Pour cela, les patientes enceintes, Ă terme, admises pour travail dâaccouchement ou celles qui ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© dâune cĂ©sarienne prophylactique ont Ă©tĂ© recrutĂ©es dans cette Ă©tude. A la suite dâun interrogatoire recherchant les antĂ©cĂ©dents obstĂ©tricaux et nĂ©onatals ont Ă©tĂ© recueillis. Avant la dĂ©livrance, un prĂ©lĂšvement de sang artĂ©riel du cordon a servi au dosage des lactates. La concentration moyenne de lactates Ă©tait de 3,6±1,8 mmol/l. Elle Ă©tait associĂ©e Ă la paritĂ© des femmes (p=0,001), Ă la prĂ©sentation du foetus (p=0,0001), Ă la couleur du liquide amniotique (p=0,0001), Ă la voie dâaccouchement (p=0,001) et au poids de naissance des enfants (p=0,001), Ă la hauteur utĂ©rine et au score dâapgar. Les paramĂštres les plus pertinents dans ces relations Ă©taient les paramĂštres anthropomĂ©triques des nouveau-nĂ©s qui peuvent constituer des facteurs de risque dâasphyxie nĂ©onatale et entraĂźner une augmentation du taux de lactates. Les lactates constituent donc un marqueur dâasphyxie nĂ©onatale dĂ©pendant des facteurs obstĂ©tricaux et anthropomĂ©triques du nouveau-nĂ©. Il sâagit dâun paramĂštre supplĂ©mentaire dans la surveillance nĂ©onatale, en plus du score dâapgar.Mots clĂ©s : Lactates, asphyxie, apgar, souffrance foetale
Enzymatic and genetic polymorphisms of paraoxonase- 1 in the Gabonese population: The relation to lipid parameters in patients with diabetes
Background: The objective was to study the relationship between the paraoxonase-1 activity, genetic polymorphisms and lipid parameters in a black patient population.Method: This study investigates patients with type 2 diabetes and hypertension for which concentrations of total high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, triglycerides, apolipoprotein AI, apolipoprotein B100, the latency time of oxidation of small and dense LDL, arylesterase activity and genetic polymorphism of paraoxonase-1 at positions T(-107)C, L55M and Q192R were determined and compared to healthy subjects.Results: Concerning the T(-107C) polymorphism, the -107T allele is higher in healthy subjects (0.325) than in those with diabetes (0.660). This was the same for the 55M allele, whereas the -107C allele was lower in healthy patients (0.675) than in patients with diabetes (0.340). Paraoxonase-1 activity was lower in patients with diabetes than in healthy subjects, irrespective of genotype. The -107CC genotypes had higher HDL cholesterol AI apolipoprotein I concentrations than -107TT in the control group (p-value = 0.0001), patients with diabetes (p-value = 0.002), and patients with hyptertension (p-value = 0.001). This result was also obtained with the 55LL genotype.Conclusion: The prevalence of paraoxonase-1 alleles associated with lesser enzyme activities was found to be more common in patients with diabetes than in the control group. Possibly, this genetic distribution contributes to the high cardiovascular risk that is observed in certain black patients, compared to that in white patients
Laboratory Elements For Accurate Detection Of Iron Deficiency In Resource-Limited Settings Of Africa
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Recent advances in the fight against leishmaniasis with natural products
The active compounds obtained from some medicinal plants used traditionally worldwide for the treatment of leishmaniasis are reviewed. Among these active molecules described in recent literature are quinoline alkaloids such as alkyl-2 quinoline and aryl-2 quinoline from Galipea longiflora, isoquinoline alkaloids such as isoguattouregidine from Guatteria foliosa, indole alkaloids such as conodurine and gabunine from Pescheiera van heurkii, terpenes such as jatrogrossidione from Jatropha grossidentata, acetogenins such as senegalene from Annona senegalensis and lignans such as (+)nyasol from Asparagus africanus. Other natural compounds with antileishmanial activity are coumarins, chalcones, lactones, tetralones and saponins. Some of them are known antiprotozoal natural products. These compounds could be used as templates to discover new and effective drugs against leishmaniasis
Depressed natural killer cell cytotoxicity against Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes during first pregnancies.
Item does not contain fulltextWe measured natural killer (NK) cell cytotoxicity and cortisol and prolactin concentrations in peripheral venous blood samples obtained from pregnant Gabonese women at the time of delivery. The NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity against Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes in vitro was lower in samples obtained from primiparous women than in samples obtained from multiparous women; cortisol concentrations were significantly higher in primiparous women than in multiparous women, and prolactin concentrations were significantly lower. The highest cortisol concentrations were found in the plasma of P. falciparum-infected primiparous women. A positive correlation was found between cortisol concentration and parasite load; an inverse correlation was found between the magnitude of the NK cell cytolytic effect and cortisol production. A positive correlation was found between this effect and prolactin production. Thus, depressed NK cell cytotoxicity against P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes is correlated with high cortisol concentrations and may contribute to increased susceptibility to malaria during pregnancy