268 research outputs found

    交通行動の文脈依存性 : ハノイ市における自動二輪車の事例研究

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    Chapter I: Introduction 1.1 Overview of current situation / p1  1.1.1 The role of motorcycle in daily life / p1  1.1.2 Motorcycle usage and its related issues / p2  1.1.3 Urban development trend / p4 1.2 Problem statement / p5 1.3 Research objectives and scopes / p8 1.4 Outline of the dissertation / p9 References / p13 Chapter II: Literature review 2.1 Introduction / p15 2.2 Context dependencies of travel behavior / p15 2.3 Avoid-Shift-Improve (A-S-I) approach / p17 2.4 Modal shift studies / p20  2.4.1 From personal motorized vehicle to non-motorized modes / p20  2.4.2 From personal motorized vehicle to public modes / p21 2.5 Summary / p23 References / p24 Chapter III: Data sources 3.1 Hanoi Person Trip survey data 2005 / p27  3.1.1 Outline of the survey / p27  3.1.2 Preliminary results / p27 3.2 One week household travel survey data 2010 / p31  3.2.1 Introduction / p31  3.2.2 Trip diary design / p32  3.2.3 Preliminary results / p34 3.3 Stated Preference (SP) survey data 2005 / p37  3.3.1 The SP technique / p37  3.3.2 Outline of the survey / p38  3.3.3 Preliminary results / p40 Chapter IV: Avoiding/Reducing motorcycle dependence: Analyses focusing on the household context 4.1 Introduction / p43  4.1.1 Household context and travel behavior / p43  4.1.2 The scope of this chapter / p47 4.2 Does child need motorcycle? / p48  4.2.1 Data summary / p48  4.2.2 Model results and discussion / p53 4.3 Child existence and motorcycle ownership decision / p55  4.3.1 Introduction / p55  4.3.2 Motorcycle ownership and trip frequency / p57  4.3.3 Development of endogenous switching regression model / p59  4.3.4 Model estimation results and discussion / p62 4.4 Summary / p65 References / p66 Chapter V: Avoiding/Reducing motorcycle dependence: Analyses focusing on the spatial context 5.1 Introduction / p69  5.1.1 Spatial context and travel behavior / p69  5.1.2 The scope of this chapter / p73 5.2 Data description and variables specifications / p74 5.3 Residential land use patterns and mode choice behavior / p79  5.3.1 All home-based non-work trips / p80  5.3.2 Home-based shopping trips / p82  5.3.3 Home-based leisure trips / p87 5.4 Measuring the impacts of land use / p89  5.4.1 Distinguishing different types of land use impacts / p89  5.4.2 Applying multi-level binary logit model / p92  5.4.3 Model estimation results / p95 5.5 Trip frequency in different residential location / p102 5.6 Summary and policy discussion / p104 References / p108 Chapter VI: Shifting to the buses: An analysis focusing on the temporal context 6.1 Introduction / p111  6.1.1 Temporal context and travel behavior / p111  6.1.2 The scope of this chapter / p114 6.2 Data description and variables specifications / p116  6.2.1 Motorcycle owners used bus information / p116  6.2.2 Non- motorcycle owners used motorcycle information / p118  6.2.3 Variables specifications / p121 6.3 Applying a multi-level binary logit model / p121 6.4 Model estimation results / p124 6.5 Summary and policy discussion / p129 References / p131 Chapter VII: Improving public transportation system: An analysis to capture future mode choice behavior in temporal context 7.1 Introduction / p133 7.2 Analysis of future mode choice behavior / p134  7.2.1 Model structure / p134  7.2.2 Model estimations / p136 7.3 Future mode choice by simulation method / p139 7.4 Summary and policy discussion / p143 References / p146 Chapter VIII: Conclusion 8.1 Summary of key results / p149 8.2 Methodological conclusions / p154 8.3 Implications for policy and planning / p155 8.4 Future studies / p157広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(学術)doctora

    Students' Views of Art Education as Their Future Career

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    Art has long been an important subject of the education system. In Vietnam, teaching arts is taken a solid position as a subject of the education system from primary to tertiary education level. However, little is known about the situation and the need for transformation in the way students are trained to become art teachers. To clarify the view and attitudes of the to-be-an-art-teacher students, we conducted an online survey to collect data from students who enrolled in the bachelor course, majoring in art teaching at a university in Vietnam. A total of 57 students participated in the survey, most of them are females in the second year of the on-the-job B.A. course. The results showed that the respondents reported needing more diversified learning content such as applied arts, installation, and multimedia. They showed a need to have more practice sessions and fieldwork such as visiting museums and exhibitions. The respondents specified that they chose this major because they love the subject and love teaching, as well as to address the social need of learning arts, as arts seem to be a more important subject for elementary education. They shared a positive attitude toward the internationalization of local art education, however, none of them plan to study abroad. These findings imply the need for improving the quality of teaching and internationalization of art teacher education to meet international standards in the context of a developing country

    Exploring Day-to-day Variations in the Bus Usage Behavior of Motorcycle Owners in Hanoi

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    AbstractThis study attempts to explore the day-to-day variations of motorcycle owners’ bus usage behavior and situational factors influencing their mode choice in Hanoi where the motorcycle is a dominant mode. To distinguish which types and how many of the variations can or cannot be captured, we used a multilevel binary logit model which can deal with both observed and unobserved inter-individual and intra-individual variations. In our empirical analysis, we used data from a one-week travel diary of 55 motorcycle owners. The results indicate that the variations of motorcycle owners’ bus choice behavior depend much on intra-individual variation which could partly be represented by the variables related to accompany person(s), travel distance, and the complexity of the tour


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 迫田 章義, 東京大学教授 小倉 賢, 東京大学教授 酒井 康行, 東京大学准教授 菊地 隆司, 東京大学准教授 杉山 弘和, 東京大学教授 吉江 尚子University of Tokyo(東京大学


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 迫田 章義, 東京大学教授 小倉 賢, 東京大学教授 酒井 康行, 東京大学准教授 菊地 隆司, 東京大学准教授 杉山 弘和, 東京大学教授 吉江 尚子University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Two-dimensional optimization problem of plant location

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    In this paper, the following matters are presented: the adjoint problem of the two-dimensional matter propagation problem; the algorithm for determination of a domain in which a plant can be located so that the values of the pollution-level reflecting functional does not exceed a given value at considered sensitive areas; application of this algorithm for numerical experiments to a typical problem