294 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between State Effectiveness And State Legitimacy: A Quantitative Test

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    Legitimacy is a contested concept in political science. The question of legitimacy has been addressed in various topics, including state formation, state building, and state failure. This research is an attempt to quantitatively test the relationship between state legitimacy and state effectiveness and development in the economy, politics, and society. By examining the literature on legitimacy and its sources, the research tests the following hypothesis: a state with better performance in macro issues, including economic performance, social welfare, and political participation, is more likely to enjoy a higher level of legitimacy. In other words, this study attempts to establish a replicable formula for an incumbent state to achieve and sustain its legitimacy

    Improving Gifted and Talented Education in Arkansas: Identification, Academic Benefits, and Local Norms

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    In the United States, education policies differ from state to state. Local research, therefore, is important to inform educators, policymakers, and researchers on the ground. This dissertation leverages ten years of administrative data to study three questions about gifted and talented (G/T) identification and education in Arkansas: does the current system identify the right students? Are gifted and talented programs beneficial for students? And, how can we improve diversity in gifted and talented education? Leveraging logistic regression, mixed-effects models, and descriptive statistics, I sought to provide answers to these three questions. First, are academically ready students from low-income families being missed in the current gifted and talented education system? Second, do gifted and talented services benefit high aptitude students academically? And finally, does using the local norm approach necessarily improve diversity in the G/T pool of students? This study has important implications for Arkansas’s G/T identification and education policies

    The influence of CEO characteristics on corporate environmental performance of SMEs: Evidence from Vietnamese SMEs

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    Drawing on upper echelon theory, this study investigates the impact of CEOs’ (chief executive officers) demographic characteristics on corporate environmental performance (CEP) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We hypothesized that CEO characteristics, including gender, age, basic educational level, professional educational level, political connection, and ethnicity, affect SMEs’ environmental performance. Using the cross-sectional data analysis of 810 Vietnamese SMEs, this study provides evidence that female CEOs and CEOs’ educational level (both basic and professional) are positively related to the probability of CEP. We also find that based on the role of institutional environment on CEP, political connections had a negative effect on CEP in the context of Vietnam. Another finding is that SMEs with chief executives from ethnic minority groups show a higher level of the probability of corporate environmental performance than companies operated by Kinh chief executives. Since CEP is an essential dimension of corporate social responsibility, a strategic decision for SMEs, it is crucial for the company to select appropriate CEOs based on their demographic characteristic


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    Purpose: To evaluate the Vietnamese electronics industry (EI) by analyzing its successes and shortcomings in recent years in comparison with other Southeast Asian countries, as well as the problems faced by the young industries in Vietnam in the course of its development and identify their abilities to participate in the global value chain. Methodology: Systems approach was used to analyze the status of Vietnam’s EI. The advantages and the results achieved by EI are assessed and described with the help of objective data from statistical and officially published sources. Main Findings: The position of Vietnam’s EI in the context of growing industry 4.0 was recognized. Its dependence on imports and other reasons that affect its efficiency and competitiveness were identified in the study. The Government should provide adequate support for the development of priority area including EI within the framework of national policies and encourage import substitution program of the industrial enterprises. Applications: Research results could be used for providing recommendations for making Vietnam's electronic industry development policy and import substitution program in the future. Novelty/ Originality: Study considered the effects of inconsistent structure, import dependence of production, lack of unified government control, quality of labor, etc. in gross output and export revenue

    The Effects of Collaborative Learning on Young ESL Learners’ L2 Anxiety and Speaking Performance

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    Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) is one of the issues of interest attracting researchers in recent decades. However, while collaborative learning introduced a prospective tool for FLA, it has not been much researched in the L2 classroom context, particularly in Vietnam. This paper focuses on using collaborative learning to reduce foreign language anxiety and enhance the L2 speaking performance of young learners at an English center in Ho Chi Minh City. A combination of tools, including Aydin et al.’s (2017) Children Foreign Language Anxiety Scale (CFLAS) for the pre-tests and post-tests, the teacher’s diary, and follow-up interviews, was used to measure the changes in learner’ FLA level and speaking performance. After five-week implementations, these learners’ FLA was slightly alleviated, and their speaking performance was improved using a collaborative learning approach. Moreover, learners were found to have positive attitudes and experience with learning in the new approach. These findings implied that collaborative learning could be a potential treatment to help L2 learners uncover their anxious selves and find more confidence in using the target languag

    The Care of Elderly People in Vietnam

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    The population ageing as an unprecedented phenomenon in the history of the humanity was considered. It is slow, but persistent and, according to the opinion of the experts, it is irreversible, at least for the next hundred years. Population ageing has a profound impact on economic growth, investment and labor market, the welfare of every citizen of any country. Changes in the structure of the population in terms of aging concerns every person, society, country and the international community. The increase in the number of elderly people determines the necessity of working out new strategies for the stable development of each country in the world. Vietnam is no exception in this case. Population ageing is a contemporary challenge for the worldwide society. It requires the development of the effective strategic and tactic decisions and new systems of care for elder people, aimed at transformation of the population ageing challenges into opportunities, which provide people’s welfare. The main aim of the study is to determine the ways of perfection of the care system of the Vietnamese older people. The methods: system analysis of statistic data about the demographic structure of the Vietnamese population and the morbidity structure of the Vietnamese seniors; situation analyses. The results: specific features and conditions of the system of care of elderly people in Vietnam are studied. The analysis of the main factors that affect the system of care of the older people is conducted. The conclusions and proposals to enhance the system of care of the older people are drawn

    The Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on First-generation, Low-income and Rural Students in Indonesia and Vietnam: A cross-cultural comparative study

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact worldwide, affecting 600 million students in higher education institutions across 200 countries. However, comparative studies by country on this topic are limited. In this paper, we explore the question: how has the COVID-19 pandemic affected higher education students and which ones have been impacted the most? Indonesia and Vietnam are our focus. We leveraged a rich set of data collected online from college/university students from both countries involving over 2600 participants, and used regression analyses to measure the students\u27 outcomes, including the dimensions of their wellbeing, financial hardships, access to technology, and educational satisfaction. As expected, we find that there are statistically significant differences between both countries, especially among first-generation, low-income and rural students in almost all the outcomes in our four domains. We observed that low-income students and rural students in both countries were less likely to have access to technology during the pandemic than their more affluent and urban counterparts. They also were more likely to endure financial hardships during the pandemic. We did not find any statistically significant estimates for students’ burnout measures among the students in these two countries. In addition, we observed lower likelihood of satisfaction from rural and low-income students in Indonesia. We provide our policy recommendations for both countries


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    Abstract: This research investigates the impacts of economic integration on endogenous growth by an application of the AK learning-by-doing model. Assuming that the knowledge that increases the productivity of labor will be created by accumulated capital, we divide economic integration into two different categories: one-way and two-way integration. The results show that two identical countries cannot have any benefits from economic integration. If two countries are different, the domestic country should only integrate with foreign countries that have a lower cost of capital of wage, or higher learning coefficient (the speed of transferring accumulated capital to knowledge) in the case of one-way integration. The same conclusion is still drawn in the case of two-way integration for two similar countries.Keywords: economic integration, endogenous growth, AK mode


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    Abstract: This study investigates whether contagion or flight-to-quality occurred in Vietnam’s financial markets during the US subprime crisis in 2007. We apply the asymmetric dynamic conditional correlation model (ADCC-GARCH (1,1)) to daily stock-index and bond index returns of Vietnam’s and US stock markets. We test for contagion or flight-to-quality by using a test for difference in dynamic conditional correlation means. The results show a contagion between the US and Vietnam’s stock markets, confirming the widespread influence of the US stock market on a young market like Vietnam. This result suggests a low benefit from diversification for investors holding portfolios containing assets in Vietnam’s stock market and US stock market during the crisis. Moreover, the relationship between Vietnam’s stock and bond markets represents a flight-to-quality during the US subprime crisis. This finding shows that the investors tend to hold less risky assets, i.e., bonds, instead of stocks during this turbulent period in Vietnam.Keywords: international financial contagion, flight-to-quality, Vietnam, US subprime crisis, ADCC-GARC