9 research outputs found

    Wide Ranging Insect Infestation of the Pioneer Mangrove Sonneratia alba by Two Insect Species along the Kenyan Coast.

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    Insect infestation of mangroves currently threatens mangrove forest health and management. In the Western Indian Ocean region, little is known about insect damage to mangroves despite the fact that numerous infestations have occurred. In Kenya, infestations of Sonneratia alba have persisted for almost two decades, yet the taxonomic identity of the infesting pest(s), the extent of infestation, the pests' biology, the impacts of infestation on host and the ecosystem, the host's defensive strategies to the infestation are poorly understood. S. alba is a ubiquitous, pioneer mangrove species of the Indo-Pacific, occurring along the waterfront in a variety of mangrove ecosystem settings. Our main objectives were to identify the pest(s) responsible for the current dieback of S. alba in Kenya, and to determine the extent of infestation. To identify the pests responsible for infestation, we trapped emergent insects and reared larvae in the laboratory. To determine the overall extent of infestation within the S. alba zone, we assessed nine sites along the entire Kenyan coastline for the presence or absence of infested mangroves. Insect infestation in two mangrove embayments (Gazi and Mida) was quantified in depth. Two wood-boring insects were identified: a metarbelid moth (Lepidoptera, Cossoidea) of undescribed genus and the beetle Bottegia rubra (Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).The metarbelid moth infests mangroves in both northern (from Ngomeni to Kiunga) and southern regions (from Vanga to Mtwapa) of the Kenyan coast. B. rubra appeared in low density in Gazi, and in high density in Mida, Kilifi, and Ngomeni, with densities gradually decreasing northward. Insect infestation levels reached 18% in Gazi and 25% of S. alba stands in Mida. Our results indicate that B. rubra has the ability to infest young mangrove trees and expand its range, posing a danger to rehabilitation efforts where plantations have been established. Thus, there is great need for forest managers to address the recent increased levels of infestation in Kenyan mangroves; apart from the ecological interest such plant-herbivore relations bring in this ecosystem.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Seasonal fish larvae abundance and composition in seagrass habitats of coastal East Africa

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    Abstract Seagrass habitats play a major role in fisheries productivity through nursery functions and feeding grounds for diverse fish species. However, little is known about the seasonal distribution of fish larvae at large spatial scales in coastal East Africa. We investigated drivers of the seasonal fish larvae abundance and composition in seagrass habitats in Kenya and Tanzania. We found a high diversity of fish larvae (54 families) inhabiting seagrass habitats that differed between sites and seasons. Fish larvae abundance were highest in Kenya, particularly during the northeast monsoon season. Overall, total larval abundances per site were low, reaching less than 190 individuals/100 m3 in Kenya and less than 40 individuals/100 m3 in Tanzania, likely related to the low productivity and strong hydrodynamic processes in this region. Our data suggests that most of the fish spawn year-round in these tropical waters as we did not find strong seasonal patterns. All sites had a high relative abundance of larvae from demersal spawning fishes, indicating that many fish species move to coastal sites for spawning. Primary productivity and dissolved oxygen, driven by hydrodynamics conditions are positively related to fish larvae productivity both in Kenya and Tanzania. These findings indicate that the occurrence of both resident and transient fish larvae in seagrass meadows is driven by strong hydrodynamic and tidal processes that transport fish larvae across adjacent habitats

    Factors influencing spatial patterns in primary productivity in Kenyan territorial waters

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    This study was formulated to investigate productivity systems within Kenyan territorial waters. The interaction of processes on the margins of the marine waters, particularly the influx of fresh water loaded with sediments and nutrients, influences productivity of coastal waters. These deposited sediments, rich in nutrients, create a topographic barrier to the northerly flowing East African Coastal Current (EACC). Phosphate and nitrate peaks observed around the North Kenya Bank area provide evidence of an upwelling event. The contribution of sediments from the Lamu archipelago mangrove system is evident from the high observed particulate organic carbon (POC) input around the area. The system around the Lamu archipelago did not however show high chlorophyll-a levels despite the high POC influx. This may be due to the low levels of limiting phosphate in the surrounding waters, contrary to the observation further north in the region where high chlorophyll-a levels and corresponding higher phosphate levels were apparent. Productivity was largely supported by upwelling and organic matter mineralization. High levels of chlorophyll corresponded to high pelagic fish densities in the south (around 4.5°S) and north of the study area (around 2.5°S)

    Infestation of the four sampling sites in Gazi.

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    <p>The figures are percentage totals ± standard deviation of new and old infestation inside the sampling plots. No species other than <i>S</i>. <i>alba</i> were infested in any of the studied plots.</p