196 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of Conflict Management over Common Pool Resources among the Residents of Lower River Nyando Floodplains, Kisumu County, Kenya

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    Conflict management is the process of reducing the negative and destructive capacity of conflict through a number of measures and by working with and through the parties involved in that conflict. However, scholars have not addressed how latent conflicts can be managed by the parties involved without any feeling of grievance or betrayal among the conflicting groups. This study was set to examine mechanisms of conflict management over common pool resources among residents of lower river Nyando floodplains and to explore the appropriate means of managing conflicts. The recurrence of conflicts in the lower River Nyando floodplains despite the interventions by different actors called to attention the need to address these conflicts. It was therefore necessary to undertake a study highlighting conflicts over common pool resources among the residents of lower River Nyando floodplains with a view to finding solutions to the continuous loss of human lives, environmental degradation, and displacement of persons among other issues. Descriptive research design was adopted for the study, and purposive and stratified sampling techniques were used to select 138 respondents who were interviewed using interview schedules. Cronbach’s Alpha was used to test instrument’s reliability and a coefficient of 0.76 was obtained. Key actors in conflict management were found to be the government, nongovernmental organizations, elders, community based organizations and religious leaders while conflicts that were common in the area arose from the use of land, water, fishing, and exploitation of papyrus. Litigation, negotiation, and coercion were the main mechanisms of managing conflicts. It was concluded that negotiation was the most appropriate mechanism in resolving conflicts over common pool resources. This study is beneficial to the government in that it identifies key actors in conflict management hence appropriate mitigating mechanisms can be implemented to enhance gainful management of conflicts in common pool resource areas. Keywords: Conflict; Mechanism; Conflict Management; Common Pool Resource; Flood plains

    Understanding the concept of the responsibility to protect from the humanitarian military perspective

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    Submitted in partial realization of the requisites for a Bachelor's Degree in Law (LL.B) at Strathmore UniversityThe aim of the research is to seek to show the contribution the concept of R2P has brought about in the stoppage of magnitude acts of violence and the need to safeguard the rights of the human populations that are susceptible to human rights violations. This research postulates an overview of the concept of R2P elucidating the reason as to why the notion was devised, what are the core issues in which the notion of R2P seeks to tackle along with demarcating the principles of the conception. It also stipulates the evolution of the concept of R2P as of the ICISS Report of 2001 to its support at the UN World Summit in 2005 and in the UN Reports. Moreover, the study provides some background context on some of the prevailing theoretical foundations. The research looks into the current status of R2P as an international legal concept by looking further at case studies of some of its most recent applications or evocations in Kenya and Libya preceded by an examination of humanitarian intervention in Rwanda and Kosovo in 1999 before the concept bore fruition. Essentially, it marks out what the research has contributed to the international sphere. The research predominantly employed a comparative research methodology as depicted in chapter 3 centring on analysis of the concept of R2P, the rhetoric of distinguished scholars in the field of international law, the UN documents that are available on the internet, as well as other relevant articles. The research concluded that what the R2P is trying to achieve is not to provide a mechanism to intervene in humanitarian situations but rather intervention in those cases in which there is a failure of the State to protect against the four mass atrocity crimes irrespective of how that failure has arisen. The doctrine of R2P stresses that a given situation where the state does not or "fails to protect" the rights of the citizens of the state, the international community is entitled to intervene and afford protection on these populations by invoking the concept of R2P in carrying out a humanitarian intervention. The main recommendation is to establish a global consensus. This is key for the efficacy of the conception in practice. What's in store for this conception rests in achieving grander consensus


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    The identification of factors which are necessary for successful implementation of projects is of great importance to many institutions and organizations. The overall goal of this study was to examine the factors affecting implementation of the projects in the Kenya National Police Service. The specific objectives was; To establish the effect of project financing, project planning, government policies and feasibility study on implementation of housing projects in the Kenya National Police Service. The study adopted system theory, resource-dependence theory and normalization process theory. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The design facilitated the collection of information on factors affecting implementation of housing projects in the Kenya National Police Service. The target population for this study was 42 commissioned officers in Nakuru County Police Headquarters. Commissioned officers are involved in the study since they are directly involved in the implementation of Police Housing projects. Considering the target population is small, the researcher used census sampling technique where all 42 commissioned officers were considered for the study. A pilot-test was conducted in the neighboring Uasin Gishu County police Service Headquarters in Eldoret where four (4) questionnaires was randomly distributed to both commissioned and noncommissioned officers. Questionnaires were developed into structured questions. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages. Presentation of the results was done in form of tables, charts and graphs which facilitate clear interpretation of results which assisted in drawing of the conclusions and recommendations. From the findings the researcher concluded that late disbursement of funds delays the implementation of housing projects in the National Police Service Kenya. Bureaucracy in financial management negatively affects the implementation of housing projects in the National Police Service Kenya. The researcher further concluded that lack of planning leads to incorrect assumptions and poor project execution. From the findings the researcher recommended that government should enact and implement policies and procedures which create an environment that is conducive for the development of police housing project, this will remove barriers during the implementation of police housing project. The researcher recommended that there should be clear channels of communication which allow effective flow of information along the hierarch


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    The Kenya Government has implemented the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) since the year 2005 as its sole accounting system. The expected benefits envisaged from its effective use include; proper governance, improve fiscal transparency, reduced political discretion, deterrent to corruption and fraud and accountability of public funds. However, for now over twelve years of implementation, this system has still not been able to fully provide the expected benefits especially in the county governments. The main purpose of this study was to assess the determinants affecting the implementation of the IFMIS in the county governments of Kenya. The study specifically focused in establishing the extent to which change management, technological infrastructure, human capital development and top management commitment affects implementation of the IFMIS in the county governments of Kenya with a special focus in Nairobi City County. This study used descriptive research design. The study was conducted in Nairobi City County where it targeted 48 Nairobi county government employees who use IFMIS. The target respondents comprised of county executive accountants, county executive procurement officers, county executive accounting officers, county assembly accountants, county assembly procurement officers and county assembly clerks. Complete enumeration was used where all the target respondents were observed. Data was collected using a self administred questionnaire was analyzed using SPSS and the findings presented in tables and graphs. The findings established that change management process, technological infrastructure and top management commitment had affected the IFMIS implementation process moderately whereas human capital development had affected the IFMIS implementation process greatly. The findings further established that general rating of level of change management carried out, technological infrastructure capacity, human capital development carried out in the county and top management commitment towards the implementation process was generally low. The findings further established that the general rating the level of implementation of IFMIS System in the county was generally low. Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations were made. A comprehensive change management process should always be undertaken whenever a new innovation is adopted in any organization. Government and private institutions should ensure availability of the required up to date technological infrastructure to ensure smooth implementation of technological based innovations. Organizations should invest heavily in capacity building so as to ensure their employees are well equipped with the required skills in order to perform effectively. The top management should offer support and act as role models as this will motivate their employees to perform even better

    Factors Associated with the High Rates of Divorce among Sub-Saharan African Immigrants Living in the United States.

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    The purpose of this research was to examine factors associated with high divorce rates among immigrants from four African countries living in the US. A cross-sectional study design was used, adopting Berry’s framework. Preliminary results indicate 52% are female, 74% are Kenyans, 95% are married, and 11% are remarried

    Applicability of conservation agriculture for climate change adaptation in Rwanda’s situation

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    Improving food security and environmental conservation should be the main targets of innovative farming systems. Conservation agriculture (CA), based on minimum tillage, crop residue retention and crop rotations has been proposed against poor agricultural productivity and soil degradation. This paper discusses the applicability and potential benefits of CA in Rwanda under the unfolding climate change scenario. The potential and benefits from CA may vary with rainfall regime. In high rainfall areas (For example North and West of Rwanda), the soils are susceptible to soil erosion and face fertility decline while in low rainfall areas (For example East of Rwanda) crops fail due to sub-optimal water use efficiency. Furthermore, low organic carbon content lower fertilisers response and government targets of increasing production through Crop Intensification Program, is limited. It has been shown that CA can: Reduce soil loss from 35.5 to 14.5 t/ha/year, have 50-70% greater infiltration and increase 42% of organic carbon. Long term analysis using Agricultural Production System Simulator showed that CA can increase yield from 3.6 to 4.4t/ha in areas having >770 mm. Based on the evidence from regional research, CA has a good potential for climate change adaptation in both high and low rainfall areas of Rwanda. However, decreased yield observed in high rainfall areas, increased labour requirements when herbicides are not used and lack of mulch due to priority given to feeding of livestock constrained CA adoption. We conclude that there is a need for critical assessment under which ecological and socio economic conditions CA is suited for smallholder farming in Rwanda

    Adoption and utilisation of Zai pits for improved farm productivity in drier upper Eastern Kenya

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    Inadequate and poorly distributed rainfall and declining soil fertility have led to low crop productivity in most smallholder farms in sub-Saharan Africa. As a result, there has been a renewed quest for sustainable and resource-use efficient agricultural production practices. Zai pit technology is a practice that has the potential to alleviate water stress and enhance soil fertility. We assessed the factors that influence farmers' adoption and utilisation of Zai pits in Tharaka-Nithi County in upper Eastern Kenya. We interviewed 291 farm household heads. Descriptive statistical analysis and a logistic regression model were applied to evaluate socio-economic factors that affect the adoption of Zai pits by farmers. Binary logistic regression estimation revealed that the number of non-formal training, beneficiaries of nongovernmental organisations, wealth status and membership of a social group play an essential role in the adoption of Zai pits. Based on the findings, we recommend that farm characteristics and socio-economic characteristics of farmers should be considered in the promotion of Zai pits as a water harvesting technology. The results of the study will be useful to extension service providers in planning, designing and evaluating effective and efficient agricultural policies, programs and projects at local, regional and national scales in the dissemination of Zai pit technology among smallholder farmers in the semi-arid tropics

    Caught between Energy Demands and Food Needs: Dilemmas of Smallholder Farmers in Njoro, Kenya

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    Smallholders in rural Kenya, like their counterparts in tropical Africa currently face acute shortage of fuel wood for domestic use. There has been rapid population increase in the last few decades resulting in increased demand for food crops. This has led to the expansion of area under subsistence agriculture eating into indigenous forests, the traditional source of wood fuel. This situation has been compounded by the limited access to alternative sources of domestic energy in rural parts of Kenya. The recent upsurge in the cost of fossil-derived fuels as well as in hydro-generated electricity has left the smallholder farmer with wood as the sole source of fuel. This paper therefore examines the conflicting demands of domestic fuel needs and foods. Key research questions were: What are the household domestic energy demand and constraints? What is the household food demand and constraint among smallholders? How do the smallholders reconcile these competing basic needs? The paper reflects on the constraints of smallholders in their quest to fulfill their food and energy needs. The discussed model is a result based on discussions between the researchers and focus group discussions drawn from smallholder farmers. The primary data gathered from the discussions is augmented by secondary data to draw imperative implications on domestic energy use and food needs. The results indicate an average annual per capita wood fuel demand of 1.99 m3 and a deficit of 8.816 m3 per household. The deficit is usually catered for through purchase of wood fuel from the market, which has an implication on the pressure exerted on the forestry resources. This paper shows that households in Njoro have turned to desperate coping mechanisms and strategies such as use of maize straw, pruning and fallen twigs. The results of this study provide insights on how the dilemma may be resolved in a smallholder setup and suggest local policy options
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