11 research outputs found

    Forest policy and institutional dimensions of REDD+ in Cameroon

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    Kajian potensi ekstrak bilberi sebagai penunjuk pH untuk memantau kesegaran makanan secara kromametri

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    Penunjuk pH sebagai suatu pendekatan untuk memantau kualiti atau kesegaran makanan semasa telah mendapat perhatian industri pembungkusan makanan. Penggunaan sumber semula jadi pigmen tumbuhan terutamanya daripada buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran menjadi pilihan para pengguna untuk menggantikan pewarna sintetik dalam memastikan keselamatan makanan yang diambil setiap hari. Dalam kajian ini, ekstrak daripada bilberi telah digunakan sebagai pewarna sensitif pH. Perubahan warna sampel dikaji secara terperinci melalui kaedah kromametri dan juga kaedah spektrofotometri ultra-lembayung nampak. Warna merah terang terhasil dalam pH berasid, merah pudar pada neutral dan magenta ke kuning dalam pH beralkali. Keputusan kajian kromametri menunjukkan bahawa ekstrak bilberi berupaya mempamerkan perubahan warna yang jelas terhadap perubahan pH, iaitu terdapat perubahan nilai warna a* yang menyumbang kepada perubahan yang bererti dalam perbezaan warna keseluruhan (ΔE*). Nilai ΔE* juga ditentukan wujud hubungan linear dan kuantitatif terhadap julat pH tertentu. Oleh yang demikian, ekstrak bilberi didapati berpotensi sebagai bahan sensor untuk pH dalam membangunkan satu sensor pH bagi memantau kesegaran makanan terutamanya hasilan laut berbungkus memandangkan tahap kerosakan produk tersebut berkait rapat dengan perubahan pH ke arah alkali

    Analyse critique du processus de cogestion du Parc National de Kahuzi-Biega en RĂ©publique DĂ©mocratique du Congo

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    D'aucun considèrent la guerre comme la cause majeure de la destruction Parc National de Kahuzi-Biega (Est de la République Démocratique du Congo) et que l'échec de sa cogestion serait lié aux conséquences de celle-ci. Sans récuser cette hypothèse, le présent article démontre le caractère incomplet et trop simpliste d’un tel argument en remontant en surface la place des facteurs structurels, politiques, techniques, démographiques et conjoncturels dans l’échec de la cogestion dudit parc

    Implementing REDD+ : learning from forest conservation policy and social safeguards frameworks in Cameroon

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    In the past a wide spectrum of conservation strategies has been used to manage forests and recently a country-driven policy instrument known as REDD+ has been proposed as a new tool for forest protection. This paper reviews a set of Cameroon policy instruments alongside 86 relevant publications in the conservation area to feed the existing REDD+ debate. Two specific shortcomings are identified: (1) incoherence between existing forestry policy instruments with regard to community forest concept and REDD+ rules and (2) locally over-constraining approaches used in forest management which would provide guidelines and caution about the REDD+ implementation. These shortcomings, if not considered, may lead to ineffectiveness of emission reduction programs as well as to social disconnection at the local level. This means that effective implementation of REDD+ will require further policy actions mainly dealing with actors' consents within developed equitable instruments while setting up efficient conflict management systems

    Institutional dimensions of the developing REDD+ process in Cameroon

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    The reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) initiative has emerged in recent years as a mechanism to simultaneously address climate change, biodiversity, and poverty reduction challenges at the margins of tropical forests. Congo Basin countries, including Cameroon, have embraced the opportunities that REDD+ provides, with great expectations. Yet, it needs to be investigated whether the enabling institutional environment, which is required for implementing REDD+, is present. Understanding is still limited on how to build adequate and strong institutional relations that could shape the reforms towards the establishment of efficient emissions reductions schemes. Furthermore, uncertainty remains on the operational mechanisms of REDD+, suggesting that, to catalyse effectiveness, there is a need to come up with a governance model nested in relevant policy frameworks. This study builds on a modified '4Is' framework - Institutions, Interests, Ideas and Information - to analyse REDD+ and explore stakeholders' perceptions on the local forest governance potential. A structural implementation model to optimize the effectiveness of REDD+ is developed. Findings suggest that governments need to review existing policies to take into account participation, local people rights, and information access as a way to stimulate actors' willingness to contribute to emissions reductions and carbon stock increases under REDD+ regimes

    Processus d’évaluation des incidences de la gouvernance des ressources naturelles par la méthode « matrice d’influence » au Burundi et Sud Kivu.

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    Le développement résulte des changements de comportement des gens. La recherche constitue son levier catalyseur. Toutefois, la conceptualisation et la méthodologie d’action restent des défis au cours du processus de transformation de la vie des paysages et des paysans cibles. La question pourrait être donc: quelle est la meilleure approche pour évaluer les projets et les programmes de recherche en Afrique qui permettra de tirer les meilleures leçons apprises des processus interactifs de gouvernance déclenchés au sein des organisations porteuses d’initiatives? La présente étude utilise les outils de la cartographie des incidences « outcome mapping » pour développer les principes d’évaluation des processus de gouvernance multi-acteurs locale sur la base de discussions en focus group, d’interactions avec les experts ainsi que des observations effectuées de mai à juillet 2012 sur les hautes terres du Burundi et du Sud-Kivu en RD-Congo. La démarche a été réalisée dans six sites couvrant deux pays. Il ressort qu’elle permet de cerner les incidences sur la base de variables socio-environnementales ciblées et d’articulations contraignantes perceptibles au cours des initiatives de gouvernance collective des ressources naturelles. Cette démarche pourrait être applicable dans des contextes similaires de gouvernance des ressources naturelles (GRN) dans les tropiques.Development stands as a result of changes in the people’s behavior and research plays the role of development catalyst. However, the conceptualization and methodology of action remain a challenge in the process of transforming lives and landscapes in the target areas. Hence, the question is: what is the best approach to evaluate projects and research programs in Africa to get the best lessons from interactive governance processes triggered within implementing organizations? This study uses outcome mapping tools to develop principles for assessing local governance processes based on multi-stakeholder focus group discussions, interactions with experts, as well as field observations conducted from May to July 2012 in the highlands of Burundi and South Kivu in DR Congo. The process has been described and tested in six sites covering two countries. It appears that the developed methological principles could help identify clearly the impact based on selected socio-environmental variables and perceived farmers’ constraints within collective governance initiatives implemented on the ground in the domain of natural resources management. The designed approach could seemingly be applicable in similar NRM contexts across the tropics beyond the great lakes of Africa

    Modelling crop portfolios that minimize human macronutrient deficiency on subsistence farms in Burundi

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    In Burundi, many subsistence farmers employ mixed cropping systems in an attempt to provide food for their families in an environment with high risks, few safety nets and limited storage options. In this paper, we studied the crop portfolios that minimize energy and macronutrient deficiency. We accounted for yield variability, seasonality and storage availability. A mathematical programming approach was applied to four different farm types (based largely on farm size) to predict optimal mixes of crops for farmers to achieve the household year-round supply in calories, fats and proteins. The models predicted that farmers could best cover their household needs in terms of calories, fats and proteins by growing fewer crops in a more optimal combination. Bananas and cassava appear in the crop portfolios as sources of energy; growing beans add proteins to the diets and groundnuts and/or soybeans will supply the needed fats. Crop portfolios differ by farm type and change when yield variability and storage is accounted for. Some of the portfolios predicted by the models have a more diverse crop combination and include maize, rice and/or peas additional to the crops mentioned above. Results also highlighted the benefits of basic storage infrastructure in overcoming seasonal shortages. Nevertheless, even if they would choose to apply the proposed crop portfolios, farms with very small land size in Burundi will continue to struggle to supply sufficient food for the family. Further refinement for micronutrient supply, diet quality, food preferences and market purchases may change these findings

    Perspectives de gouvernance environnementale durable dans la région de Lwiro (Sud Kivu, République Démocratique du Congo)

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    Ce chapitre se focalise sur la compréhension d’un processus d’évaluation environnementale de la région de Lwiro recensée parmi les zones agricoles majeures de la province du Sud-Kivu en République Démocratique du Congo. Ce site (agroécosystème) est localisé entre le parc national de Kahuzi-Biega (écosystème forestier et aire protégée) et le lac Kivu (écosystème lacustre) et est dominé par une population rurale pauvre et dense. Cette étude vise ainsi à susciter un processus intégré de conservation communautaire des ressources naturelles existantes en lien avec le développement durable et axé sur une citoyenneté responsable pour la réduction de la pauvreté et de la faim. Il décrit d’une part les perceptions environnementales des populations rurales en proie avec la civilisation « moderne » et d’autre part montre les paramètres d’évaluation environnementale tels que la qualité des sols, de l’eau, les zoonoses, la gestion de la période de soudure et la pression humaine sur les ressources naturelles, la physionomie générale et le niveau de prise en charge communautaire du destin de l’environnement humain, l’état des initiatives locales pour la gestion de l’environnement, l’état des forêts. L’existence d’un comité de conservation communautaire semble être un moteur de réhabilitation ou de conservation environnementale.This chapter describes the environmental assessment process of Lwiro region identified among the major agricultural area of the province of South-Kivu. This site shows a larger agro-ecosystem complex and is located between Kahuzi-Biega national park (protected area) and Lake Kivu (aquatic ecosystem). It hosts a poor and dense rural population. This study aims to create an integrated community-based conservation approach with a look on poverty alleviation and food security. The chapter describes also the environmental perceptions of rural population in plagued with the "modern" civilization. Environmental assessment parameters are defined such as soil and water quality, occurrence of zoonoses, famine period characteristics and management, human pressures on natural resources, forest management… The existence of a community-based conservation committee seems to be a driving rehabilitation or environmental conservation