25 research outputs found
Pembuatan Pestisida Nabati Dari Daun Gamal, Daun Tembakau Dan Daun Sirsak Untuk Mengendalikan Hama Ulat Pada Tanaman Pisang
This research was conducted in Production Laboratory of Samarinda State Polytechnic of Agriculture. The research took 1 month for tool and material preparations, pesticide production, pesticide application, and data retrieval. There were three treatments i.e. P0 (without vegetable pesticide), P1 (vegetable pesticide made from the mixture of gamal leaf and tobacco leaf), and P2 (vegetable pesticide made out of soursop leaf. Each treatment was repeated five times. In the treatment, the leaves were soaked in the pesticide according to the prescription, the pesticide was then sprayed to the worm-infected-leaves in the jars before the jars were covered for seven days. This research aimed to know the how far the pesticide was effective in controlling the worm on banana leaves by observing the daily activity of the worm. Results show that P1 was the most effective pesticide since on day two after the application, it was visible that some worms have died
This study is motivated by how the work environment influences the performance of harvest employees with the limitation of problems in work environment activities that will affect the performance of harvest employees on oil palm plantations at PT. Dewata Sawit Nusantara. It should be understood that the expected performance of an employee is not easy because it is influenced by various compensation factors, motivation, work environment and many other factors. This study aims to determine whether the work environment influences the performance of harvest employees at PT. Dewata Sawit Nusantara. The data analysis method used was a simple linear regression statistical analysis and uses a hypothesis test to analyze the closeness of the relationship of individual variables, while testing the instrument using a validity and reliability test. Statistical test results showed that the relationship between work environment and employee performance was positive (unidirectional). Based on the results of hypothesis testing obtained a significant value of 5% then H1 was accepted or Ho was rejected. This means that the work environment influenced the performance of harvest employees at PT. Dewata Sawit Nusantara
Pembuatan Pestisida Nabati dari Daun Gamal, Daun Tembakau dan Daun Sirsak untuk Mengendalikan Hama Ulat pada Tanaman Pisang
This research was conducted in Production Laboratory of Samarinda State Polytechnic of Agriculture. The research took 1 month for tool and material preparations, pesticide production, pesticide application, and data retrieval. There were three treatments i.e. P0 (without vegetable pesticide), P1 (vegetable pesticide made from the mixture of gamal leaf and tobacco leaf), and P2 (vegetable pesticide made out of soursop leaf. Each treatment was repeated five times. In the treatment, the leaves were soaked in the pesticide according to the prescription, the pesticide was then sprayed to the worm-infected-leaves in the jars before the jars were covered for seven days. This research aimed to know the how far the pesticide was effective in controlling the worm on banana leaves by observing the daily activity of the worm. Results show that P1 was the most effective pesticide since on day two after the application, it was visible that some worms have died
Expert System for Tomato Plant Pest Diagnosis Using the Certainty Factor Method
This research is motivated by the failure of tomato harvest one of which is a pest attack for that program will be carried out to identify pest attacks so that crop failure can be avoided. This expert system will be implemented with the certainty factor method can provide accurate results obtained from calculations based on the weight of the symptoms chosen by the user, able to provide answers to problems that are not certain of truth such as problems diagnosing disease risk, and with this method, the expert illustrates the confidence of an expert with giving the weight of confidence in accordance with relevant expert knowledge. so that researchers increasingly believe that this expert system will be easily accessible and used by the community. From the explanation above for that, the writer makes a system, namely expert system for diagnosing oil palm plant diseases using the certainty factor method which is intended to assist the work of farmers in providing information and conclusions from pests suffered on oil palm plants.
Harvesting process is very important on determining the quality of CPO produced so that it can increase revenue or reciprocity toward company's development. This encourages researcher to analyze what factors influence the productivity of oil palm harvesters. This study used sample of 20 people. Sample was determined by using Non Probability Sampling technique with census method or saturated sample which used all the population as sample because the population was less than 30 people. The data were collected by questioner and interviewing the chosen respondents. Variables in this study were age (X1), education (X2), work tenure (X3), number of dependents (X4) and the dependent variable was employee's work productivity (Y). The Data ws analyzed by using multiple linear regression with effective contribution test and coefficient of determination test. The result showed that age and education factors had positive affect toward employee's work productivity. Beside of that, work tenure and number of dependents had negative effect on employee's work productivity and the most dominant contribution among the four factors was the number of dependents. In addition, the value of R square or the coefficient of determination showed that factors of age, education, years of service and the number of dependents together affected work productivity by 41.7% and the remaining 58.3% were influenced by other factors outside the study
This study aims to see the effectiveness of vegetable pesticides from soursop seeds and peppercorns in controlling caterpillar pests that attack palm oil crops. The research was conducted at Soil and Water Laboratory, and in Muara Badak oil palm plantation, the duration of 2 months research from 29 April to 29 June 2017, covering preparation of tools and materials, making and application of vegetable pesticide and data collection.This study used a complete randomized design, consisting of 3 treatment extracts namely control (K0), Soursop seed (K1), and pepper seed (K2), which was repeated 5 times.The results showed that the treatment of vegetable pesticide extract from seeds of soursop and pepper seeds did not give a real effect in controlling caterpillar pests
Pemanfaatan Rumput Sebagai Kompos Untuk Kesuburan Tanah Bekas Galian Batu Dengan Uji Tanaman Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.)
Research of exploiting of grass as compost for the fertility of soil of ex- stone dig with crop test of cocoa (Theobroma Cacao L.) discussed in this article. Target of this research is to know element content of hara at made compost, do the compost with quality and can repair fertility of soil of ex- stone dig with crop test of kakao. Compost made of chopped grass materials then enhanced with activator of EM4. Materials compost included into coarse bag then bound and its underside is given hole to conduct water. During process of compost, coarse bag put down above dry pallet and given wings of to avoid sunshine and rainwater. Process of compost during 14 day. Compost told to mature or become if black compost colour, aroma like ground aroma, crumb tekstur, normal temperature (equal to room temperature), and value of C/N ratio about 20 - 30. Result of research indicate that yielded compost with quality goodness, seen from result of chemical analysis show content of C/N compost 7,6, pH ( H2O) 6,86, pH ( KCl) 6,78 and element content of hara complete micro and macro. While soil of ex- stone dig given by treatment of compost also show result of good chemical analysis. Proven so that compost can repair fertility of soil of ex- stone dig. Crop parameter show different result of reality at all of high good parameter of crop, amount of leaf, bar diameter ( age 2, 4, 6, 8 week after moving to plant) and wide of leaf by the end of perception show treatment of stone dig soil with addition of compost (Kp) better than pure stone dig soil without treatment (K0)
The harvest system really determines the production of good fresh fruit bunches, in general the harvest system in the company uses 2 systems, namely the permanent and the sleigh design. This study aims to determine employee perceptions about the harvest system on oil palm plants. The analytical method used in this research was descriptive analysis to find out the level of knowledge of harvest employee at PT. Alam Jaya Persada. This research was conducted by using the Non Probability Sampling technique method chosen by sampling saturated (census), which is a sampling method when all members of the population are used as respondents. Based on the results of the study showed that the respondent's identity includes the gender of the harvest employees 100% are male, age between the ages of 31 to 40 years, the average education at the elementary level and the length of work at the harvest employee ranges from 1 to 9 years. Respondents' perceptions about the oil palm harvesting system, employees prefer and choose permanent design because the system is more practical and efficient and in accordance with the conditions of the plantation area