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    Penangkapan ikan yang destruktif (menggunakan bom dan racun) dan pengambilan karang un­tuk dijadikan fondasi rumah menjadi isu dalam pengelolaan pesisir di Desa Tumbak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) Mengetahui nilai manfaat langsung terumbu karang sebagai tempat penangkapan ikan oleh masyarakat di Desa Tumbak; (2) Mengetahui nilai manfaat langsung terumbu karang sebagai bahan ba­ngunan oleh masyarakat di Desa Tumbak; (3) Mengetahui total nilai pemanfaatan terumbu karang seba­gai tempat penangkapan ikan dan sebagai bahan bangunan oleh masyarakat di Desa Tumbak. Nilai man­faat langsung terumbu karang untuk fondasi rumah diperoleh Rp6.177.600 per tahun dan nilai manfaat langsung terumbu karang untuk penangkapan ikan karang Rp4.860.000.000. Total nilai manfaat langsung dari kedua pemanfaatan ini yaitu: Rp4.866.177.600. Total nilai ini belum termasuk pemanfaatan dalam bentuk lain terhadap ekosistem terumbu karang. Pemanfaatan terumbu karang sebagai bahan bangunan terutama disebabkan oleh faktor biaya yang murah dan jarak yang dekat dengan pemukiman. Praktik pe­manfaatan yang tidak berkelanjutan ini menyebabkan degradasi kondisi terumbu karang sehingga tutupan karang hidup berada dalam kategori rusak (sedang). Jika terjadi terus-menerus, hal ini dapat menghilang­kan fungsi ekologis sebagai peredam ombak dan fungsi ekonomis sebagai sumber pangan. Kata kunci: Tumbak; nilai manfaat langsung; terumbu karang; ekosistem   The issues of destructive fishing practices (using of bombs and poisons) and the use of corals as construction building materials have become issues in coastal management in Tumbak Village. The aims of this study are (1) to find out the value of the direct benefits of coral reefs as fishing ground to the com­munities in Tumbak village, (2) to find out the value of the direct benefits of coral reefs as building mate­rials to the communities in Tumbak village; (3) to find out the total value of the use of coral reefs as a fishing ground and as a construction materials for to the communities in Tumbak village. The value of direct benefit of the coral reef for building foundation was Rp 6,177,600 per year and the value of direct benefits for fishing was Rp 4,860,000,000. Total value of direct benefits from both of these uses was Rp 4,866,177,600. Total value did not include the use of other forms of coral reef ecosystems. In conclusi­ons, the use of coral reefs as a building materials were mainly due to the low cost and the proximity to residential areas. Such category unsustainable practice has led to the degradation of coral reefs down to damaged category (medium category). If this happened continuously, the ecological function as wave protectors and economic functions as a source of food could be eliminated. Keywords: Tumbak; direct benefit value; coral reefs; ecosystem


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    The long-term goal of this research is the management of vaname shrimp culture that is certified "Good Fish Cultivation" (GFC) based on environmentally friendly and sustainable technology so that its products can be accepted in domestic and foreign markets. The specific target is the implementation of phytoremediation technology in shrimp aquaculture at the Marine Field Station owned by FPIK UNSRAT which will be developed into the North Sulawesi Marine Education Center (NSMEC) area. The long-term goals and specific targets above will support the leading areas of maritime and maritime affairs in the Unsrat Research Master Plan. Analysis of water quality parameters and shrimp growth response using controlled-scale phytoremediation technology was carried out to see the remediation ability of Eucheuma denticulatum seaweed. Research method using phytoremediation technology application on white shrimp cultivation in the form of demonstration plots. The average growth in the plots provided with seaweed ranged from 8.3 g to 8.4 g. While the control that was not stocked with seaweed, the average weight growth was 6.6 g. This figure shows quite different values for different treatments. Water quality parameters such as DO, pH showed better water quality conditions in the plots spread with seaweed. This shows that Eucheuma denticulatum seaweed is capable of being a phytoremediator for the environment where the vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) is present. Seaweed Eucheuma denticulatum has the ability to absorb waste such as the faces of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Keywords: phytoremediation, seaweed, vaname shrimp, East Likupang


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    Marine debris is all material in the solids form that could not be found naturally (is a product of human activities) in the territorial waters (oceans, beaches) and could threat directly to the conditions and productivity of the territorial waters. Marine debris is defined by UNEP (2009) as solid material that is difficult to decompose, plant or processed results are discarded or left in marine and coastal environments. Marine debris consists of goods used by humans and deliberately disposed to the sea. Marine debris can be transported with ocean currents and winds from one place to another, even being able to travel long distances from the source. Common waste problems encountered in urban areas in Southeast Asian countries, as populations grew, followed by increased revenues potential garbage and various types of garbage produced. Marine debris classified as Meso and Macro trash with size > 5 mm to 1 m. Marine debris observation is carried out by modifying the method of coastline survey methods based on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (2013). There are some important things to be prepared before doing the observation that was stranded in coastal areas such as the selection of observation locations, materials needed for observation and time observation. Based on the results of the research of marine debris samples obtained at the research site there are 2 characteristics of marine debris namely of macro flakes collected in twelve transect as much as 341 grains, while meso-debris contains as many as 94 goods. Also the debris with a category of micro-debris as many as 46 items with a total of 481 items and total weight total 1433.38 gr/m2.Keywords: Marine debris, Tongkaina, Talawaan Bajo Sampah laut atau marine debris adalah semua material berbentuk padatan yang tidak dijumpai secara alami (merupakan produk kegiatan manusia) di wilayah perairan (lautan, pantai) dan dapat memberikan ancaman secara langsung terhadap kondisi dan produktivitas wilayah perairan. Sampah laut, didefiniskan oleh UNEP (2009) sebagai bahan padat yang sulit terurai, hasil pabrik atau olahan yang dibuang atau dibiarkan di lingkungan laut dan pesisir. Sampah lautan dapat ditransport oleh arus laut dan angin dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya, bahkan dapat menempuh jarak yang sangat jauh dari sumbernya. Permasalahan sampah umum dihadapi pada daerah perkotaan di negara Asia Tenggara, seiring meningkatnya jumlah penduduk, diikuti peningkatan pendapatan, sehingga mengakibatkan meningkatnya potensi timbulan sampah perkapita dan beragamnya jenis sampah yang dihasilkan (Nguyen & Schnitzer, 2009). Sampah laut ditelaah adalah yang tergolong sampah meso dan makro dengan ukuran > 5 mm sampai 1 m. Pengamatan sampah dilakukan dengan modifikasi metode shoreline survey methodology berdasarkan National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA (2013). Ada beberapa hal yang penting untuk disiapkan sebelum melakukan pengamatan sampah yang terdampar di daerah pantai seperti pemilihan lokasi pengamatan, bahan yang di perlukan untuk pengamatan dan waktu pengamatan. Berdasarkan Hasil Penelitian sampel sampah laut yang diperoleh di lokasi penelitian terdapat 2 karakteristik sampah laut yaitu makro-debris yang dikumpulkan pada dua belas transek sebanyak 341 item, sedangkan meso-debris terdapat sebanyak 94 item, serta ditemukan juga sampah dengan kategori mikro-debris sebanyak 46 item dengan total keseluruhan 481 item dan berat total keseluruhan 1433,38 gr/m2. Kata Kunci: Sampah laut, Tongkaina, Talawaan Baj