20 research outputs found

    Random-Energy Secret Sharing via Extreme Synergy

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    The random-energy model (REM), a solvable spin-glass model, has impacted an incredibly diverse set of problems, from protein folding to combinatorial optimization to many-body localization. Here, we explore a new connection to secret sharing. We formulate a secret-sharing scheme, based on the REM, and analyze its information-theoretic properties. Our analyses reveal that the correlations between subsystems of the REM are highly synergistic and form the basis for secure secret-sharing schemes. We derive the ranges of temperatures and secret lengths over which the REM satisfies the requirement of secure secret sharing. We show further that a special point in the phase diagram exists at which the REM-based scheme is optimal in its information encoding. Our analytical results for the thermodynamic limit are in good qualitative agreement with numerical simulations of finite systems, for which the strict security requirement is replaced by a tradeoff between secrecy and recoverability. Our work offers a further example of information theory as a unifying concept, connecting problems in statistical physics to those in computation.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Generalized Information Bottleneck for Gaussian Variables

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    The information bottleneck (IB) method offers an attractive framework for understanding representation learning, however its applications are often limited by its computational intractability. Analytical characterization of the IB method is not only of practical interest, but it can also lead to new insights into learning phenomena. Here we consider a generalized IB problem, in which the mutual information in the original IB method is replaced by correlation measures based on Renyi and Jeffreys divergences. We derive an exact analytical IB solution for the case of Gaussian correlated variables. Our analysis reveals a series of structural transitions, similar to those previously observed in the original IB case. We find further that although solving the original, Renyi and Jeffreys IB problems yields different representations in general, the structural transitions occur at the same critical tradeoff parameters, and the Renyi and Jeffreys IB solutions perform well under the original IB objective. Our results suggest that formulating the IB method with alternative correlation measures could offer a strategy for obtaining an approximate solution to the original IB problem.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Extrinsic vs Intrinsic Criticality in Systems with Many Components

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    Biological systems with many components often exhibit seemingly critical behaviors, characterized by atypically large correlated fluctuations. Yet the underlying causes remain unclear. Here we define and examine two types of criticality. Intrinsic criticality arises from interactions within the system which are fine-tuned to a critical point. Extrinsic criticality, in contrast, emerges without fine tuning when observable degrees of freedom are coupled to unobserved fluctuating variables. We unify both types of criticality using the language of learning and information theory. We show that critical correlations, intrinsic or extrinsic, lead to diverging mutual information between two halves of the system, and are a feature of learning problems, in which the unobserved fluctuations are inferred from the observable degrees of freedom. We argue that extrinsic criticality is equivalent to standard inference, whereas intrinsic criticality describes fractional learning, in which the amount to be learned depends on the system size. We show further that both types of criticality are on the same continuum, connected by a smooth crossover. In addition, we investigate the observability of Zipf's law, a power-law rank-frequency distribution often used as an empirical signature of criticality. We find that Zipf's law is a robust feature of extrinsic criticality but can be nontrivial to observe for some intrinsically critical systems, including critical mean-field models. We further demonstrate that models with global dynamics, such as oscillatory models, can produce observable Zipf's law without relying on either external fluctuations or fine tuning. Our findings suggest that while possible in theory, fine tuning is not the only, nor the most likely, explanation for the apparent ubiquity of criticality in biological systems with many components.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Energy consumption and cooperation for optimal sensing

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    The reliable detection of environmental molecules in the presence of noise is an important cellular function, yet the underlying computational mechanisms are not well understood. We introduce a model of two interacting sensors which allows for the principled exploration of signal statistics, cooperation strategies and the role of energy consumption in optimal sensing, quantified through the mutual information between the signal and the sensors. Here we report that in general the optimal sensing strategy depends both on the noise level and the statistics of the signals. For joint, correlated signals, energy consuming (nonequilibrium), asymmetric couplings result in maximum information gain in the low-noise, high-signal-correlation limit. Surprisingly we also find that energy consumption is not always required for optimal sensing. We generalise our model to incorporate time integration of the sensor state by a population of readout molecules, and demonstrate that sensor interaction and energy consumption remain important for optimal sensing.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, Forthcoming in Nature Communication

    Exploiting ecology in drug pulse sequences in favour of population reduction

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    A deterministic population dynamics model involving birth and death for a two-species system, comprising a wild-type and more resistant species competing via logistic growth, is subjected to two distinct stress environments designed to mimic those that would typically be induced by temporal variation in the concentration of a drug (antibiotic or chemotherapeutic) as it permeates through the population and is progressively degraded. Different treatment regimes, involving single or periodical doses, are evaluated in terms of the minimal population size (a measure of the extinction probability), and the population composition (a measure of the selection pressure for resistance or tolerance during the treatment). We show that there exist timescales over which the low-stress regime is as effective as the high-stress regime, due to the competition between the two species. For multiple periodic treatments, competition can ensure that the minimal population size is attained during the first pulse when the high-stress regime is short, which implies that a single short pulse can be more effective than a more protracted regime. Our results suggest that when the duration of the high-stress environment is restricted, a treatment with one or multiple shorter pulses can produce better outcomes than a single long treatment. If ecological competition is to be exploited for treatments, it is crucial to determine these timescales, and estimate for the minimal population threshold that suffices for extinction. These parameters can be quantified by experiment

    Repulsive polarons in two-dimensional Fermi gases

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    We consider a single spin-down impurity atom interacting via an attractive, short-range potential with a spin-up Fermi sea in two dimensions (2D). Similarly to 3D, we show how the impurity can form a metastable state (the "repulsive polaron") with energy greater than that of the non-interacting impurity. Moreover, we find that the repulsive polaron can acquire a finite momentum for sufficiently weak attractive interactions. Even though the energy of the repulsive polaron can become sizeable, we argue that saturated ferromagnetism is unfavorable in 2D because of the polaron's finite lifetime and small quasiparticle weight.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure