34,702 research outputs found

    Gravitational Theory with a Dynamical Time

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    A gravitational theory involving a vector field χμ\chi^{\mu}, whose zero component has the properties of a dynamical time, is studied. The variation of the action with respect to χμ\chi^{\mu} gives the covariant conservation of an energy momentum tensor T(χ)μν T^{\mu \nu}_{(\chi)}. Studying the theory in a background which has killing vectors and killing tensors we find appropriate shift symmetries of the field χμ\chi^{\mu} which lead to conservation laws. The energy momentum that is the source of gravity T(G)μν T^{\mu \nu}_{(G)} is different but related to T(χ)μν T^{\mu \nu}_{(\chi)} and the covariant conservation of T(G)μν T^{\mu \nu}_{(G)} determines in general the vector field χμ\chi^{\mu}. When T(χ)μν T^{\mu \nu}_{(\chi)} is chosen to be proportional to the metric, the theory coincides with the Two Measures Theory, which has been studied before in relation to the Cosmological Constant Problem. When the matter model consists of point particles, or strings, the form of T(G)μν T^{\mu \nu}_{(G)}, solutions for χμ\chi^{\mu} are found. For the case of a string gas cosmology, we find that the Milne Universe can be a solution, where the gas of strings does not curve the spacetime since although T(χ)μν0 T^{\mu \nu}_{(\chi)} \neq 0, T(G)μν=0 T^{\mu \nu}_{(G)}= 0, as a model for the early universe, this solution is also free of the horizon problem. There may be also an application to the "time problem" of quantum cosmology.Comment: 21 pages, discussions extended, some more explicit proofs included, more references include

    Phase diagrams of XXZ model on depleted square lattice

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    Using quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations and a mean field (MF) theory, we investigate the spin-1/2 XXZ model with nearest neighbor interactions on a periodic depleted square lattice. In particular, we present results for 1/4 depleted lattice in an applied magnetic field and investigate the effect of depletion on the ground state. The ground state phase diagram is found to include an antiferromagnetic (AF) phase of magnetization mz=±1/6m_{z}=\pm 1/6 and an in-plane ferromagnetic (FM) phase with finite spin stiffness. The agreement between the QMC simulations and the mean field theory based on resonating trimers suggests the AF phase and in-plane FM phase can be interpreted as a Mott insulator and superfluid of trimer states respectively. While the thermal transitions of the in-plane FM phase are well described by the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition, the quantum phase transition from the AF phase to in-plane FM phase undergo a direct second order insulator-superfluid transition upon increasing magnetic field.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures. Revised version, accepted by PRB

    Selected topics in Planck-scale physics

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    We review a few topics in Planck-scale physics, with emphasis on possible manifestations in relatively low energy. The selected topics include quantum fluctuations of spacetime, their cumulative effects, uncertainties in energy-momentum measurements, and low energy quantum-gravity phenomenology. The focus is on quantum-gravity-induced uncertainties in some observable quantities. We consider four possible ways to probe Planck-scale physics experimentally: 1. looking for energy-dependent spreads in the arrival time of photons of the same energy from GRBs; 2. examining spacetime fluctuation-induced phase incoherence of light from extragalactic sources; 3. detecting spacetime foam with laser-based interferometry techniques; 4. understanding the threshold anomalies in high energy cosmic ray and gamma ray events. Some other experiments are briefly discussed. We show how some physics behind black holes, simple clocks, simple computers, and the holographic principle is related to Planck-scale physics. We also discuss a formulation of the Dirac equation as a difference equation on a discrete Planck-scale spacetime lattice, and a possible interplay between Planck-scale and Hubble-scale physics encoded in the cosmological constant (dark energy).Comment: 31 pages, 1 figure; minor changes; to appear in Mod. Phys. Lett. A as a Brief Revie

    Probing the Galaxy I. The galactic structure towards the galactic pole

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    Observations of (B-V) colour distributions towards the galactic poles are compared with those obtained from synthetic colour-magnitude diagrams to determine the major constituents in the disc and spheroid. The disc is described with four stellar sub-populations: the young, intermediate, old, and thick disc populations, which have respectively scale heights of 100 pc, 250 pc, 0.5 kpc, and 1.0 kpc. The spheroid is described with stellar contributions from the bulge and halo. The bulge is not well constrained with the data analyzed in this study. A non-flattened power-law describes the observed distributions at fainter magnitudes better than a deprojected R^{1/4}-law. Details about the age, metallicity, and normalizations are listed in Table 1. The star counts and the colour distributions from the stars in the intermediate fields towards the galactic anti-centre are well described with the stellar populations mentioned above. Arguments are given that the actual solar offset is about 15 pc north from the galactic plane.Comment: 11 pages TeX, 4 separate pages with additional figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Testing Cluster Structure of Graphs

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    We study the problem of recognizing the cluster structure of a graph in the framework of property testing in the bounded degree model. Given a parameter ε\varepsilon, a dd-bounded degree graph is defined to be (k,ϕ)(k, \phi)-clusterable, if it can be partitioned into no more than kk parts, such that the (inner) conductance of the induced subgraph on each part is at least ϕ\phi and the (outer) conductance of each part is at most cd,kε4ϕ2c_{d,k}\varepsilon^4\phi^2, where cd,kc_{d,k} depends only on d,kd,k. Our main result is a sublinear algorithm with the running time O~(npoly(ϕ,k,1/ε))\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{n}\cdot\mathrm{poly}(\phi,k,1/\varepsilon)) that takes as input a graph with maximum degree bounded by dd, parameters kk, ϕ\phi, ε\varepsilon, and with probability at least 23\frac23, accepts the graph if it is (k,ϕ)(k,\phi)-clusterable and rejects the graph if it is ε\varepsilon-far from (k,ϕ)(k, \phi^*)-clusterable for ϕ=cd,kϕ2ε4logn\phi^* = c'_{d,k}\frac{\phi^2 \varepsilon^4}{\log n}, where cd,kc'_{d,k} depends only on d,kd,k. By the lower bound of Ω(n)\Omega(\sqrt{n}) on the number of queries needed for testing graph expansion, which corresponds to k=1k=1 in our problem, our algorithm is asymptotically optimal up to polylogarithmic factors.Comment: Full version of STOC 201

    Macroeconomics modelling on UK GDP growth by neural computing

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    This paper presents multilayer neural networks used in UK gross domestic product estimation. These networks are trained by backpropagation and genetic algorithm based methods. Different from backpropagation guided by gradients of the performance, the genetic algorithm directly evaluates the performance of multiple sets of neural networks in parallel and then uses the analysed results to breed new networks that tend to be better suited to the problems in hand. It is shown that this guided evolution leads to globally optimal networks and more accurate results, with less adjustment of the algorithm needed

    The fluctuation spectra around a Gaussian classical solution of a tensor model and the general relativity

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    Tensor models can be interpreted as theory of dynamical fuzzy spaces. In this paper, I study numerically the fluctuation spectra around a Gaussian classical solution of a tensor model, which represents a fuzzy flat space in arbitrary dimensions. It is found that the momentum distribution of the low-lying low-momentum spectra is in agreement with that of the metric tensor modulo the general coordinate transformation in the general relativity at least in the dimensions studied numerically, i.e. one to four dimensions. This result suggests that the effective field theory around the solution is described in a similar manner as the general relativity.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figure