2,513 research outputs found

    Competency level of technological pedagogical contents knowledge (TPCK) framework amongst graduate teachers

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    This article propose a framework for educational technology based on Shulman’s formulation of ‘‘pedagogical content knowledge’’ and extend it to the integration of technology into it. It attempts to capture some of the essential qualities of teacher knowledge required for technology integration in teaching. Briefly, that thoughtful pedagogical uses of technology require the development of a complex, situated form of knowledge that we call Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK). The TPCK framework has much to offer to discussions of technology integration at multiple levels: theoretical, pedagogical, and methodological as well as the complex roles of, and interplay among, three main components of learning environments: content, pedagogy, and technology

    A study of the variable /sh/ in Singapore Mandarin

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    Biological Aspects And The Development Of Larvae And Juvenile Of The Angelwing Clam Pholas Orientalis (Gmelin, 1791)

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    Di dalam persekitaran semulajadi di Kuala Kedah, taburan kuantitatif Pholas orientalis telah ditentukan dengan menggunakan kuadrat bersaiz 1m2. In the natural bed of Kuala Kedah, the quantitative distribution of Pholas orientalis was estimated (from July 2006 till July 2007) using quadrate of 1m2

    I-Personal Financial Organizer (I-Pfo): A Cyber Security Framework For I-Pfo.

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    Disertasi ini merupakan satu usaha perancangan perniagaan oleh AiLiving bagi memasarkan I-PFO (I-Personal Financial Organizer); yakni satu penggunaan integrasi web untuk perbankan peribadi secara atas talian yang membolehkan pengguna menguruskan beberapa tanggungan kewangan dalam satu laman web. This dissertation is a business plan by AiLiving to market I-PFO (I-Personal Financial Organizer); an integrated web application for personalized online banking, allows users to manage multiple financial commitments in a single website

    Cultural Perspectives on Ingroups versus Outgroups and Shame Experiences

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    The concept of self varies across cultures: in some cultures, individuals tend to see themselves as interdependent on others, and clear distinction is made between in-groups and out-groups because in-group members are seen as part of the “BIG SELF”. In other cultures individuals see themselves as independent and autonomous and have a less salient boundary between in-groups and out-groups. Little empirical work has been done on how such different cultural perspectives on in-groups, versus out-groups, shape emotional experiences. Although emotions are always internally experienced, these experiences often involve interpersonal and social interactions, and therefore how we think of ourselves in relation to others might influence our emotional reactions to interpersonal problems. The current study examines how such cultural differences based on the ‘in-groups versus out-groups’ distinction influences the attribution of shame experiences between Mainland Chinese and Americans. We examined self-reported descriptions and ratings of shame experiences. Results showed that Mainland Chinese and Americans differ in their attribution of shame antecedents: Mainland Chinese are less inclined to attribute the shame antecedents to close others, and they are more reluctant to ascribe negative traits/qualities to close others; no such bias towards in-groups is seen among Americans in the ascription of disagreeable acts or traits. The methodological implications of the current research are also discussed

    Maximum Likelihood Performance of Mean Time to Failure for Right-Censored Data

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    In this paper failure times following Weibull, exponential and log-normal distribution are considered. The parameters of these distributions are estimated by the maximum likelihood method and these values are used to estimate other quantity of interest such as Mean Time to Failure (MTTF), an important function in a reliability analysis. This study is to look at the performance of maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) under various conditions by considering varying sample size and percentage of censored data. The performance is quantified from the study

    Moral Judgement in Early Bilinguals: Language Dominance Influences Responses to Moral Dilemmas

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    The Foreign-Language effect (FLe) on morality describes how late bilinguals make different decisions on moral judgements, when presented in either their native or foreign language. However the relevance of this phenomenon to early bilinguals, where a language's “nativeness” is less distinct, is unknown. This study aims to verify the effect of early bilinguals' languages on their moral decisions and examine how language experience may influence these decisions. Eighty-six early English-Chinese bilinguals were asked to perform a moral dilemmas task consisting of personal and impersonal dilemmas, in either English or Mandarin Chinese. Information on language experience factors were also collected from the participants. Findings suggest that early bilinguals do show evidence of a language effect on their moral decisions, which is dependent on how dominant they are in the language. Particularly, the more dominant participants were in their tested language, the larger the difference between their personal and impersonal dilemma response choice. In light of these findings, the study discusses the need to re-examine how we conceptualize the FLe phenomenon and its implications on bilinguals' moral judgement. It also addresses the importance of treating bilingualism as multidimensional, rather than a unitary variable

    Kesan Faktor Jantina, Etnik Dan Gaya Kognitif Ke Atas Pencapaian Pengajian Am (The Effect Of Gender Ethnicity And Cognitive Styles On Achievement In General Paper)

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    Penyelidikan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kesan jantina, etnik dan gaya kognitif ke atas pencapaian Pengajian Am dalam kalangan pelajar tingkatan enam. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 152 orang pelajar tingkatan enam atas (60 lelaki dan 92 perempuan) yang diambil dari sebuah sekolah terpilih di daerah Larut Matang dan Selama, Perak. Sampel ini merangkumi pelajar yang berbangsa Melayu, Cina dan India. Ujian GEFT (Group Embedded Figures Test) telah digunakan untuk mengukur gaya kognitif pelajar manakala pencapaian mereka dalam mata pelajaran Pengajian Am pula diukur dengan peperiksaan Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) tahun 2006. Dapatan analisis ujian-t menunjukkan bahawa pelajar perempuan mempunyai pencapaian Pengajian Am yang lebih baik secara signifikan berbanding dengan pelajar lelaki (t = 3.53, p < 0.05). Dari segi etnik pula, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) menunjukkan bahawa terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan dari segi pencapaian mengikut etnik. Namun, analisis post-hoc membuktikan bahawa perbezaan yang signifikan hanya wujud antara pelajar Melayu dan Cina sahaja. Hubungan antara gaya kognitif dengan pencapaian Pengajian Am telah diuji melalui analisis korelasi Pearson. Kedua-dua variabel ini didapati mempunyai hubungan yang positif dan signifikan (r = 0.15, p < 0.05). Keputusan ANOVA dua hala seterusnya menunjukkan bahawa gaya kognitif tidak mempunyai kesan interaksi yang signifikan dengan faktor jantina [F(1, 148) = 3.63, p > 0.05, eta squared 0.02] mahupun faktor etnik [F(2, 146) = 0.86, p > 0.05, eta squared = 0.01]. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa pelajar perempuan mempunyai pencapaian yang lebih baik berbanding dengan lelaki. Perbezaan pencapaian ini mungkin berpunca daripada faktor-faktor lain kerana ia bukan disebabkan oleh perbezaan gaya kognitif mereka. Secara ringkasnya, kajian ini menyumbang dari segi penyelidikan kerana ia membekalkan data empirikal tentang psikologi dan pencapaian pelajar dalam mata pelajaran Pengajian Am yang jarang dikaji oleh pengkaji tempatan. Selain daripada itu, maklumat kajian ini juga berguna untuk para pendidik dan kaunselor sekolah dalam mengatur strategi untuk meningkatkan pencapaian pelajar dalam Pengajian Am, sebuah mata pelajaran yang wajib di peringkat tingkatan enam

    Helicobacter pylori infection in paediatric patients with dyspeptic symptoms

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