30 research outputs found

    Effects of various penetration enhancers on percutaneous absorption of piroxicam from emulgels

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    A suitable emulgel formulation of piroxicam was prepared and its percutaneous permeation was investigated using Wistar rat skin and diffusion cell technique. The concentrations of the drug in receptor phase of diffusion cells were measured using HPLC method. The effect of three types of penetration enhancers (Myrj 52, cineol and Transcutol P) with different concentrations on transdermal permeation of the drug was also evaluated. Flux, Kp and enhancement ratios (ERs) of piroxicam in the presence of enhancers was measured and compared with emulgel base alone and simple commercial gel. The results showed a significant enhancement in the flux from emulgel base compared to hydroalcoholic gel formulation (9.91 folds over simple gel). The highest enhancement ratio (ER=3.11) was observed for Myrj 52 at the concentration of 0.25%. Higher concentrations of Myrj 52did not show any enhancement in the drug flux due to micelle formation and solubilization of the drug by micelles. The increase in solubility, in turn, increases the saturated concentration and reduces the thermodynamic activity of the drug. TranscutolÂź P with concentrations higher than 0.25% w/w showed burst transportation of the drug through the skin. All concentrations of cineol and Transcutol did not show any enhancing effects over emulgel base alone (ER <1)

    Iranome: A catalogue of genomic variations in the Iranian population

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    Considering the application of human genome variation databases in precision medicine, population-specific genome projects are continuously being developed. However, the Middle Eastern population is underrepresented in current databases. Accordingly, we established Iranome database (www.iranome.com) by performing whole exome sequencing on 800 individuals from eight major Iranian ethnic groups representing the second largest population of Middle East. We identified 1,575,702 variants of which 308,311 were novel (19.6%). Also, by presenting higher frequency for 37,384 novel or known rare variants, Iranome database can improve the power of molecular diagnosis. Moreover, attainable clinical information makes this database a good resource for classifying pathogenicity of rare variants. Principal components analysis indicated that, apart from Iranian-Baluchs, Iranian-Turkmen, and Iranian-Persian Gulf Islanders, who form their own clusters, rest of the population were genetically linked, forming a super-population. Furthermore, only 0.6% of novel variants showed counterparts in "Greater Middle East Variome Project", emphasizing the value of Iranome at national level by releasing a comprehensive catalog of Iranian genomic variations and also filling another gap in the catalog of human genome variations at international level. We introduce Iranome as a resource which may also be applicable in other countries located in neighboring regions historically called Greater Iran (Persia)

    Dataset underlying the publication: Interleukin 7 receptor T244I polymorphism and the multiple sclerosis susceptibility: a meta-analysis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is recognized as the most prevalent chronic inflammatory neurological disorder diagnosed in young adults. Recent evidence suggests that the T244I polymorphism of the IL7Rα gene (rs6897932) May influence MS susceptibility; however, individual studies have provided conflicting and controversial results. Therefore, this meta-analysis was conducted to assess the association between the IL7R T244I polymorphism and the risk of MS

    The Effect of Strontium on Growth and Development of Arrested Two-Cell NMRI Mouse Embryos

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    Introduction: Decrease in the rate of the growth and development embryos and their arrest in a certain developmental step e.g. two- Celll block, could be the reason of infertility in some couples reffering to fertility and infertility center. The aim of this study is the evaluation of the effect of strontium on growth and development of two-Celll arrested NMRI mouse embryos. Methods: Following superovulation, female mice were coupled with males and mice with positive vaginal plaque were killed 48 hours after HCG injection by cervical dislocation. Subsequently, two-Celll embryos were collected in RPMI(Roswell Park Memorial Institute) and were divided into 3 groups. The 1st group (control) were washed and incubated without any exposure in order to be cultured in M16 medium. The 2nd and 3rd groups were exposed to 4°C temperature for 24 hours. The 2nd group was incubated immediately, while the 3rd group was exposed to 10 mM strontium for 5 minutes before incubation. Results: The data analysis by one-way Anova showed that exposure to 4°C temperature caused a significant increase in degenerated embryos and a significant difference between groups(P=0.006). Our results showed that the mean percent of blastocyst formation(33.4%) and cleavage rate(45.2%) was decreased in 2nd group in comparison to 1st group(%77.7 versus 90.9%). Use of strontium in 3rd group didn’t have any effect on the cleavage rate(45.2% versus 45.5% in 3rd and 2nd groups, respectively), while the blastocyst formation rate was significantly increased in 3rd group(61%) comparing 2nd group(P=0.019). Conclusion: Developmental rate of arrested two-Celll mice embryos was significantly increased by strontium

    Apelin-13 prevents hippocampal synaptic plasticity impairment in Parkinsonism rats

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    The hippocampus is involved in learning and memory for novel information and implicated within the cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson's disease. Long-term potentiation (LTP), the most type of synaptic plasticity, is the base of learning and memory. We evaluated the consequences of apelin-13 on early long-term potentiation (E-LTP) in the Cornu Ammonis (CA1) area of the hippocampus and synaptic hippocampal protein expression of postsynaptic density protein 95 (PSD-95) and dopaminergic receptor (DR1) of the rat model of Parkinsonism. 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) was infused within the right substantia nigra. Intra-nigral transfusion of apelin-13 (1, 2, and 3 ĂŽÂŒg/rat) was performed one week after the 6-OHDA injection. Using hematoxylin and eosin staining, the pathological changes in the substantia nigra neurons were examined. In Vivo field excitatory postsynaptic potentials were recorded in the CA1 region one month after the apelin injection. The PSD-95 and DR1 protein levels were assessed by western blotting. The mRNA expression level of DR1 was also measured by real-time PCR. 6-OHDA meaningfully disrupted short-term memory and LTP, and altered the expression levels of the above-mentioned proteins in the hippocampus. The results suggest that apelin-13 (especially at 3 ĂŽÂŒg/rat) significantly ameliorates the E-LTP impairment and attenuates the changes in hippocampal synaptic proteins in 6-OHDA-treated rats. © 202

    Comparison of the natural polymer of Plantago psyllium as tablet binder and disintegrant with other common pharmaceutical excipients

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    Objectives: Plantago psyllium is one of the native plants in Iran and produces a kind of polymer which is non toxic and possesses no side effects for patients. Taking safety into account and high amount of the polymer produced by the plant are the most important issues that need to be addressed. In this investigation, a comparative evaluation of the polymer extracted from Plantago psyllium as tablet disintegrant and binder was made with corn starch, Ac-Disol and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) in formulation of acetaminophen tablet. Methods: In this investigation the disintegration and binding properties of the polymer is compared with common pharmaceutical excipients at presence of lactose as water soluble filler or dicalcium phosphate (DCP) as insoluble filler. The best tabletting pressure of the formulation containing lactose or DCP as fillers and the polymer or starch or PVP as binder were studied. Results: The results demonstrated the best pressure with the least release time and the suitable hardness was about 100 bar. The best percentage of the polymer was achieved by formulating varied amount of it. The appropriate amount of the polymer was 5 %. Conclusion: In conclusion The natural polymer extracted from Plantago psyllium was comparable with corn starch from release time and tablet hardness points of view and even in some cases was better than starch