3 research outputs found

    Seniority-based entitlements : extent, policy debates and research

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    Aquesta publicació s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadascú dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eufound Correspondent. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribució ha estat realitzada per l'Oscar MolinaSeniority systems - schemes that allot improving employment rights or benefits to employees as their length of employment increases - have not been widely studied. This report provides the first comprehensive study comparing the design and spread of seniority-based entitlements (SBEs) in Europe and mapping related policy debates. It is primarily based on contributions from the Network of Eurofound Correspondents, covering the 28 EU Member States and Norway, but also presents aggregate seniority-earnings curves for the EU based on data from the Structure of Earnings Survey. The aim of the report is to take stock of the currently existing different types of SBEs in the private and public sectors. It concludes that despite an obvious trend to remove them from regulations or reform them, a substantial amount of such entitlements is here to stay. Paradoxically, countries which have regulations on seniority pay in place tend to have flatter aggregate seniority-earnings curves than countries without such regulations


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    Реалностите в Европейския съюз подсказват за необходимостта от разглеждането на различни варианти за бъдещото развитие на европейската интеграция. Участието на Р България в единния пазар я прави част от едно много по-голямо пространство, което пряко влияе върху икономическите процеси в страната. Поради тази причина следва да бъде отчетено влиянието на възможните варианти за развитие на ЕС и тяхното отражение върху развитието на българската икономика. Целта на изследването е да се разработят възможни сценарии за бъдещото развитие на европейската интеграция. Поставените задачи са да се анализира географската насоченост на външнотърговските връзки на ЕС; да се направи анализ на входящите преки чуждестранни инвестиции в Р България и значението им за икономиката на страната в контекста на европейските интеграционни процеси; да се анализират тенденциите в европейските интеграционни процеси и тяхното отражение върху българската икономика. Защитава се тезата, че възможните сценарии за развитие на европейската интеграция следва да бъдат отчитани от националната интеграционна политика. Разработени са положителен, реалистичен и негативен сценарии за развитие на европейската интеграция и са отразени потенциалните им ефекти върху икономиката на Р България. В хода на изследването са използвани графичният и табличният метод, АВС-анализ, SWOT-анализ. The reality in the European Union makes it necessary to consider various scenarios for the future development of the European integration. The inclusion of the Republic of Bulgaria in the single market makes our country a part of a much larger space, which directly affects the economic processes in the country. Therefore, we need to consider the impact of the possible scenarios for the development of the EU and their effects on the development of the Bulgarian economy. The study aims to develop possible scenarios for the future development of the European integration. The formulated tasks are to analyse the geographical orientation of the EU’s foreign trade relations; to analyse the foreign direct investments in the Republic of Bulgaria and their implications for the economy of the country in the context of the European integration processes; to analyse the trends in the European integration processes and their impact on the Bulgarian economy. It supports the idea that the possible scenarios for the development of the European integration are to be reflected in the national integration policy. The study presents a positive, a realistic and a negative scenarios for the European integration and reflects their potential effects on the economy of the Republic of Bulgaria. The study employs graphical and tabular methods, ABC-analysis, SWOTanalysis

    COVID-19 and older people : impact on their lives, support and care

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    Per part del QUIT com a corresponsal d'Eurofound, la contribució a l'informe ha estat feta per l'Alejandro Godino.This report captures the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the quality of life of older citizens, including the impact on their well-being, finances, employment and social inclusion. It explores the effects on the use of care services and older people's reliance on other support. The report presents policy measures that have been implemented in EU Member States to support older people along all of the above-mentioned dimensions. These include measures to support independent living and schemes to support the labour market integration of older people or to prevent unemployment, all of which play a role in the quality of life of older citizens