65 research outputs found

    Withdrawal of parenteral phenobarbitone - Implications for resource-poor countries

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    Parenteral phenobarbitone is an integral part of the management of status epilepticus, especially in the context of resource-poor countries. It is highly effective at controlling seizures. It is safe, cheap, can be given by rapid intravenous push or intramuscular route, boluses can be repeated, and it is recommended as part of the Advanced Paediatric Life Support guidelines. The proposed alternatives lack efficacy, practicality and/or place the child in status epilepticus at risk of respiratory compromise. The impact of the loss of parenteral phenobarbitone would be increased cardiac complications, lack of early seizure control, prolonged seizures resulting in brain damage and systemic complications. Increased numbers of patients will require artificial ventilation in centres without facilities, and centres with facilities will be unable to cope with the load of ventilated patients because of lack of safe transport systems and bed space

    Exposure to parasitic infections determines features and phenotypes of active convulsive epilepsy in Africa

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    Background: Epilepsy affects 70 million people worldwide, 80% of whom are in low-and-middle income countries (LMICs). Infections of the central nervous system (CNS) contribute considerably to the burden of epilepsy in LMICs, but the nature and presentation of epilepsy following these infections is not fully understood. We examined if epilepsy foutcomes are associated with the exposure to parasitic infections. Methods: This was a case-comparison study nested in a cross-sectional survey of people with active convulsive epilepsy, with cases as those exposed to parasitic infections, and comparison as those unexposed. Associations of exposure to parasites with clinical and electroencephalographic features of epilepsy were done using a modified mixed effects Poisson regression model across five sites in Africa. Multiplicative and additive scale (RERI) interactions were explored to determine the effect of co-infections on epilepsy features. Population attributable fractions (PAF) were calculated to determine the proportion of severe clinical and electroencephalographic features of epilepsy attributable to CNS infections. Results: A total of 997 participants with active convulsive epilepsy from the five African sites were analyzed, 51% of whom were males. Exposure to parasitic infections was associated with more frequent seizures in adult epilepsy (relative risk (RR)=2.58, 95% confidence interval (95%CI):1.71-3.89). In children, exposure to any parasite was associated with convulsive status epilepticus (RR=4.68, (95%CI: 3.79-5.78), intellectual disabilities (RR=2.13, 95%CI: 1.35-3.34) and neurological deficits (RR=1.92, 95%CI: 1.42-2.61). Toxoplasma gondii and Onchocerca volvulus interacted synergistically to increase the risk of status epilepticus (RERI=0.91, 95%CI=0.48-1.35) in the data pooled across the sites. Exposure to parasitic infections contributed to 30% of severe features of epilepsy as shown by PAF. Conclusions: Parasitic infections may determine features and phenotypes of epilepsy through synergistic or antagonistic interactions, which can be different in children and adults. Interventions to control or manage infections may reduce complications and improve prognosis in epilepsy

    Transcranial Doppler and Magnetic Resonance in Tanzanian Children With Sickle Cell Disease

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    Background and Purpose: We determined prevalences of neurological complications, vascular abnormality, and infarction in Tanzanian children with sickle cell disease. // Methods: Children with sickle cell disease were consecutively enrolled for transcranial Doppler; those with slightly elevated (>150 cm/s), low (150 cm/s was associated with frequent painful crises and low hemoglobin level. Absent/low CBFv was associated with low hemoglobin level and history of unilateral weakness. In 49 out of 67 children with low/absent/elevated transcranial Doppler undergoing magnetic resonance imaging, 43% had infarction, whereas 24 out of 48 (50%) magnetic resonance angiographies were abnormal. One had hemorrhagic infarction; none had microbleeds. Posterior circulation infarcts occurred in 14%. Of 11 children with previous seizure undergoing magnetic resonance imaging, 10 (91%) had infarction (5 silent) compared with 11 out of 38 (29%) of the remainder ( P=0.003). Of 7 children with clinical stroke, 2 had recurrent stroke and 3 died; 4 out of 5 had absent CBFv. Of 193 without stroke, 1 died and 1 had a stroke; both had absent CBFv. // Conclusions: In one-third of Tanzanian children with sickle cell disease, CBFv is outside the normal range, associated with frequent painful crises and low hemoglobin level, but not hemolysis. Half have abnormal magnetic resonance angiography. African children with sickle cell disease should be evaluated with transcranial Doppler; those with low/absent/elevated CBFv should undergo magnetic resonance imaging/magnetic resonance angiography

    Early production of the passive in two Eastern Bantu languages

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    The passive construction is acquired relatively late by children learning to speak many languages, with verbal passives not fully acquired until age 6 in English. In other languages it appears earlier, around age 3 or before. Use of passive construction in young children was examined in two Eastern Bantu languages spoken in Kenya (Kiswahili and Kigiriama), both with frequent use of passive. The passive was used productively very early (2;1) in these languages, regardless of the method used to measure productivity. In addition, non-actional passives, particularly rare in English and some other European languages, were seen at these early ages. The proportion of verbs that were passive varied between individuals, both in children's speech and in the input to children. Pragmatic and grammatical features of the passive in some languages have previously been suggested to drive early passive acquisition, but these features are not found consistently in the two languages studied here. Findings suggest that the relatively high frequency of input found in these languages is the most plausible reason for early productive use of the passive. © The Author(s) 2011

    An overview of mental health care system in Kilifi, Kenya: results from an initial assessment using the World Health Organization's Assessment Instrument for Mental Health Systems.

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    Background Little is known about the state of mental health systems in Kenya. In 2010, Kenya promulgated a new constitution, which devolved national government and the national health system to 47 counties including Kilifi County. There is need to provide evidence from mental health systems research to identify priority areas in Kilifi’s mental health system for informing county health sector decision making. We conducted an initial assessment of state of mental health systems in Kilifi County and documented resources, policy and legislation and spectrum of mental, neurological and substance use disorders. Methods This was a pilot study that used the brief version of the World Health Organization’s Assessment Instrument for Mental Health Systems Version 2.2 to collect data. Data collection was based on the year 2014. Results Kilifi county has two public psychiatric outpatient units that are part of general hospitals. There is no standalone mental hospital in Kilifi. There are no inpatients or community based facilities for people with mental health problems. Although the psychiatric facilities in Kilifi have an essential drugs list, supply of drugs is erratic with frequent shortages. There is no psychiatrist or psychologist in Kilifi with only two psychiatric nurses for a population of approximately 1.2 million people. Schizophrenia was the commonest reason for visiting outpatient facilities (47.1%) while suicidal ideation was the least common (0.4%). Kenya’s mental health policy, which is being used by Kilifi County, is outdated and does not cater for the current mental health needs of Kilifi. There is no specific legislation to protect the rights of people with mental health problems. No budget exists specifically for mental health care. There have been no efforts to integrate mental health care into primary care in Kilifi, and there is no empirical research work to evaluate its feasibility. Conclusion There is an urgent need to increase resources allocated for mental health in particular infrastructure and human resource. Policy and legislations need to be established to protect the rights of people with mental illnesses, and mental health should be integrated with primary care to increase access to services.</p

    An overview of mental health care system in Kilifi, Kenya: results from an initial assessment using the World Health Organization's Assessment Instrument for Mental Health Systems.

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    Background Little is known about the state of mental health systems in Kenya. In 2010, Kenya promulgated a new constitution, which devolved national government and the national health system to 47 counties including Kilifi County. There is need to provide evidence from mental health systems research to identify priority areas in Kilifi’s mental health system for informing county health sector decision making. We conducted an initial assessment of state of mental health systems in Kilifi County and documented resources, policy and legislation and spectrum of mental, neurological and substance use disorders. Methods This was a pilot study that used the brief version of the World Health Organization’s Assessment Instrument for Mental Health Systems Version 2.2 to collect data. Data collection was based on the year 2014. Results Kilifi county has two public psychiatric outpatient units that are part of general hospitals. There is no standalone mental hospital in Kilifi. There are no inpatients or community based facilities for people with mental health problems. Although the psychiatric facilities in Kilifi have an essential drugs list, supply of drugs is erratic with frequent shortages. There is no psychiatrist or psychologist in Kilifi with only two psychiatric nurses for a population of approximately 1.2 million people. Schizophrenia was the commonest reason for visiting outpatient facilities (47.1%) while suicidal ideation was the least common (0.4%). Kenya’s mental health policy, which is being used by Kilifi County, is outdated and does not cater for the current mental health needs of Kilifi. There is no specific legislation to protect the rights of people with mental health problems. No budget exists specifically for mental health care. There have been no efforts to integrate mental health care into primary care in Kilifi, and there is no empirical research work to evaluate its feasibility. Conclusion There is an urgent need to increase resources allocated for mental health in particular infrastructure and human resource. Policy and legislations need to be established to protect the rights of people with mental illnesses, and mental health should be integrated with primary care to increase access to services.</p

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