11,885 research outputs found

    The influence of emotional valence on word recognition in people with aphasia.

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    The influence of emotional valence on word recognition in people with aphasia

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    Although several studies have demonstrated that emotional valence facilitates lexical processing in neurotypical adults, there has been limited work involving people with aphasia. This study explored the effects of valence (valenced/neutral) and polarity (positive/negative) on single word processing. Twenty people with chronic aphasia and 20 neurotypical controls completed a written lexical decision task in which valence was manipulated. An effect of valence (i.e. better performance for valenced vs. neutral words) was found in both accuracy and response time in the aphasic group and in response time for controls. Both groups showed an effect of polarity, with aphasic participants generating fewer errors for positive (vs. negative and neutral) stimuli, and controls responding more quickly to positive (vs. neutral) stimuli. Additionally, performance with positive words was impacted less by aphasia severity than negative and neutral words. The results highlight the importance of valence as a psycholinguistic factor in aphasia assessment and intervention

    Evaluation of the communications aids project.

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    The Communication Aids Project (CAP) aims ‘to help pupils who have communication difficulties by providing technology to help them access the curriculum and interact with others and support their transition to post-school provision’ (http://cap.becta.org.uk ). The Department for Education and Skills commissioned a team of researchers at University College London and the University of York to carry out an evaluation of CAP to look at the impact, processes and costs of CA

    A simple derivation of Kepler's laws without solving differential equations

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    Proceeding like Newton with a discrete time approach of motion and a geometrical representation of velocity and acceleration, we obtain Kepler's laws without solving differential equations. The difficult part of Newton's work, when it calls for non trivial properties of ellipses, is avoided by the introduction of polar coordinates. Then a simple reconsideration of Newton's figure naturally leads to en explicit expression of the velocity and to the equation of the trajectory. This derivation, which can be fully apprehended by beginners at university (or even before) can be considered as a first application of mechanical concepts to a physical problem of great historical and pedagogical interest

    Microwave soil moisture measurements and analysis

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    An effort to develop a model that simulates the distribution of water content and of temperature in bare soil is documented. The field experimental set up designed to acquire the data to test this model is described. The microwave signature acquisition system (MSAS) field measurements acquired in Colby, Kansas during the summer of 1978 are pesented

    Terminal velocity and drag reduction measurements on superhydrophobic spheres

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    Super water-repellent surfaces occur naturally on plants and aquatic insects and are created in the laboratory by combining micro- or nanoscale surface topographic features with hydrophobic surface chemistry. When such types of water-repellent surfaces are submerged they can retain a film of air (a plastron). In this work, we report measurements of the terminal velocity of solid acrylic spheres with various surface treatments settling under the action of gravity in water. We observed increases in terminal velocity corresponding to drag reduction of between 5% and 15% for superhydrophobic surfaces that carry plastrons

    A method of evaluating efficiency during space-suited work in a neutral buoyancy environment

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    The purpose was to investigate efficiency as related to the work transmission and the metabolic cost of various extravehicular activity (EVA) tasks during simulated microgravity (whole body water immersion) using three space suits. Two new prototype space station suits, AX-5 and MKIII, are pressurized at 57.2 kPa and were tested concurrently with the operationally used 29.6 kPa shuttle suit. Four male astronauts were asked to perform a fatigue trial on four upper extremity exercises during which metabolic rate and work output were measured and efficiency was calculated in each suit. The activities were selected to simulate actual EVA tasks. The test article was an underwater dynamometry system to which the astronauts were secured by foot restraints. All metabolic data was acquired, calculated, and stored using a computerized indirect calorimetry system connected to the suit ventilation/gas supply control console. During the efficiency testing, steady state metabolic rate could be evaluated as well as work transmitted to the dynamometer. Mechanical efficiency could then be calculated for each astronaut in each suit performing each movement

    Dilute Bose gases interacting via power-law potentials

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    Neutral atoms interact through a van der Waals potential which asymptotically falls off as r^{-6}. In ultracold gases, this interaction can be described to a good approximation by the atom-atom scattering length. However, corrections arise that depend on the characteristic length of the van der Waals potential. We parameterize these corrections by analyzing the energies of two- and few-atom systems under external harmonic confinement, obtained by numerically and analytically solving the Schrodinger equation. We generalize our results to particles interacting through a longer-ranged potential which asymptotically falls off as r^{-4}.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    The Ground State Energy of Heavy Atoms According to Brown and Ravenhall: Absence of Relativistic Effects in Leading Order

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    It is shown that the ground state energy of heavy atoms is, to leading order, given by the non-relativistic Thomas-Fermi energy. The proof is based on the relativistic Hamiltonian of Brown and Ravenhall which is derived from quantum electrodynamics yielding energy levels correctly up to order α2\alpha^2Ry
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