566 research outputs found

    Arithmetic of rational points and zero-cycles on products of Kummer varieties and K3 surfaces

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    Let k be a number field. In the spirit of a result by Yongqi Liang, we relate the arithmetic of rational points over finite extensions of k to that of zero-cycles over k for Kummer varieties over k. For example, for any Kummer variety X over k, we show that if the Brauer-Manin obstruction is the only obstruction to the Hasse principle for rational points on X over all finite extensions of k, then the (2-primary) Brauer-Manin obstruction is the only obstruction to the Hasse principle for zero-cycles of any given odd degree on X over k. We also obtain similar results for products of Kummer varieties, K3 surfaces and rationally connected varieties

    Evaluating the wild Brauer group

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    Classifying elements of the Brauer group of a variety X over a p-adic field according to the p-adic accuracy needed to evaluate them gives a filtration on Br X. We show that, on the p-torsion, this filtration coincides with a modified version of that defined by Kato's Swan conductor, and that the refined Swan conductor controls how the evaluation maps vary on p-adic discs. We give applications to the study of rational points on varieties over number fields.Comment: 41 pages; comments welcom


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    Number fields with prescribed norms

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    We study the distribution of extensions of a number field kk with fixed abelian Galois group GG, from which a given finite set of elements of kk are norms. In particular, we show the existence of such extensions. Along the way, we show that the Hasse norm principle holds for 100%100\% of GG-extensions of kk, when ordered by conductor. The appendix contains an alternative purely geometric proof of our existence result.Comment: 35 pages, comments welcome

    The Hasse norm principle for abelian extensions

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    We study the distribution of abelian extensions of bounded discriminant of a number field k which fail the Hasse norm principle. For example, we classify those finite abelian groups G for which a positive proportion of G-extensions of k fail the Hasse norm principle. We obtain a similar classification for the failure of weak approximation for the associated norm one tori. These results involve counting abelian extensions of bounded discriminant with infinitely many local conditions imposed, which we achieve using tools from harmonic analysis, building on work of Wright
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