646 research outputs found
Hodge polynomials of some moduli spaces of Coherent Systems
When , we study the coherent systems that come from a BGN extension in
which the quotient bundle is strictly semistable. In this case we describe a
stratification of the moduli space of coherent systems. We also describe the
strata as complements of determinantal varieties and we prove that these are
irreducible and smooth. These descriptions allow us to compute the Hodge
polynomials of this moduli space in some cases. In particular, we give explicit
computations for the cases in which and is even,
obtaining from them the usual Poincar\'e polynomials.Comment: Formerly entitled: "A stratification of some moduli spaces of
coherent systems on algebraic curves and their Hodge--Poincar\'e
polynomials". The paper has been substantially shorten. Theorem 8.20 has been
revised and corrected. Final version accepted for publication in
International Journal of Mathematics. arXiv admin note: text overlap with
arXiv:math/0407523 by other author
Perturbed geodesics on the moduli space of flat connections and Yang-Mills theory
If we consider the moduli space of flat connections of a non trivial
principal SO(3)-bundle over a surface, then we can define a map from the set of
perturbed closed geodesics, below a given energy level, into families of
perturbed Yang-Mills connections depending on a small parameter. In this paper
we show that this map is a bijection and maps perturbed geodesics into
perturbed Yang-Mills connections with the same Morse index.Comment: 58 pages, 3 figure
Seshadri constants and Grassmann bundles over curves
Let be a smooth complex projective curve, and let be a vector bundle
on which is not semistable. For a suitably chosen integer , let
be the Grassmann bundle over that parametrizes the quotients
of the fibers of of dimension . Assuming some numerical conditions on
the Harder-Narasimhan filtration of , we study Seshadri constants of ample
line bundles on . In many cases, we give the precise value of
Seshadri constant. Our results generalize various known results for .Comment: Final version; Annales Inst. Fourier (to appear
On the geometry of moduli spaces of coherent systems on algebraic curves
Let be an algebraic curve of genus . A coherent system on consists
of a pair , where is an algebraic vector bundle over of rank
and degree and is a subspace of dimension of the space of sections
of . The stability of the coherent system depends on a parameter .
We study the geometry of the moduli space of coherent systems for different
values of when and the variation of the moduli spaces when
we vary . As a consequence, for sufficiently large , we compute
the Picard groups and the first and second homotopy groups of the moduli spaces
of coherent systems in almost all cases, describe the moduli space for the case
explicitly, and give the Poincar\'e polynomials for the case .Comment: 38 pages; v3. Appendix and new references added; v4. minor
corrections, two added references; v5. final version, one typo corrected and
one reference delete
Moduli spaces of coherent systems of small slope on algebraic curves
Let be an algebraic curve of genus . A coherent system on
consists of a pair , where is an algebraic vector bundle over of
rank and degree and is a subspace of dimension of the space of
sections of . The stability of the coherent system depends on a parameter
. We study the geometry of the moduli space of coherent systems for
. We show that these spaces are irreducible whenever they are
non-empty and obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for non-emptiness.Comment: 27 pages; minor presentational changes and typographical correction
Psychology Education in the Post-Covid World
A major aim of psychology education is to train students in psychological literacy – the
ability to apply psychological knowledge to everyday activities. In this paper we explore how
well this has been achieved in recent years. As a result of Covid-19 the focus of teaching in
recent months has inevitably been on developing online methods of teaching and attempts
to develop psychological literacy have of necessity received less attention. However, we
argue that the developments enforced by Covid-19 actually open up a range of new
possibilities and that psychological literacy can benefit from these changes. In particular, we
suggest that much of the transmission of psychological knowledge can continue to take
place online and that universities should become places where the focus is on the application
of that knowledge
Analysis of Crash Patterns at Signalised Intersections
The paper reviews the crash patterns evident at signalised intersections in Victoria, and shows that such crashes are of four main types - right through, rear end, adjacent approaches, and pedestrian crashes. Crash patterns are then analysed in detail, focussing on the differences in site and operational characteristics between sites with a high, normal and low accident frequency over the 5 years (1987-1991) based upon an analysis of accident data and entering traffic volumes. The study indicated that the majority of the variation in accidents was not explained by traffic volumes, but by other factors. While no single factor was identified which would lead to a dramatic improvement in safety at signalised intersections, a range of measures were identified which would likely contribute to improved safety if applied at specific sites where relevant
Stability of Affine G-varieties and Irreducibility in Reductive Groups
Let be a reductive affine algebraic group, and let be an affine
algebraic -variety. We establish a (poly)stability criterion for points
in terms of intrinsically defined closed subgroups of , and
relate it with the numerical criterion of Mumford, and with Richardson and
Bate-Martin-R\"ohrle criteria, in the case . Our criterion builds on a
close analogue of a theorem of Mundet and Schmitt on polystability and allows
the generalization to the algebraic group setting of results of Johnson-Millson
and Sikora about complex representation varieties of finitely presented groups.
By well established results, it also provides a restatement of the non-abelian
Hodge theorem in terms of stability notions.Comment: 29 pages. To appear in Int. J. Math. Note: this version 4 is
identical with version 2 (version 3 is empty
Universal families on moduli spaces of principal bundles on curves
Let H be a connected semisimple linear algebraic group defined over C and X a compact connected Riemann surface of genus at least three. Let M'X(H) be the moduli space parametrising all topologically trivial stable principal H-bundles over X whose automorphism group coincides with the centre of H. It is a Zariski open dense subset of the moduli space of stable principal H-bundles. We prove that there is a universal principal H-bundle over X × M'X(H) if and only if H is an adjoint group (i.e., the centre of H is trivial)
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