770 research outputs found

    Impact of elasticity on the piezoresponse of adjacent ferroelectric domains investigated by scanning force microscopy

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    As a consequence of elasticity, mechanical deformations of crystals occur on a length scale comparable to their thickness. This is exemplified by applying a homogeneous electric field to a multi-domain ferroelectric crystal: as one domain is expanding the adjacent ones are contracting, leading to clamping at the domain boundaries. The piezomechanically driven surface corrugation of micron-sized domain patterns in thick crystals using large-area top electrodes is thus drastically suppressed, barely accessible by means of piezoresponse force microscopy

    Materials Contrast in Piezoresponse Force Microscopy

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    Piezoresponse Force Microscopy contrast in transversally isotropic material corresponding to the case of c+ - c- domains in tetragonal ferroelectrics is analyzed using Green's function theory by Felten et al. [J. Appl. Phys. 96, 563 (2004)]. A simplified expression for PFM signal as a linear combination of relevant piezoelectric constant are obtained. This analysis is extended to piezoelectric material of arbitrary symmetry with weak elastic and dielectric anisotropies. This result provides a framework for interpretation of PFM signals for systems with unknown or poorly known local elastic and dielectric properties, including nanocrystalline materials, ferroelectric polymers, and biopolymers.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted to Appl. Phys. Lett. (without Appendices), algebraic errors were correcte

    Quantum Flexoelectricity in Low Dimensional Systems

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    Symmetry breaking at surfaces and interfaces and the capability to support large strain gradients in nanoscale systems enable new forms of electromechanical coupling. Here we introduce the concept of quantum flexoelectricity, a phenomenon that is manifested when the mechanical deformation of non-polar quantum systems results in the emergence of net dipole moments and hence linear electromechanical coupling proportional to local curvature. The concept is illustrated in carbon systems, including polyacetylene and nano graphitic ribbons. Using density functional theory calculations for systems made of up to 400 atoms, we determine the flexoelectric coefficients to be of the order of ~ 0.1 e, in agreement with the prediction of linear theory. The implications of quantum flexoelectricity on electromechanical device applications, and physics of carbon based materials are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetodielectric coupling in Mn3O4

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    We have investigated the dielectric anomalies associated with spin ordering transitions in the tetragonal spinel Mn3_3O4_4, using thermodynamic, magnetic, and dielectric measurements. We find that two of the three magnetic ordering transitions in Mn3_3O4_4 lead to decreases in the temperature dependent dielectric constant at zero applied field. Applying a magnetic field to the polycrystalline sample leaves these two dielectric anomalies practically unchanged, but leads to an increase in the dielectric constant at the intermediate spin-ordering transition. We discuss possible origins for this magnetodielectric behavior in terms of spin-phonon coupling. Band structure calculations suggest that in its ferrimagnetic state, Mn3_3O4_4 corresponds to a semiconductor with no orbital degeneracy due to strong Jahn-Teller distortion.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Towards a microscopic theory of toroidal moments in bulk periodic crystals

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    We present a theoretical analysis of magnetic toroidal moments in periodic systems, in the limit in which the toroidal moments are caused by a time and space reversal symmetry breaking arrangement of localized magnetic dipole moments. We summarize the basic definitions for finite systems and address the question of how to generalize these definitions to the bulk periodic case. We define the toroidization as the toroidal moment per unit cell volume, and we show that periodic boundary conditions lead to a multivaluedness of the toroidization, which suggests that only differences in toroidization are meaningful observable quantities. Our analysis bears strong analogy to the modern theory of electric polarization in bulk periodic systems, but we also point out some important differences between the two cases. We then discuss the instructive example of a one-dimensional chain of magnetic moments, and we show how to properly calculate changes of the toroidization for this system. Finally, we evaluate and discuss the toroidization (in the local dipole limit) of four important example materials: BaNiF_4, LiCoPO_4, GaFeO_3, and BiFeO_3.Comment: replaced with final (published) version, which includes some changes in the text to improve the clarity of presentatio

    Simulation of sub-millimetre atmospheric spectra for characterizing potential ground-based remote sensing observations

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    The sub-millimetre is an understudied region of the Earth's atmospheric electromagnetic spectrum. Prior technological gaps and relatively high opacity due to the prevalence of rotational water vapour lines at these wavelengths have slowed progress from a ground-based remote sensing perspective; however, emerging superconducting detector technologies in the fields of astronomy offer the potential to address key atmospheric science challenges with new instrumental methods. A site study, with a focus on the polar regions, is performed to assess theoretical feasibility by simulating the downwelling clear-sky sub-millimetre spectrum from 30 mm (10 GHz) to 150 μm (2000 GHz) at six locations under annual mean, summer, winter, daytime, nighttime and low humidity conditions. Vertical profiles of temperature, pressure and 28 atmospheric gases are constructed by combining radiosonde, meteorological reanalysis, and atmospheric chemistry model data. The sensitivity of the simulated spectra to the choice of water vapour continuum model and spectroscopic line database is explored. For the atmospheric trace species hypobromous acid (HOBr), hydrogen bromide (HBr), perhydroxyl radical (HO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) the emission lines producing the largest change in brightness temperature are identified. Signal strengths, centre frequencies, bandwidths, estimated minimum integration times and maximum receiver noise temperatures are determined for all cases. HOBr, HBr and HO2 produce brightness temperature peaks in the mK to K range, whereas the N2O peaks are in the K range. The optimal sub-millimetre remote sensing lines for the four species are shown to vary significantly between location and scenario, strengthening the case for future hyperspectral instruments that measure over a broad wavelength range. The techniques presented here provide a framework that can be applied to additional species of interest and taken forward to simulate retrievals and guide the design of future sub-millimetre instruments

    Contrast Mechanisms for the Detection of Ferroelectric Domains with Scanning Force Microscopy

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    We present a full analysis of the contrast mechanisms for the detection of ferroelectric domains on all faces of bulk single crystals using scanning force microscopy exemplified on hexagonally poled lithium niobate. The domain contrast can be attributed to three different mechanisms: i) the thickness change of the sample due to an out-of-plane piezoelectric response (standard piezoresponse force microscopy), ii) the lateral displacement of the sample surface due to an in-plane piezoresponse, and iii) the electrostatic tip-sample interaction at the domain boundaries caused by surface charges on the crystallographic y- and z-faces. A careful analysis of the movement of the cantilever with respect to its orientation relative to the crystallographic axes of the sample allows a clear attribution of the observed domain contrast to the driving forces respectively.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Scaled free energies, power-law potentials, strain pseudospins and quasi-universality for first-order structural transitions

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    We consider ferroelastic first-order phase transitions with NOPN_{OP} order-parameter strains entering Landau free energies as invariant polynomials, that have NVN_V structural-variant Landau minima. The total free energy includes (seemingly innocuous) harmonic terms, in the n=6NOPn = 6 -N_{OP} {\it non}-order-parameter strains. Four 3D transitions are considered, tetragonal/orthorhombic, cubic/tetragonal, cubic/trigonal and cubic/orthorhombic unit-cell distortions, with respectively, NOP=1,2,3N_{OP} = 1, 2, 3 and 2; and NV=2,3,4N_V = 2, 3, 4 and 6. Five 2D transitions are also considered, as simpler examples. Following Barsch and Krumhansl, we scale the free energy to absorb most material-dependent elastic coefficients into an overall prefactor, by scaling in an overall elastic energy density; a dimensionless temperature variable; and the spontaneous-strain magnitude at transition λ<<1\lambda <<1. To leading order in λ\lambda the scaled Landau minima become material-independent, in a kind of 'quasi-universality'. The scaled minima in NOPN_{OP}-dimensional order-parameter space, fall at the centre and at the NVN_V corners, of a transition-specific polyhedron inscribed in a sphere, whose radius is unity at transition. The `polyhedra' for the four 3D transitions are respectively, a line, a triangle, a tetrahedron, and a hexagon. We minimize the nn terms harmonic in the non-order-parameter strains, by substituting solutions of the 'no dislocation' St Venant compatibility constraints, and explicitly obtain powerlaw anisotropic, order-parameter interactions, for all transitions. In a reduced discrete-variable description, the competing minima of the Landau free energies induce unit-magnitude pseudospin vectors, with NV+1N_V +1 values, pointing to the polyhedra corners and the (zero-value) center.Comment: submitted to PR

    High-pressure neutron study of the morphotropic PZT: phase transitions in a two-phase system

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    In piezoelectric ceramics the changes in the phase stabilities versus stress and temperature in the vicinity of the phase boundary play a central role. The present study was dedicated to the classical piezoelectric, lead-zirconate-titanate (PZT) ceramic with composition Pb(Zr0.54_{0.54}Ti0.46_{0.46})O3_3 at the Zr-rich side of the morphotropic phase boundary at which both intrinsic and extrinsic contributions to piezoelectricity are significant. The pressure-induced changes in this two-phase (rhombohedral R3cR3c+monoclinic CmCm at room temperature and R3c+P4mmR3c+P4mm above 1 GPa pressures) system were studied by high-pressure neutron powder diffraction technique. The experiments show that applying pressure favors the R3cR3c phase, whereas the CmCm phase transforms continuously to the P4mmP4mm, which is favored at elevated temperatures due to the competing entropy term. The CmR3cCm\rightarrow R3c phase transformation is discontinuous. The transformation contributes to the extrinsic piezoelectricity. An important contribution to the intrinsic piezoelectricity was revealed: a large displacement of the BB cations (Zr and Ti) with respect to the oxygen anions is induced by pressure. Above 600 K a phase transition to a cubic phase took place. Balance between the competing terms dictates the curvature of the phase boundary. After high-pressure experiments the amount of rhombohedral phase was larger than initially, suggesting that on the Zr-rich side of the phase boundary the monoclinic phase is metastable.Comment: 6 figure