33,988 research outputs found

    A user's manual for the Electromagnetic Surface Patch code: ESP version 3

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    This report serves as a user's manual for Version III of the Electromagnetic Surface Patch Code or ESP code. ESP is user-oriented, based on the method of moments (MM) for treating geometries consisting of an interconnection of thin wires and perfectly conducting polygonal plates. Wire/plate junctions must be about 0.1 lambda or more from any plate edge. Several plates may intersect along a common edge. Excitation may be by either a delta-gap voltage generator or by a plane wave. The thin wires may have finite conductivity and also may contain lumped loads. The code computes most of the usual quantities of interest such as current distribution, input impedance, radiation efficiency, mutual coupling, far zone gain patterns (both polarizations) and radar-cross-section (both/cross polarizations)

    Engine bleed air reduction in DC-10

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    An 0.8 percent fuel savings was achieved by a reduction in engine bleed air through the use of cabin air recirculation. The recirculation system was evaluated in revenue service on a DC-10. The cabin remained comfortable with reductions in cabin fresh air (engine bleed air) as much as 50 percent. Flight test verified the predicted fuel saving of 0.8 percent

    MonALISA : A Distributed Monitoring Service Architecture

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    The MonALISA (Monitoring Agents in A Large Integrated Services Architecture) system provides a distributed monitoring service. MonALISA is based on a scalable Dynamic Distributed Services Architecture which is designed to meet the needs of physics collaborations for monitoring global Grid systems, and is implemented using JINI/JAVA and WSDL/SOAP technologies. The scalability of the system derives from the use of multithreaded Station Servers to host a variety of loosely coupled self-describing dynamic services, the ability of each service to register itself and then to be discovered and used by any other services, or clients that require such information, and the ability of all services and clients subscribing to a set of events (state changes) in the system to be notified automatically. The framework integrates several existing monitoring tools and procedures to collect parameters describing computational nodes, applications and network performance. It has built-in SNMP support and network-performance monitoring algorithms that enable it to monitor end-to-end network performance as well as the performance and state of site facilities in a Grid. MonALISA is currently running around the clock on the US CMS test Grid as well as an increasing number of other sites. It is also being used to monitor the performance and optimize the interconnections among the reflectors in the VRVS system.Comment: Talk from the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP03), La Jolla, Ca, USA, March 2003, 8 pages, pdf. PSN MOET00

    Numerical treatment of the hyperboloidal initial value problem for the vacuum Einstein equations. I. The conformal field equations

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    This is the first in a series of articles on the numerical solution of Friedrich's conformal field equations for Einstein's theory of gravity. We will discuss in this paper why one should be interested in applying the conformal method to physical problems and why there is good hope that this might even be a good idea from the numerical point of view. We describe in detail the derivation of the conformal field equations in the spinor formalism which we use for the implementation of the equations, and present all the equations as a reference for future work. Finally, we discuss the implications of the assumptions of a continuous symmetry.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX2

    Effect of stoichiometry on oxygen incorporation in MgB2 thin films

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    The amount of oxygen incorporated into MgB2 thin films upon exposure to atmospheric gasses is found to depend strongly on the material's stoichiometry. Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy was used to monitor changes in oxygen incorporation resulting from exposure to: (a) ambient atmosphere, (b) humid atmospheres, (c) anneals in air and (d) anneals in oxygen. The study investigated thin-film samples with compositions that were systematically varied from Mg0.9B2 to Mg1.1B2. A significant surface oxygen contamination was observed in all of these films. The oxygen content in the bulk of the film, on the other hand, increased significantly only in Mg rich films and in films exposed to humid atmospheres.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Characterizing the structure of small-world networks

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    We give exact relations which are valid for small-world networks (SWN's) with a general `degree distribution', i.e the distribution of nearest-neighbor connections. For the original SWN model, we illustrate how these exact relations can be used to obtain approximations for the corresponding basic probability distribution. In the limit of large system sizes and small disorder, we use numerical studies to obtain a functional fit for this distribution. Finally, we obtain the scaling properties for the mean-square displacement of a random walker, which are determined by the scaling behavior of the underlying SWN

    Why social networks are different from other types of networks

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    We argue that social networks differ from most other types of networks, including technological and biological networks, in two important ways. First, they have non-trivial clustering or network transitivity, and second, they show positive correlations, also called assortative mixing, between the degrees of adjacent vertices. Social networks are often divided into groups or communities, and it has recently been suggested that this division could account for the observed clustering. We demonstrate that group structure in networks can also account for degree correlations. We show using a simple model that we should expect assortative mixing in such networks whenever there is variation in the sizes of the groups and that the predicted level of assortative mixing compares well with that observed in real-world networks.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Spinning BTZ Black Hole versus Kerr Black Hole : A Closer Look

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    By applying Newman's algorithm, the AdS_3 rotating black hole solution is ``derived'' from the nonrotating black hole solution of Banados, Teitelboim, and Zanelli (BTZ). The rotating BTZ solution derived in this fashion is given in ``Boyer-Lindquist-type'' coordinates whereas the form of the solution originally given by BTZ is given in a kind of an ``unfamiliar'' coordinates which are related to each other by a transformation of time coordinate alone. The relative physical meaning between these two time coordinates is carefully studied. Since the Kerr-type and Boyer-Lindquist-type coordinates for rotating BTZ solution are newly found via Newman's algorithm, next, the transformation to Kerr-Schild-type coordinates is looked for. Indeed, such transformation is found to exist. And in this Kerr-Schild-type coordinates, truely maximal extension of its global structure by analytically continuing to ``antigravity universe'' region is carried out.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, Revtex, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
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