937 research outputs found

    Glassiness and constrained dynamics of a short-range non-disordered spin model

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    We study the low temperature dynamics of a two dimensional short-range spin system with uniform ferromagnetic interactions, which displays glassiness at low temperatures despite the absence of disorder or frustration. The model has a dual description in terms of free defects subject to dynamical constraints, and is an explicit realization of the ``hierarchically constrained dynamics'' scenario for glassy systems. We give a number of exact results for the statics of the model, and study in detail the dynamical behaviour of one-time and two-time quantities. We also consider the role played by the configurational entropy, which can be computed exactly, in the relation between fluctuations and response.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures; minor changes, references adde

    Spin glass models with Kac interactions

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    In this paper I will review my work on disordered systems -spin glass model with two body and p>2p>2 body interactions- with long but finite interaction range RR. I will describe the relation of these model with Mean Field Theory in the Kac limit and some attempts to go beyond mean field.Comment: Proceedings of the Stat-phys23 conferenc

    Responsible agriculture must adapt to the wetland character of mid‐latitude peatlands

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    Drained, lowland agricultural peatlands are greenhouse gas (GHG) emission hotspots and a large but vulnerable store of irrecoverable carbon. They exhibit soil loss rates of ~2.0 cm yr−1 and are estimated to account for 32% of global cropland emissions while producing only 1.1% of crop kilocalories. Carbon dioxide emissions account for >80% of their terrestrial GHG emissions and are largely controlled by water table depth. Reducing drainage depths is, therefore, essential for responsible peatland management. Peatland restoration can substantially reduce emissions. However, this may conflict with societal needs to maintain productive use, to protect food security and livelihoods. Wetland agriculture strategies will, therefore, be required to adapt agriculture to the wetland character of peatlands, and balance GHG mitigation against productivity, where halting emissions is not immediately possible. Paludiculture may substantially reduce GHG emissions but will not always be viable in the current economic landscape. Reduced drainage intensity systems may deliver partial reductions in the rate of emissions, with smaller modifications to existing systems. These compromise systems may face fewer hurdles to adoption and minimize environmental harm until societal conditions favour strategies that can halt emissions. Wetland agriculture will face agronomic, socio-economic and water management challenges, and careful implementation will be required. Diversity of values and priorities among stakeholders creates the potential for conflict. Successful implementation will require participatory research approaches and co-creation of workable solutions. Policymakers, private sector funders and researchers have key roles to play but adoption risks would fall predominantly on land managers. Development of a robust wetland agriculture paradigm is essential to deliver resilient production systems and wider environmental benefits. The challenge of responsible use presents an opportunity to rethink peatland management and create thriving, innovative and green wetland landscapes for everyone's future benefit, while making a vital contribution to global climate change mitigation

    Absorption and quasinormal modes of classical fields propagating on 3D and 4D de Sitter spacetime

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    We extensively study the exact solutions of the massless Dirac equation in 3D de Sitter spacetime that we published recently. Using the Newman-Penrose formalism, we find exact solutions of the equations of motion for the massless classical fields of spin s=1/2,1,2 and to the massive Dirac equation in 4D de Sitter metric. Employing these solutions, we analyze the absorption by the cosmological horizon and de Sitter quasinormal modes. We also comment on the results given by other authors.Comment: 31 page

    Properties of the random field Ising model in a transverse magnetic field

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    We consider the effect of a random longitudinal field on the Ising model in a transverse magnetic field. For spatial dimension d>2d > 2, there is at low strength of randomness and transverse field, a phase with true long range order which is destroyed at higher values of the randomness or transverse field. The properties of the quantum phase transition at zero temperature are controlled by a fixed point with no quantum fluctuations. This fixed point also controls the classical finite temperature phase transition in this model. Many critical properties of the quantum transition are therefore identical to those of the classical transition. In particular, we argue that the dynamical scaling is activated, i.e, the logarithm of the diverging time scale rises as a power of the diverging length scale

    Nonperturbative renormalization group approach to frustrated magnets

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    This article is devoted to the study of the critical properties of classical XY and Heisenberg frustrated magnets in three dimensions. We first analyze the experimental and numerical situations. We show that the unusual behaviors encountered in these systems, typically nonuniversal scaling, are hardly compatible with the hypothesis of a second order phase transition. We then review the various perturbative and early nonperturbative approaches used to investigate these systems. We argue that none of them provides a completely satisfactory description of the three-dimensional critical behavior. We then recall the principles of the nonperturbative approach - the effective average action method - that we have used to investigate the physics of frustrated magnets. First, we recall the treatment of the unfrustrated - O(N) - case with this method. This allows to introduce its technical aspects. Then, we show how this method unables to clarify most of the problems encountered in the previous theoretical descriptions of frustrated magnets. Firstly, we get an explanation of the long-standing mismatch between different perturbative approaches which consists in a nonperturbative mechanism of annihilation of fixed points between two and three dimensions. Secondly, we get a coherent picture of the physics of frustrated magnets in qualitative and (semi-) quantitative agreement with the numerical and experimental results. The central feature that emerges from our approach is the existence of scaling behaviors without fixed or pseudo-fixed point and that relies on a slowing-down of the renormalization group flow in a whole region in the coupling constants space. This phenomenon allows to explain the occurence of generic weak first order behaviors and to understand the absence of universality in the critical behavior of frustrated magnets.Comment: 58 pages, 15 PS figure

    Exact multilocal renormalization on the effective action : application to the random sine Gordon model statics and non-equilibrium dynamics

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    We extend the exact multilocal renormalization group (RG) method to study the flow of the effective action functional. This important physical quantity satisfies an exact RG equation which is then expanded in multilocal components. Integrating the nonlocal parts yields a closed exact RG equation for the local part, to a given order in the local part. The method is illustrated on the O(N) model by straightforwardly recovering the η\eta exponent and scaling functions. Then it is applied to study the glass phase of the Cardy-Ostlund, random phase sine Gordon model near the glass transition temperature. The static correlations and equilibrium dynamical exponent zz are recovered and several new results are obtained. The equilibrium two-point scaling functions are obtained. The nonequilibrium, finite momentum, two-time t,tt,t' response and correlations are computed. They are shown to exhibit scaling forms, characterized by novel exponents λRλC\lambda_R \neq \lambda_C, as well as universal scaling functions that we compute. The fluctuation dissipation ratio is found to be non trivial and of the form X(qz(tt),t/t)X(q^z (t-t'), t/t'). Analogies and differences with pure critical models are discussed.Comment: 33 pages, RevTe

    Can forest management based on natural disturbances maintain ecological resilience?

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    Given the increasingly global stresses on forests, many ecologists argue that managers must maintain ecological resilience: the capacity of ecosystems to absorb disturbances without undergoing fundamental change. In this review we ask: Can the emerging paradigm of natural-disturbance-based management (NDBM) maintain ecological resilience in managed forests? Applying resilience theory requires careful articulation of the ecosystem state under consideration, the disturbances and stresses that affect the persistence of possible alternative states, and the spatial and temporal scales of management relevance. Implementing NDBM while maintaining resilience means recognizing that (i) biodiversity is important for long-term ecosystem persistence, (ii) natural disturbances play a critical role as a generator of structural and compositional heterogeneity at multiple scales, and (iii) traditional management tends to produce forests more homogeneous than those disturbed naturally and increases the likelihood of unexpected catastrophic change by constraining variation of key environmental processes. NDBM may maintain resilience if silvicultural strategies retain the structures and processes that perpetuate desired states while reducing those that enhance resilience of undesirable states. Such strategies require an understanding of harvesting impacts on slow ecosystem processes, such as seed-bank or nutrient dynamics, which in the long term can lead to ecological surprises by altering the forest's capacity to reorganize after disturbance

    Low Q^2 Jet Production at HERA and Virtual Photon Structure

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    The transition between photoproduction and deep-inelastic scattering is investigated in jet production at the HERA ep collider, using data collected by the H1 experiment. Measurements of the differential inclusive jet cross-sections dsigep/dEt* and dsigmep/deta*, where Et* and eta* are the transverse energy and the pseudorapidity of the jets in the virtual photon-proton centre of mass frame, are presented for 0 < Q2 < 49 GeV2 and 0.3 < y < 0.6. The interpretation of the results in terms of the structure of the virtual photon is discussed. The data are best described by QCD calculations which include a partonic structure of the virtual photon that evolves with Q2.Comment: 20 pages, 5 Figure

    Hadron Production in Diffractive Deep-Inelastic Scattering

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    Characteristics of hadron production in diffractive deep-inelastic positron-proton scattering are studied using data collected in 1994 by the H1 experiment at HERA. The following distributions are measured in the centre-of-mass frame of the photon dissociation system: the hadronic energy flow, the Feynman-x (x_F) variable for charged particles, the squared transverse momentum of charged particles (p_T^{*2}), and the mean p_T^{*2} as a function of x_F. These distributions are compared with results in the gamma^* p centre-of-mass frame from inclusive deep-inelastic scattering in the fixed-target experiment EMC, and also with the predictions of several Monte Carlo calculations. The data are consistent with a picture in which the partonic structure of the diffractive exchange is dominated at low Q^2 by hard gluons.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Lett.