4,185 research outputs found

    Cointegrated Vector Autoregression Methods: An Application to Non-Normally Behaving Data on Selected U.S. Sugar-Related Markets

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    The methods of the cointegrated vector autoregression/error correction (VAR/VEC) model are applied to monthly U.S. markets for sugar and for sugar-using markets for confectionary, soft drink, and bakery products. Primarily a methods paper, Johansen and Juselius' methods are applied, with a special focus on addressing well-known issues that preclude statistically normal behavior, and that confront the modelled sugar-based data. In so doing, we illustrate the effectiveness and the benefits of modelling this sugar-related set of markets as a cointegrated system. Perhaps for the first time, cointegrated VEC model results are used to estimate crucial policy-relevant market parameters that drive the markets, as well as to illuminate the dynamic nature of the relationships linking these sugar-based markets.cointegration, sugar-based U.S. markets, vector autoregression, vector error correction models, Industrial Organization, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    A continuum of pure states in the Ising model on a halfplane

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    We study the homogeneous nearest-neighbor Ising ferromagnet on the right half plane with a Dobrushin type boundary condition --- say plus on the top part of the boundary and minus on the bottom. For sufficiently low temperature TT, we completely characterize the pure (i.e., extremal) Gibbs states, as follows. There is exactly one for each angle θ[π/2,+π/2]\theta\in\lbrack-\pi/2,+\pi/2]; here θ\theta specifies the asymptotic angle of the interface separating regions where the spin configuration looks like that of the plus (respectively, minus) full-plane state. Some of these conclusions are extended all the way to T=TcT=T_{c} by developing new Ising exact solution result -- in particular, there is at least one pure state for each θ\theta.Comment: In this version, a discussion of the 3D case is include

    Problems with the Standard Model of particle physics

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    The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics is in such good agreement with experiment that it is currently accepted as providing an accurate model of reality, with the role of chiral symmetry breaking in electro-weak unification regarded as one of its major achievements. This work focusses on weaknesses in the algebraic formulation of the SM, especially the introduction of chirality, which is shown to be inconsistent with neutrinos being fermions, and conflicts with the experimental evidence that they have finite mass. The SM description of parity is also shown to be erroneous. It is argued that these errors in its algebraic formulation have had the effect of making theoretical extensions of the SM impossible, as well as wasting considerable experimental effort in trying to understand erroneous predictions of the theory.Comment: 7 pages. The paper was retitled to make it more explicit. Some typos were correcte

    Discrete symmetries and quantum number conservation

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    The algebraic formulation of discrete PP and TT space-time symmetries in the Standard Model is shown to be flawed. This is corrected by relating these symmetries to the fermion quantum numbers defined by a Cl3,3Cl_{3,3} sub-algebra of the Cl7,7Cl_{7,7} algebra, which provides the basis of Clifford Unification. A new {\it Conservation Law} is formulated to the effect that fermion decays and interactions are subject to the conservation of all seven quantum numbers defined by the Cl7,7Cl_{7,7} algebra. Examples involving the weak interaction are given.Comment: 7 pages. 5 Tables. Changes in Tables A2 and A3 to make them consistent with the revised definition of F and G quantum numbers in reference [1

    Unified theory of elementary fermions and their interactions based on Clifford algebras

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    Seven commuting elements of the Clifford algebra Cl7,7Cl_{7,7} define seven binary eigenvalues that distinguish the 27=1282^7=128 states of 32 fermions, and determine their electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions. Three commuting elements Cl3,3Cl_{3,3} define three binary quantum numbers that describe the eight states of lepton doublets. The Dirac equation is reformulated as a Lorentz invariant operator which separates these states into two Dirac 4-component spinors. Re-formulation of the Standard Model shows chiral symmetry breaking to be redundant. Cl5,5Cl_{5,5}, with Cl3,3Cl_{3,3} as a sub-algebra, defines two additional binary quantum numbers that distinguish quarks and leptons, and describes the SU(3) gluons that produce the hadron substrate, explaining quark confinement. Finally, Cl7,7Cl_{7,7}, with Cl5,5Cl_{5,5} as a sub-algebra, defines a further two binary quantum numbers. Overall, the seven binary quantum numbers distinguish four generations of elementary fermions. The predicted fourth fermion generation with is shown to have no neutrino and a distinct substrate, suggesting that ordinary matter is confined and providing candidates for unconfined dark matter. Interactions between fermions in the first three generations are predicted, including those that produce flavour symmetry. Relationships are explored between the Cl1,3Cl_{1,3} algebra with general relativity, and between Cl5,5Cl_{5,5} sub-algebras with SO(32) string theory.Comment: 33 pages. The abstract has been revised to better reflect the content of the paper. Discussions in Section 1, 11 and 12 have been revised to improve clarit

    Phototrophic Fe(II) Oxidation Promotes Organic Carbon Acquisition by Rhodobacter capsulatus SB1003

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    Anoxygenic phototrophic Fe(II) oxidation is usually considered to be a lithoautotrophic metabolism that contributes to primary production in Fe-based ecosystems. In this study, we employed Rhodobacter capsulatus SB1003 as a model organism to test the hypothesis that phototrophic Fe(II) oxidation can be coupled to organic carbon acquisition. R. capsulatus SB1003 oxidized Fe(II) under anoxic conditions in a light-dependent manner, but failed to grow lithoautotrophically on soluble Fe(II). When provided with Fe(II)-citrate, however, growth was observed that was dependent upon microbially catalyzed Fe(II) oxidation, resulting in the formation of Fe(III)-citrate. Subsequent photochemical breakdown of Fe(III)-citrate yielded acetoacetic acid, that supported growth in the light but not the dark. Deletion of genes (RR00247-RR00248) that encode homologs of atoA and atoD, required for acetoacetic acid utilization, severely impaired the ability of R. capsulatus SB1003 to grow on Fe(II)-citrate. The growth yield achieved by R. capsulatus SB1003 in the presence of citrate cannot be explained by lithoautotrophic growth on Fe(II) enabled by indirect effects of the ligand (such as altering the thermodynamics of Fe(II) oxidation or preventing cell encrustation). Together, these results demonstrate that R. capsulatus SB1003 grows photoheterotrophically on Fe(II)-citrate. Nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) also supported light-dependent growth on Fe(II), suggesting that Fe(II) oxidation may be a general mechanism whereby some Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria mine otherwise inaccessible organic carbon sources

    Google Dataset Search and CMR

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    Searching for earth science data from scratch has, traditionally, been a non-trivial process. Using commercial search engines a starting point, it has not been trivial to locate information and services related to a science users needs. The advent of Google Dataset Search has improved that process. CMR has leveraged the schema.org dataset feature to provide semantic markup on our collection landing pages that are used by Google Dataset Search to provide results that map directly to a scientist's needs and provide an intuitive gateway in to the NASA Earthdata environment

    Transexual woman on the journey of sexual re-alignment in a hetero-normative healthcare system in the Western Cape

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    Includes bibliographical referencesThe purpose of this study was to understand the life-world of transsexual women in relation to their awareness of their unique health needs as a direct result of sexual realignment treatment, and their health-seeking behaviours, practices and experiences of responses in negotiating health care for their transgender-related health needs in the healthcare system. The overarching question asked in this research was: What are the lived experiences, and meaning of these experiences, for transsexual women during the sexual-realignment process when negotiating health care for their transgender-related healthcare needs in the healthcare system? Participants in this study were selected through purposive and snowball sampling. In-depth interviews were conducted with ten participants selected from urban, peri-urban, and rural areas of the Western Cape. Theoretical saturation was reached with the tenth participant, and further selection of participants was ceased. The data was viewed through a trans-inclusive feminist lens with a concurrent collection and analysis process as guided by the steps of analysis of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), as developed by Smith (2010). IPA is a modern qualitative approach to research inquiry which harnesses the strengths of phenomenology, hermeneutics, and ideography. The analysed data were illustrated in a master theme graphic which contained one superordinate theme, two subordinate themes and various categories. The superordinate theme of this study was named "Towards organic Womanhood", while the two subordinate themes were coined "Embracing Womanhood", and "Facing the Giant in order to Become". The subordinate theme Embracing Womanhood gives insight into aspects of transsexual women's journey of moving towards a state of organic womanhood, whereas the subordinate theme Facing the Giant in order to Become maps out powers in the healthcare system which prevent transsexual women from having a smooth transition journey. This study illustrates that transsexual women have a need to align their bodies with their gender identities, but even though South Africa has legislation which protects the health and rights of transsexual women, transsexual women find it challenging to make the transition. Health practitioners are ill-equipped to manage transsexual women, the care which they receive in the government-funded healthcare system is of a poor standard, and they are4subjected to extremely long waiting periods to have access to surgical sexual realignment services. Recommendations are made for the healthcare system, policy makers and educational institutions in order to stimulate the South African healthcare system to become inclusive and affirming to the needs of transsexual women. Furthermore, recommendations for researchers are made to stimulate the debate around transsexual health care in the scientific literature

    Injustice to transsexual women in a hetero-normative healthcare system

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    Background: Transsexual women who are on the journey of sexual re-alignment will experience various health problems. These problems are related directly to the treatment regime that they are following in order to attain and maintain their physical embodiment as a woman. They are forced to negotiate a hetero-normative healthcare system in order to receive assistance and care for their health problems related to their sexual re-alignment process. Aim: The questions posed were: What are the unique health problems that transsexual women experience whilst on the journey of sexual re-alignment? What is the current context of the South African healthcare system in which transsexual women should negotiate healthcare? These questions were asked in order to explore the health problems with which transsexual women are faced and to describe the hetero-normative healthcare system in South Africa. Method: An electronic literature search was executed via the EBSCO host with specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. The search words that were used were: Transsexual/s and Health/Healthcare. All studies had to be peer reviewed and published in the English language, from January 1972 up until February 2013. Literature on transsexual children was excluded. Results: Transsexual women have the potential to suffer significant side-effects from their sexual re-alignment treatment, including cardio-vascular problems, endocrine problems and mental ill-health. They are also vulnerable to HIV infection. They have poor access to quality holistic healthcare and this may lead an increase in the mortality and morbidity figures of women. Conclusion: A hetero-normative healthcare system has a negative impact on the health of transsexual women and will cause them to be marginalised. This could contribute to both homo and trans-phobia that will in turn strengthen the belief that transsexual women are un-African

    Cloud Onboarding with NGAP

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    Deployment of applications to the cloud, as opposed to on-premises, presents a number of new challenges to operations. Using an EOSDIS application deployed to NGAP as an example, we outline the commonality and differences you need to be aware of to successfully operate your application on the cloud