2,442 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic mirror drive system

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    Oscillatory electromagnetic mirror drive system for horizon scanner

    Insect olfaction and the evolution of receptor tuning

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    Insects detect odorants primarily using odorant receptors (OR) housed in the dendritic membrane of olfactory sensory neurons (OSN). Pioneering studies indicated that insects, like mammals, detect odorants in a combinatorial fashion with a specific odor ligand activating several broadly tuned ORs, and each OR being activated by several ligands. Several recent studies, however, challenge this view by providing examples where ecologically relevant odorants are detected by high-specificity ORs activating dedicated neuronal circuits. Here we review these contrasting findings on the ligand selectivity of insect ORs and their neuronal wiring, and outline scenarios describing how adaptive and neutral evolution might shape both narrow and broad receptor tuning. The fact that not all ORs display narrow tuning might partly be due to key ligands having been missed from screens or too high stimuli concentrations being used. However, the birth-and-death model of OR evolution, involving both adaptive and neutral events, could also explain the evolution of broad tuning in certain receptors due to positive selection or relaxed constraint. If the insect olfactory system indeed contains both narrowly and broadly tuned ORs, this suggests that it is a hybrid between dedicated channels and combinatorial coding. The relative extent of the two coding modes is then likely to differ between species, depending on requirements of perceived chemical space and the size of the OR repertoire. We address this by outlining scenarios where certain insect groups may be more likely to have evolved combinatorial coding as their dominant coding strategy. Combinatorial coding may have evolved predominantly in insects that benefit from the ability to discriminate between a larger number of odorants and odor objects, such as polyphagous or social species. Alternatively, combinatorial coding may have evolved simply as a mechanism to increase perceived odor space in species with small OR repertoires

    Cadmium exposure and cancer mortality in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey cohort.

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    Objective This study examined prospective data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) cohort to investigate the relationship between cadmium exposure and cancer mortality, and the specific cancers associated with cadmium exposure, in the general population. Methods Vital status and cause of death through 31 December 2006 were obtained by the National Center for Health Statistics for NHANES III participants. The cadmium concentration of spot urine samples was measured and corrected for urine creatinine (uCd). Weighted Cox proportional hazards regression with age as the time metric was applied to estimate sex-specific adjusted HRs (aHRs) of mortality associated with uCd for all cancers and the cancers responsible for the most deaths in the USA. Estimates were stratified by smoking history and adjusted for education, body mass index and race. Results uCd was associated with cancer mortality (aHR per twofold higher uCd (95% CI), men: 1.26 (1.07 to 1.48); women: 1.21 (1.04 to 1.42)). In men, mortality from lung cancer, pancreatic cancer and non-Hodgkin lymphoma was associated with uCd; an association with leukaemia mortality was suggested. In women, associations were suggested with mortality due to lung cancer, leukaemia, ovarian and uterine cancer, but evidence was weaker than in men. Conclusions Cadmium appears to be associated with overall cancer mortality in men and women, but the specific cancers associated differ between men and women, suggesting avenues for future research. Limitations of the study include the possibility of uncontrolled confounding by cigarette smoking or other factors, and the limited number of deaths due to some cancers

    Infectious agents and colorectal cancer: a review of Helicobacter pylori, Streptococcus bovis, JC virus, and human papillomavirus.

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    Based on the high volume of bacteria and viruses that the intestine is exposed to and the importance of infectious agents in some gastrointestinal and anogenital cancers, it is not surprising the many studies have evaluated the association between colorectal cancer and infectious agents. This review highlights investigations of four agents in relation to colorectal cancer. Helicobacter pylori, Streptococcus bovis, JC virus, and human papillomavirus have all been evaluated as possible etiologic agents for colorectal cancer. For each of these agents, a review of possible mechanisms for carcinogenesis and epidemiologic evidence is discussed, and future directions for research are proposed

    The Primary Enveloped Virion of Herpes Simplex Virus 1: Its Role in Nuclear Egress

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    Many viruses migrate between different cellular compartments for successive stages of assembly. The HSV-1 capsid assembles in the nucleus and then transfers into the cytoplasm. First, the capsid buds through the inner nuclear membrane, becoming coated with nuclear egress complex (NEC) protein. This yields a primary enveloped virion (PEV) whose envelope fuses with the outer nuclear membrane, releasing the capsid into the cytoplasm. We investigated the associated molecular mechanisms by isolating PEVs from US3-null-infected cells and imaging them by cryo-electron microscopy and tomography. (pUS3 is a viral protein kinase in whose absence PEVs accumulate in the perinuclear space.) Unlike mature extracellular virions, PEVs have very few lycoprotein spikes. PEVs are ~20% smaller than mature virions, and the little space available between the capsid and the NEC layer suggests that most tegument proteins are acquired later in the egress pathway. Previous studies have proposed that NEC is organized as hexamers in honeycomb arrays in PEVs, but we find arrays of heptameric rings in extracts from US3-nullinfected cells. In a PEV, NEC contacts the capsid predominantly via the pUL17/pUL25 complexes which are located close to the capsid vertices. Finally, the NEC layer dissociates from the capsid as it leaves the nucleus, possibly in response to pUS3- mediated phosphorylation. Overall, nuclear egress emerges as a process driven by a program of multiple weak interactions

    Subassemblies and Asymmetry in Assembly of Herpes Simplex Virus Procapsid

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    The herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) capsid is a massive particle (~200 MDa; 1,250-Å diameter) with T=16 icosahedral symmetry. It initially assembles as a procapsid with ~4,000 protein subunits of 11 different kinds. The procapsid undergoes major changes in structure and composition as it matures, a process driven by proteolysis and expulsion of the internal scaffolding protein. Assembly also relies on an external scaffolding protein, the triplex, an α2β heterotrimer that coordinates neighboring capsomers in the procapsid and becomes a stabilizing clamp in the mature capsid. To investigate the mechanisms that regulate its assembly, we developed a novel isolation procedure for the metastable procapsid and collected a large set of cryo-electron microscopy data. In addition to procapsids, these preparations contain maturation intermediates, which were distinguished by classifying the images and calculating a three-dimensional reconstruction for each class. Appraisal of the procapsid structure led to a new model for assembly; in it, the protomer (assembly unit) consists of one triplex, surrounded by three major capsid protein (MCP) subunits. The model exploits the triplexes’ departure from 3-fold symmetry to explain the highly skewed MCP hexamers, the triplex orientations at each 3-fold site, and the T=16 architecture. These observations also yielded new insights into maturation

    Dynamics of Social Balance on Networks

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    We study the evolution of social networks that contain both friendly and unfriendly pairwise links between individual nodes. The network is endowed with dynamics in which the sense of a link in an imbalanced triad--a triangular loop with 1 or 3 unfriendly links--is reversed to make the triad balanced. With this dynamics, an infinite network undergoes a dynamic phase transition from a steady state to "paradise"--all links are friendly--as the propensity p for friendly links in an update event passes through 1/2. A finite network always falls into a socially-balanced absorbing state where no imbalanced triads remain. If the additional constraint that the number of imbalanced triads in the network does not increase in an update is imposed, then the network quickly reaches a balanced final state.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 2-column revtex4 forma

    Anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Background at Degree Angular Scales: Python V Results

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    Observations of the microwave sky using the Python telescope in its fifth season of operation at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica are presented. The system consists of a 0.75 m off-axis telescope instrumented with a HEMT amplifier-based radiometer having continuum sensitivity from 37-45 GHz in two frequency bands. With a 0.91 deg x 1.02 deg beam the instrument fully sampled 598 deg^2 of sky, including fields measured during the previous four seasons of Python observations. Interpreting the observed fluctuations as anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background, we place constraints on the angular power spectrum of fluctuations in eight multipole bands up to l ~ 260. The observed spectrum is consistent with both the COBE experiment and previous Python results. There is no significant contamination from known foregrounds. The results show a discernible rise in the angular power spectrum from large (l ~ 40) to small (l ~ 200) angular scales. The shape of the observed power spectrum is not a simple linear rise but has a sharply increasing slope starting at l ~ 150.Comment: 5 page

    Langmuir wave linear evolution in inhomogeneous nonstationary anisotropic plasma

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    Equations describing the linear evolution of a non-dissipative Langmuir wave in inhomogeneous nonstationary anisotropic plasma without magnetic field are derived in the geometrical optics approximation. A continuity equation is obtained for the wave action density, and the conditions for the action conservation are formulated. In homogeneous plasma, the wave field E universally scales with the electron density N as E ~ N^{3/4}, whereas the wavevector evolution varies depending on the wave geometry