1,027 research outputs found

    Moraic onsets in Arrernte

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    The Australian language Arrernte has been argued by Breen & Pensalfini (1999) and Evans & Levinson (2009) to present a case of VC syllabification with coda maximisation, rather than CV syllabification with onset maximisation. In this paper we demonstrate that greater insights into a number of phenomena are achieved when they are analysed with CV syllabification and onset consonants that are moraic, a possibility independently proposed for a wide range of languages by Topintzi (2010). We review a range of evidence from phonetic studies, acquisition and musicology that points towards CV syllabification in Arrernte, and analyse allomorphy, stress assignment, reduplication and the transpositional language game 'Rabbit Talk' in terms of reference to moraic structure. The results lend themselves to new directions in the analysis of Arrernte, and provide further evidence for moraic onsets in prosodic morphology

    Analytic Criteria for Power Exhaust in Divertors due to Impurity Radiation

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    Present divertor concepts for next step experiments such ITER and TPX rely upon impurity and hydrogen radiation to transfer the energy from the edge plasma to the main chamber and divertor chamber walls. The efficiency of these processes depends strongly on the heat flux, the impurity species, and the connection length. Using a database for impurity radiation rates constructed from the ADPAK code package, we have developed criteria for the required impurity fraction, impurity species, connection length and electron temperature and density at the mid-plane. Consistent with previous work, we find that the impurity radiation from coronal equilibrium rates is, in general, not adequate to exhaust the highest expected heating powers in present and future experiments. As suggested by others, we examine the effects of enhancing the radiation rates with charge exchange recombination and impurity recycling, and develop criteria for the minimum neutral fraction and impurity recycling rate that is required to exhaust a specified power. We also use this criteria to find the optimum impurity for divertor power exhaust.Comment: Preprint for the 11th PSI meeting, Adobe pdf with 14 figures, 15 page

    A test of the single conformation hypothesis in the analysis of NMR data for small molecules

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    A tricyclic ketone with seven stereogenic centers produced in >95:5 diastereomeric excess by an asymmetric Diels−Alder reaction has been subjected to a careful 2-D NMR(CDCl3)/MD analysis by Reggelin and co-workers and interpreted in terms of a single conformation in CDCl3 solution. The present work examines the validity of this interpretation. Specifically, the conformational profile of the endo isomer of the tricyclic ketone was examined by Monte Carlo searches with both the MM2* and MMFF force fields in MacroModel using the GB/SA CHCl3 solvent continuum model. The two sets of conformations were then combined and optimized with the MM3(96) force field. The structures of the resulting conformations and the NMR-derived geometric variables were together subjected to a NAMFIS analysis (NMR analysis of molecular flexibility in solution). Ideally, the procedure deconvolutes the thermally averaged NMR data into a small family of conformations that optimally represents the J-derived torsions and the NOE-derived distances. It is concluded that the tricyclic ketone under study is not well-characterized by a single conformation in CDCl3 solution, but by a set of rapidly equilibrating conformers that produces a deceptively averaged NMR spectrum. It would appear that the previously suggested structure is a virtual conformation obligated to compress multiconformer features into a single 3-D construct. In additon, we find that current force fields do not uniformly represent the conformational profile of polar molecules such as 1. The cause is traced primarily to the variable treatment of electrostatic effects

    Conjunct Agreement and Gender in South Slavic: From Theory to Experiments to Theory

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    Agreement with coordinated subjects in Slavic languages has recently seen a rapid increase in theoretical and experimental approaches, contributing to a wider theoretical discussion on the locus of agreement in grammar (cf. Marušič, Nevins, and Saksida 2007; Bošković 2009; Marušič, Nevins, and Badecker 2015). This paper revisits the theoretical predictions proposed for conjunction agreement in a group of South Slavic languages, with a special focus on gender agreement. The paper is based on two experiments involving speakers of Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (BCS) and Slovenian (Sln). Experiment 1 is an elicited production experiment investigating preverbal-conjunct agreement, while Experiment 2 investigates postverbal-conjunct agreement. The data provide experimental evidence discriminating between syntax proper and distributed-agreement models in terms of their ability to account for preverbal highest-conjunct agreement and present a theoretical mechanism for the distinction between default agreement (which has a fixed number and gender, independent of the value of each conjunct) and resolved agreement (which computes number and gender based on the values of each conjunct and must resolve potential conflicts). Focusing on the variability in the gender-agreement ratio across nine combinations, the experimental results for BCS and Sln morphosyntax challenge the notion of gender markedness that is generally posited for South Slavic languages

    When linearity prevails over hierarchy in syntax

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    Hierarchical structure has been cherished as a grammatical universal. We use experimental methods to show where linear order is also a relevant syntactic relation. An identical methodology and design were used across six research sites on South Slavic languages. Experimental results show that in certain configurations, grammatical production can in fact favor linear order over hierarchical structure. However, these findings are limited to coordinate structures and distinct from the kind of production errors found with comparable configurations such as “attraction” errors. The results demonstrate that agreement morphology may be computed in a series of steps, one of which is partly independent from syntactic hierarchy

    A life in progress: motion and emotion in the autobiography of Robert M. La Follette

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    This article is a study of a La Follette’s Autobiography, the autobiography of the leading Wisconsin progressive Robert M. La Follette, which was published serially in 1911 and, in book form, in 1913. Rather than focusing, as have other historians, on which parts of La Follette’s account are accurate and can therefore be trusted, it explains instead why and how this major autobiography was conceived and written. The article shows that the autobiography was the product of a sustained, complex, and often fraught series of collaborations among La Follette’s family, friends, and political allies, and in the process illuminates the importance of affective ties as well as political ambition and commitment in bringing the project to fruition. In the world of progressive reform, it argues, personal and political experiences were inseparable

    Molecular cloning and transcriptional activity of a new Petunia calreticulin gene involved in pistil transmitting tract maturation, progamic phase, and double fertilization

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    Calreticulin (CRT) is a highly conserved and ubiquitously expressed Ca2+-binding protein in multicellular eukaryotes. As an endoplasmic reticulum-resident protein, CRT plays a key role in many cellular processes including Ca2+ storage and release, protein synthesis, and molecular chaperoning in both animals and plants. CRT has long been suggested to play a role in plant sexual reproduction. To begin to address this possibility, we cloned and characterized the full-length cDNA of a new CRT gene (PhCRT) from Petunia. The deduced amino acid sequence of PhCRT shares homology with other known plant CRTs, and phylogenetic analysis indicates that the PhCRT cDNA clone belongs to the CRT1/CRT2 subclass. Northern blot analysis and fluorescent in situ hybridization were used to assess PhCRT gene expression in different parts of the pistil before pollination, during subsequent stages of the progamic phase, and at fertilization. The highest level of PhCRT mRNA was detected in the stigma–style part of the unpollinated pistil 1 day before anthesis and during the early stage of the progamic phase, when pollen is germinated and tubes outgrow on the stigma. In the ovary, PhCRT mRNA was most abundant after pollination and reached maximum at the late stage of the progamic phase, when pollen tubes grow into the ovules and fertilization occurs. PhCRT mRNA transcripts were seen to accumulate predominantly in transmitting tract cells of maturing and receptive stigma, in germinated pollen/growing tubes, and at the micropylar region of the ovule, where the female gametophyte is located. From these results, we suggest that PhCRT gene expression is up-regulated during secretory activity of the pistil transmitting tract cells, pollen germination and outgrowth of the tubes, and then during gamete fusion and early embryogenesis

    Validation in Fusion Research: Towards Guidelines and Best Practices

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    Because experiment/model comparisons in magnetic confinement fusion have not yet satisfied the requirements for validation as understood broadly, a set of approaches to validating mathematical models and numerical algorithms are recommended as good practices. Previously identified procedures, such as verification, qualification, and analysis of error and uncertainty, remain important. However, particular challenges intrinsic to fusion plasmas and physical measurement therein lead to identification of new or less familiar concepts that are also critical in validation. These include the primacy hierarchy, which tracks the integration of measurable quantities, and sensitivity analysis, which assesses how model output is apportioned to different sources of variation. The use of validation metrics for individual measurements is extended to multiple measurements, with provisions for the primacy hierarchy and sensitivity. This composite validation metric is essential for quantitatively evaluating comparisons with experiments. To mount successful and credible validation in magnetic fusion, a new culture of validation is envisaged.Comment: 27 pages, 1 table, 6 figure

    Crown Lengthening Revisited

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/141178/1/cap0233.pd

    Control of hsp70 RNA levels in human lymphocytes.

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