25 research outputs found

    Disturbances, robustness and adaptation in forest commons: comparative insights from two cases in the Southeastern Alps

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    Exposure to disturbances of different nature and scale can represent a threat for the survival of rural communities but also a stimulus to adjustment. Disturbance, robustness and adaptation are here examined through the lens of Forest Commons, as a typical institution, developed by communities in the southeastern Alps since several centuries. The paper relies on Commons' theory and further developments and carries out a historically-embedded analysis of disturbances, robustness and adaptation in Forest Commons of Slovenia and Veneto (Italy). Data have been drawn from multiple sources, following an approach based on an area scale and later on case-studies. The analysis focuses on evidence of Forest Commons\ub4 reactions to disturbances induced by political changes and State actions. Ostrom's design principles are used to test robustness of eight selected cases and identification of their adaptation patterns. The paper concludes by confirming Forest Commons as robust and adaptive socio-ecological systems and thus useful in Community Forestry conceptualisation. However, thanks to its cross-border analysis, it also points out future research needs for their better understanding

    Družbeni kontekst kot steber gospodarjenja z gozdom po načelih trajnosti - slovenski primer

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    Social context as more or less neglected field of sustainable development is crucial for the implementation of forest management measures. We can consider it as a basis to cope with (changing) structure characteristics. Realisation of public services, which we face when coping with economic crisis, might take this into consideration. The Forest Service network serves as a scanner of needs in their social context. It is also a respondent to local specifics in the form of forest management measures. Evidence of research on the social research in Slovenian forestry is weak, although not non-existent. We tested asystem approach, a structuring method of general public. Segmentation, a method presented, is generally known in marketing and has not been used in Slovenian forestry up to now. The two-step clustering analysis of quantitative data gathered with an inquiry of study circles (form of community learning) was used and is described herewith. The results show three general value based segments of study circle participants. The role of Slovenian foresty is changing and is not independent of its dynamic and colourful social contexts, Recognition of the society structure and dynamics may contribute to the rationalisation of organisational models during the crisis period. Hoewer, grounded actualisation of recent organisational models is possible only by considering priorities of the society\u27s segments. We conclude with suggestion for more R&D engagement in the social pillar of multifunctional forest management, in particular as the Slovenian social context is defined by dominance of private property and forest owners\u27 ageing, which are far from being analysed and responded to.Družbeni steber je bolj ali manj zapostavljeno področje trajnostnega razvoja, čeprav je za gospodarske ukrepe ključen. Razumemo ga lahko kot temelj pri seznanjanju z značilnostmi spreminjajoče se družbene strukture. Pomemben je zlasti za racionalizacijo javnih služb med gospodarsko krizo. Mreža enot Zavoda za gozdove je namreč lahko uporabna pri opazovanju družbenih kontekstov in odzivu na lokalne posebnosti z gozdnogospodarskimi ukrepi. Družboslovnih raziskav v slovenskem gozdarstvu ni veliko, vendar obstajajo. Kot primer sistemskega pristopa smo preiskusili metodo strukturiranja splošne javnosti. Predstavljena metoda segmentacije je pogosta v marketingu, v slovenskem gozdarstvu pa doslej še ni bila uporabljena. Za analizo kvantitativnih in kvalitativnih podatkov, zbranih z intervjuvanjem udeležencev študijskih krožkov kot oblike skupnostnega učenja, smo uporabili dvostopenjsko analizo gruč. Rezultati kažejo tri skupine udeležencev študijskih krožkov, katerih odgovori temeljijo na njihovi vrednostni usmeritvi. Vloga slovenskega gozdarstva se spreminja in ni neodvisna od njegove notranje dinamike in od raznolikih družbenih kontekstov. Prepoznavanje struktur in dinamike družbe lahko prispeva k racionalizaciji organizacijskih modelov gozdarstva, aktualni v času krize. Utemeljeno posodabljanje obstoječih organizacijskih modelov je namreč možno le ob upoštevanju prioritet različnih segmentov družbe. Zaključujemo s predlogom okrepitve družboslovnega raziskovalno-razvojnega delovanja večnamenskega gospodarjenja z gozdom, še posebej, ker slednjega v Sloveniji določajo prevladujoča zasebna gozdna posest in staranje lastnikov gozda, na kar se z analizami in ukrepi še nismo odzvali

    Circoli di Studio per lo sviluppo locale: modelli lifelong oriented e competenze dell’operatore in area transfrontaliera Italia-Slovenia

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    The paper analyses the model of study circle, not as a learning action in adult education but in its being an action of design able to put together different local partners for the construction of responses related with learning needs identified. The device of Study Circle is analysed as a model that has the potentiality to promote and develop social networks for local education.So, it is outlined the possibility that Study Circles may represent amechanism for the establishment of local institutional spaces for continuing education: in terms of needs’ evaluation, planning and management of the education system, until evaluation. The paper develops its reflection by starting from a methodological model in order to subsequently define an AE prototype as an integrated lifelong learning system. The Authors focus on the role of tutors/mentors and thus reflect on their competencies. Aftera description of the theoretical framework, the Authors present an interesting pilot activity conducted in the cross-border area between Italy and Slovenia, and concerning Study Circles for the development of human resources and cooperation networks.Il contributo analizza il modello del circolo di studio, non solo come dispositivo formativo di educazione degli adulti, ma nel suo essere azione progettuale in grado di mettere insieme soggetti diversi per la costruzione di risposte formative coerenti con i bisogni rilevati. Il dispositivo del Circolo di Studio presenta infatti un modello organizzativo potenzialmente in grado di promuovere e sviluppare reti sociali per l’educazione locale.Viene così delineata la possibilità che Circolo di Studio possa rappresentare un meccanismo locale per la costituzione di spazi istituzionali di educazione permanente: dalla rilevazione dei bisogni, alla programmazione e gestione del sistema formativo, fino alla sua valutazione. Da modello metodologico per l’Eda a prototipo di sistema formativo integrato territoriale. Il contributo si sofferma sul ruolo fondamentale del tutor con una riflessione sulle competenze. Si conclude con la presentazione di un progetto per la costruzione di un sistema transfrontaliero tra Italia e/Sloveniaper la realizzazione di circoli di studio come supporto allo sviluppodelle competenze locali

    Izobraževanje odraslih za razvoj lokalne skupnosti: izkušnje čezmejnih študijskih krožkov

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    The relationship between adult education and local community development is emphasised by the con textualisation of study circles in the cross-border area along the border between Italy and Slovenia. The system of crossborder study circles development is described on the basis of local challenges framed in the theory of human and social capital. The educational model of study circles, well developed in Slovenia, is implemented. New dimensions development and empirical data are provided by the EU project. Monitoring evidence stimulated educational demands of the local community on various levels of ac tivity (training programmes for mentors, study circles, stakeholders round tables) and at the same time stimulated offers as well. The project described demonstrates the possibility of building a local system of study circles linked to local development in the border area via a multi-level approach and the direct involvement of the various stakeholders. The final discussion highlights the importance of vertical and horizontal integration, typical for long-term bottom-up development. The diversity of learning devices and the role of the intermediary level provide a greater degree of creativity and initiative than the formal educational system, but only when it is recognised and empowered by top-down decision making. Razmerje med izobraževanjem odraslih in razvojem lokalne skupnosti poudarjamo s predstavitvijo pri mera razvoja študijskih krožkov na obmejnem območju med Italijo in Slovenijo. V okviru teorije človeških virov in socialnega kapitala opisujemo nastanek sistema čezmejnih študijskih krožkov kot odziva na lokalne probleme. Izobraževalni model študijskih krožkov je v Sloveniji dobro razvit. Razvoj novih dimenzij in empirične podatke omogoča projekt EU. Spremljanje različnih ravni aktivnosti (izobraževalni program za mentorje, študijski krožki, okrogle mize deležnikov) kaže spodbujene lokalne izobraževalne potrebe in ponudbo hkrati. Prikazana je možnost graditve lokalnega čezmejnega sistema študijskih krožkov, povezanega z lokalnim razvojem, večnivojskim pristopom in neposredno vključitvijo različnih krožkov, povezanega z lokalnim razvojem, večnivojskim pristopom in neposredno vključitvijo različnih dolgoročni razvoj, ki poteka "od spodaj navzgor". Pestrost učnih pripomočkov in intermediarna raven omogočata več ustvarjalnosti in pobud kot formalni izobraževalni sistem, ampak le, če jih prepoznajo in spodbujajo tudi študijskim krožkom nadrejene ravni odločanja

    Izobraževanje odraslih za razvoj lokalne skupnosti: izkušnje čezmejnih študijskih krožkov

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    Razmerje med izobraževanjem odraslih in razvojem lokalne skupnosti poudarjamo s predstavitvijo primera razvoja študijskih krožkov na obmejnem območju med Italijo in Slovenijo. V okviru teorije človeških virov in socialnega kapitala opisujemo nastanek sistema čezmejnih študijskih krožkov kot odziva na lokalne probleme. Izobraževalni model študijskih krožkov je v Sloveniji dobro razvit. Razvoj novih dimenzij in empirične podatke omogoča projekt EU. Spremljanje različnih ravni aktivnosti (izobraževalni program za mentorje, študijski krožki, okrogle mize deležnikov) kaže spodbujene lokalne izobraževalne potrebe in ponudbo hkrati. Prikazana je možnost graditve lokalnega čezmejnega sistema študijskih krožkov, povezanega z lokalnim razvojem, večnivojskim pristopom in neposredno vključitvijo različnih deležnikov. V sklepni razpravi je v ospredju pomen vertikalne in horizontalne integracije, značilne za dolgoročni razvoj, ki poteka »od spodaj navzgor«. Pestrost učnih pripomočkov in intermediarna raven omogočata več ustvarjalnosti in pobud kot formalni izobraževalni sistem, ampak le, če jih prepoznajo in spodbujajo tudi študijskim krožkom nadrejene ravni odločanja

    Study Circle for local development: lifelong oriented models and operators’ competences in the cross border area Italy- Slovenia

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    The paper analyses the model of study circle, not as a learning action in adult education but in its being an action of design able to put together different local partners for the construction of responses related with learning needs identified. The device of Study Circle is analysed as a model that has the potentiality to promote and develop social networks for local education. So, it is outlined the possibility that Study Circles may represent a mechanism for the establishment of local institutional spaces for continuing education: in terms of needs’ evaluation, planning and management of the education system, until evaluation. The paper develops its reflection by starting from a methodological model in order to subsequently define an AE prototype as an integrated lifelong learning system. The Authors focus on the role of tutors/mentors and thus reflect on their competencies. After a description of the theoretical framework, the Authors present an interesting pilot activity conducted in the cross-border area between Italy and Slovenia, and concerning Study Circles for the development of human resources and cooperation networks

    Training Programmes in Sustainable Forest Management in Austria, Croatia and Slovenia

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    Background and Purpose: During the Erasmus+ project “Cooperation for Innovative Approach in Sustainable Forest Management Training (CIA2SFM)” a study of the existing vocational education and training (VET) and lifelong learning (LLL) programmes in the field of sustainable forest management (SFM) was conducted in Austria, Croatia and Slovenia. The aim of this paper is to get an overview of and analyse SFM-related VET and LLL programmes in the study area, with an emphasis on the identification of good practice examples and providing recommendations for improvement. Materials and Methods: A combined approach of literature review, Internet search and consultations with training providers was applied in order to collect data on training programmes conducted in the period 2006-2015 in Austria, Croatia and Slovenia. The programmes were analysed based on topics, types of methods used, existence of specified learning outcomes, programme evaluation by participants and how the programme was advertised. The analysis employed basic descriptive statistics. Topics were grouped into broader themes. Only training programmes targeting private forest owners, forestry professionals, and forestry entrepreneurs were analysed. Three examples of good practice in each country were selected based on collaboratively developed criteria. Results: In Austria, Croatia and Slovenia numerous training courses related to SFM were conducted in the analysed period, predominantly addressing target groups in forestry sector and covering a variety of topics. The relative importance of themes varied among countries. In order to facilitate the knowledge uptake by participants various methods were applied. Although indoor ex-cathedra approaches prevailed, it could be recognized that there is a growth in interest for foster demonstrations in the field, organizing field trips, emphasize on practical work and combining methods and approaches in most countries. Conclusions: Even if national providers of training programmes may relate to individual needs within national forestry sectors, SFM-related training programmes should be regularly screened and updated according to international agendas and emerging issues. In order to cope with increasing uncertainty and expanding risks forest ecosystems are facing, it is an important task to open up the recent training offer to innovative forms of learning, combinations of topics and learning environments

    The Italian Draft Law on the \u2018Provisions Concerning the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage\u2019

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    Intangible cultural heritage in Italy is still in need of a unified approach, capable of providing reliable criteria for identifying its assets and for indicating timescales and means by which they should be safeguarded. In the continued absence of up-to-date, ad hoc state legislation (since the content of those laws which do implement international Conventions is too generic in nature to be sufficiently effective), the Regions have proceeded to act in a somewhat scattered manner, giving rise to an extremely fragmented and very disorderly regulatory framework. The draft law N. 4486, "Provisions Concerning the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage", presented on 12th May 2017 at the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Republic - as the result of the work of an interdisciplinary and inter-university research team coordinated by Marco Giampieretti, who has drafted the final text with the collaboration of Simona Pinton - seeks to fill the serious void that exists in Italian legal system by aligning it to the principles of international and European law, by redirecting the relevant State and Regional legislation, and by satisfying the fundamental requirements of the national community

    Social context as a pillar of sustainable forest management - a Slovenian case

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    Social context as more or less neglected field of sustainable development is crucial for the implementation of forest management measures. We can consider it as a basis to cope with (changing) structure characteristics. Realisation of public services, which we face when coping with economic crisis, might take this into consideration. The Forest Service network serves as a scanner of needs in their social context. It is also a respondent to local specifics in the form of forest management measures. Evidence of research on the social research in Slovenian forestry is weak, although not non-existent. We tested asystem approach, a structuring method of general public. Segmentation, a method presented, is generally known in marketing and has not been used in Slovenian forestry up to now. The two-step clustering analysis of quantitative data gathered with an inquiry of study circles (form of community learning) was used and is described herewith. The results show three general value based segments of study circle participants. The role of Slovenian foresty is changing and is not independent of its dynamic and colourful social contexts, Recognition of the society structure and dynamics may contribute to the rationalisation of organisational models during the crisis period. Hoewer, grounded actualisation of recent organisational models is possible only by considering priorities of the society's segments. We conclude with suggestion for more R&D engagement in the social pillar of multifunctional forest management, in particular as the Slovenian social context is defined by dominance of private property and forest owners' ageing, which are far from being analysed and responded to

    Forest commons responded efficiently - do we understand why?

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