74 research outputs found

    Production of biodiesel from oil seed rape in Croatia

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    Zbog povoljnih klimatskih uvjeta Hrvatska ima značajni potencijal proizvodnje biodizela iz ulja uljane repice. Očekivane ekonomske, socijalne i ekoloÅ”ke koristi proizvodnje biodizela na nacionalnoj razini treba dostići stvaranjem proizvodnje ovog goriva iz domaće sirovine. DanaÅ”nji, sve zahtjevniji ekoloÅ”ki standardi, kao i obveze smanjenja emisije stakleničkih plinova, daju snažan poticaj njegovoj proizvodnji i koriÅ”tenju u europskim državama. Međutim, u procesu proizvodnje biodizela, a u svrhu postizanja pozitivne rentabilnosti proizvodnje, potrebno je osigurati plasman svih nusproizvoda: pogače, glicerola i slame. Ako se biodizel i svi nusproizvodi proizvode i koriste u sustavima poljoprivredne proizvodnje, postiže se energetska neovisnost proizvodnje, sigurnost opskrbe za energentom, neovisnost o tržiÅ”tu sirovina, kao i mogućnosti proizvodnje ekoloÅ”ki ispravne hrane.Because of favourable climatic conditions Croatia has significant potential in biodiesel production from oilseed rape. Expected economic, social and ecological benefits from biodiesel production on the national level, need to be attained through creation of production of this fuel from domestic raw material. Increasingly demanding ecological standards as well as the obligation to reduce greenhouse effect gas emission have given a powerful boost to production and usage of biodiesel in European countries. Special emphasis in the process of biodiesel production, with the aim of attaining greater profit, is given to the usage of all by-products e.g. cake, glycerol and straw. If biodiesel and all by-products are produced and used in agricultural production systems, then energy independence of production is achieved, certainty of energy source supplying, independence on raw material market and possibility of bio-organic food production

    Grape marc used as thermal energy

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    Kako proizvođači vina nemaju iskustva u pripremi i koriÅ”tenju vinske komine u proizvodnji energije, glavni cilj ovog rada je uvođenje peletiranja kao ekoloÅ”kog i energetskog načina termičke obrade tog ostatka nakon proizvodnje vina. Prikazat će se prednosti i nedostaci peletiranja te koriÅ”tenja peleta iz vinske komine u proizvodnji toplinske energije. Također, predlaže se upotreba malih postrojenja za peletiranja ostatka poljoprivredne proizvodnje u svrhu proizvodnje peleta kao goriva za proizvodnju toplinske energije.Wine producers do not have experience in preparation and use of grape marc in energy generation. Thus, the idea of the paper is the new ecological and energy approach in addressing the issue of treating grape marc from wine production by introducing pelleting process. This paper gives an overview of pellet production of grape marc, which are used in thermal energy generation. Analysis has been worked out of pelleting process of grape marc and overview for advantages and disadvantages of pelleting process. Moreover, this paper proposes usage of small facilities for agriculture waste biomass pelleting for thermal energy generation

    Production of biodiesel from oil seed rape in Croatia

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    Zbog povoljnih klimatskih uvjeta Hrvatska ima značajni potencijal proizvodnje biodizela iz ulja uljane repice. Očekivane ekonomske, socijalne i ekoloÅ”ke koristi proizvodnje biodizela na nacionalnoj razini treba dostići stvaranjem proizvodnje ovog goriva iz domaće sirovine. DanaÅ”nji, sve zahtjevniji ekoloÅ”ki standardi, kao i obveze smanjenja emisije stakleničkih plinova, daju snažan poticaj njegovoj proizvodnji i koriÅ”tenju u europskim državama. Međutim, u procesu proizvodnje biodizela, a u svrhu postizanja pozitivne rentabilnosti proizvodnje, potrebno je osigurati plasman svih nusproizvoda: pogače, glicerola i slame. Ako se biodizel i svi nusproizvodi proizvode i koriste u sustavima poljoprivredne proizvodnje, postiže se energetska neovisnost proizvodnje, sigurnost opskrbe za energentom, neovisnost o tržiÅ”tu sirovina, kao i mogućnosti proizvodnje ekoloÅ”ki ispravne hrane.Because of favourable climatic conditions Croatia has significant potential in biodiesel production from oilseed rape. Expected economic, social and ecological benefits from biodiesel production on the national level, need to be attained through creation of production of this fuel from domestic raw material. Increasingly demanding ecological standards as well as the obligation to reduce greenhouse effect gas emission have given a powerful boost to production and usage of biodiesel in European countries. Special emphasis in the process of biodiesel production, with the aim of attaining greater profit, is given to the usage of all by-products e.g. cake, glycerol and straw. If biodiesel and all by-products are produced and used in agricultural production systems, then energy independence of production is achieved, certainty of energy source supplying, independence on raw material market and possibility of bio-organic food production

    Theoretical Potential of Post-harvest Residues in Međimurje County for Energy Generation

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    Međimurje County, because of its relatively developed agricultural production has a great potential to collect and utilize agricultural residues in energy production. Instability of prices of energy-generating products, together with increase of ecological awareness, make renewable sources and, therefore, agricultural residues, more and more interesting raw material for energy production. The aim of this work was to determine the theoretical potential and availability of post-harvest residues under sustainability conditions in the agricultural sector in the Međimurje County area. Availability of agricultural residues makes it possible to estimate the amount of biomass, needed for energy production in the research area. The calculation includes the following agricultural crops: corn, wheat, barley and rapeseed. The results show that there are 22,846 tonnes of residues after corn production, 5,285 tonnes of residues after wheat production, 2,853 tonnes of residues after barley production and 2,686 tonnes of residues after production of rapeseed available in the County, for energy production

    Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) biomass as a source for energy production

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    Due to their rapid spread and reproduction, invasive plant species adversely affect agricultural production, the biodiversity of other species, as well as human health. They can be used as a potential raw material for energy production after mechanical removal to reduce their population without using herbicides. Ragweed belongs to the group of foreign invasive species, mainly as a weed, it can be found in crops, and its pollen causes allergies in humans. This paper aimed to investigate the energy properties of ragweed and the possibility of its use in thermal energy production. The results show that ragweed is a solid energy source for direct combustion, with a slightly higher proportion of ash, which negatively affects the energy properties.</p

    Mathematical Models of Influence of Total Admixtures and Kernel Moisture on Hectoliter Weight of Wheat

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    Da bi se utvrdilo da li se odnosi između hektolitarske mase, ukupnih primjesa i njihovih komponenata te vlage zrna pÅ”enice mogu matematički modelirati, kroz trogodiÅ”nje razdoblje (1997.ā€“1999. godina) uzimani su uzorci pÅ”enice prilikom prijama u jednom silosu na području sjeverozapadne Hrvatske. Namjera istraživanja bila je, odrediti utjecaj prije navedenih veličina jedne na drugu ali bez podataka o sortama i agrotehnici odnosno, snimiti stanje upravo onako kako ono izgleda kod prijama kako pÅ”enice uzgojene uz viÅ”u agrotehniku, tako i kod pÅ”enice uzgojene na niskoj agrotehnici. Svake godine uzeto je 20 slučajno odabranih uzoraka. U svim uzorcima određena je hektolitarska masa, vlaga u zrnu i ukupne primjese, a u zadnjoj godini istraživanja (1999. godina) određene su i pojedinačne vrijednosti crnih i bijelih primjesa kao i njihovih komponenti. Pomoću koeficijenta korelacije prikazan je utjecaj prije navedenih veličina jedne na drugu, kao i utjecaj komponenti crnih i bijelih primjesa na hektolitarsku masu i vlagu zrna. Međusobni utjecaj nabrojenih veličina matematički je modeliran pomoću linearnih jednadžbi. U trogodiÅ”njem razdoblju istraživanja u prosjeku hektolitarska masa i ukupne primjese su u negativnoj korelaciji (r=ā€“0,38; P<0,01). U negativnoj korelaciji su i hektolitarska masa i vlaga zrna (r=ā€“0,37; P<0,01). Kada se raspon vlaga u zrnu koje su utvrđene u istraživanju podijeli na četiri manja raspona onda se joÅ” bolje može vidjeti koji od odabranih raspona vlage zrna najbolje korelira sa hektolitarskom masom i ukupnim primjesama. U 1998. godini to su bili rasponi od 12,5ā€“13,5% (r=ā€“0,67; P<0,05) i 13,6ā€“14,5% vlage u zrnu (r=ā€“0,85; P<0,05), a u 1999. godini raspon od 13,6ā€“14,5% vlage u zrnu (r=ā€“0,83; P<0,05). Na hektolitarsku masu viÅ”e su utjecale crne primjese od bijelih, a od crnih primjesa na hektolitarsku masu najviÅ”e utječe udio korovskog sjemena. Između crnih primjesa i hektolitarske mase utvrđena je negativna korelacija (r=ā€“0,56; P<0,01), baÅ” kao i između udjela korovskog sjemena i hektolitarske mase (r=ā€“0,55; P<0,05). Analizom omjera između hektolitarske mase, ukupnih primjesa, crnih i bijelih primjesa iznad 70,8 kg/hl smanjivao se sadržaj ukupnih i crnih primjesa, a povećavao se sadržaj bijelih primjesa. Analizom omjera između vlage te crnih, bijelih i ukupnih primjesa, utvrđeno je da se povećanjem vlage iznad 11% povećao i sadržaj bijelih primjesa, a sadržaj ukupnih i crnih primjesa se smanjio. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da matematičko modeliranje za navedene veličine nije pouzdano jer su koeficijent determinacije za prikazane primjese, vlagu u zrnu i hektolitarsku masu mali. Jedino je u drugoj godini istraživanja jednadžba omjera za hektolitarsku masu i ukupne primjese pokazala veći koeficijent determinacije (0,6068). Koeficijenti determinacije (R2) za linearne jednadžbe promatranih veličina u istraživanju su mali, Å”to nam govori da će se ovakvi odnosi između hektolitarske mase, vlage u zrnu i ukupnih primjesa, vlage u zrnu i crnih i bijelih primjesa vrlo teÅ”ko ponovno pojaviti.With the purpose of determining if relationships between hectoliter weight, total admixtures and their components and kernel moisture can be mathematically modeled, wheat kernel samples were taken at the point of entering a silo in anorthwestern Croatia in a period of three years (1997ā€“1999). The intention of the research was to determine mutual interaction of the above mentioned factors, with taking no consideration of data connected to varieties or agrotechnology. It means that the purpose was to get insight into the actual situation at the entry point of the silo, with wheat grown with the higher level of agrotechnology as well the wheat grown with a lower level of agrotechnology. Twenty samples were taken every year at random. Hectoliter weight, kernel moisture and total admixtures were measured for every sample, and in the last year of the research (1999) the amounts of black and white admixtures as well as their components. The mutual interaction among the above mentioned factors as well as the influence of white and black admixture components on the hectoliter weight and the kernel moisture were shown with help of a correlation coefficient. The mutual interaction among the above mentioned factors was mathematically modeled by means of linear equations. Hectoliter weight and total admixtures showed negative average correlation in the three-year research period (r=ā€“0.38; P<0.01), and so did hectoliter weight and kernel moisture (r=ā€“0.37; P<0.01). When the range of various levels of kernel moisture that were found in the research is divided into four smaller ranges, it enables us to clearly see which of the chosen kernel moisture level ranges best correlates with hectoliter weight and total admixtures. In 1998 those were ranges of 12.5ā€“13.5% kernel moisture (r=ā€“0.67; P<0.05) and 13.6ā€“14.5% kernel moisture(r=ā€“0.85;P<0.05), and in the year 1999 it was the range of 13.6ā€“14.5% kernel moisture (r=ā€“0.83; P<0.05). Analysis of ratio of hectoliter weight, total admixtures, black and white admixtures above 70.8 kg/hl showed a decrease of total and black admixtures content, and an increase in white admixtures content. Analysis of the ratio between moisture and black, white and total admixtures showed that a moisture increase above 11% results in an increase of white admixtures content, and a decrease in total and black admixtures content. Research results indicate that mathematical modeling of the above mentioned factors is not reliable because the determination coefficients for the shown admixtures, kernel moisture and hectoliter weight are too low. It was only in the second research year that the ratio equation for hectoliter weight and total admixtures showed a higher determination coefficient (0.6068). Determination coefficients (R2) for linear equations of the factors in the research are low, which indicates that the relationships of this kind between hectoliter weight, kernel moisture and total admixtures, as well as those between kernel moisture and black and white admixtures are not likely to occur again

    Experience in production and utilization of renewable energy sources in the European Union

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    Europska unija danas u proizvodnji bioenergije prelazi u drugu fazu proizvodnje obnovljivih izvora energije. To znači da je proces proizvodnje biogoriva, na temeljima Zelene i Bijele knjige, u potpunosti definiran. Dakle, utvrđen je udio biogoriva u potroÅ”nji, način proizvodnje kao i kakvoća te je zakonski i legislativno utvrđen sustav njihove provedbe mogućnosti kontrole provedbe svake pojedine članice Europske unije. Europska unija je u drugu fazu proizvodnje biogoriva krenula izradom energetskih krugova i to uz joÅ” 7 vrsta biogoriva (EC 2003/30) na: - proizvodnju biodizela iz metilnih estera masnih kiselina koji se proizvode od biljnog ili životinjskog ulja te od otpadnog jestivog ulja, - proizvodnju bioetanola iz biomase i biorazgradivog dijela otpada, - proizvodnju bioplina iz biomase i biorazgradivog dijela otpada koji se može pročistiti do kakvoće prirodnog plina. Kako je biomasa jedini obnovljivi izvor energije iz kojeg je moguće proizvesti visokovrijedna tekuća i plinovita goriva, Europski parlament i Vijeće Europe izdali su gore navedenu Direktivu koju zemlje članice moraju postaviti kao nacionalni cilj te do 1. srpnja 2006. godine dati izvjeŔće komisiji Europske unije o dosad učinjenom, kao i o mogućim potezima u sljedećih godinu dana. Druga faza je izrada projekta za 2020. godinu, gdje za Republiku Hrvatsku vrijedi da u području transporta mora potroÅ”iti minimalno 260.000 t biogoriva. Međutim, uz navedeno će ostati i preko 500.000 t nusproizvoda, Å”to agronomska, veterinarska i ostale struke trebaju shvatiti kao izazov i načiniti program, najbolji za Republiku Hrvatsku, kako bi u potpunosti mogli odgovoriti zahtjevima Europske unije.The European Union is entering the second phase of production of renewable energy sources. Namely, biofuel production is entirely defined due to EU\u27s Green and White paper. Hence, share of biofuels\u27 consumption, their production and quality as well as the system of application and monitoring by a single member state is determined. This second phase has begun with drafting energy cycles\u27 after defining 7 types of biofuels (EC/30/2003): - biodiesel production from fatty acid methyl esters from vegetable oil or animal fat and from edible waste oil, - bioethanol production from biomass and biodegradable waste, - biogas production from biomass and biodegradable fat which can be purified to natural gas quality. As biomass is the only renewable energy source from which it is possible to produce valuable liquid and gaseous fuels, the EU Parliament and the EU Commission have issued a Directive which has to be set as a national goal by its member states. Furthermore, they must submit their reports on previous activities together with the future plans. When speaking of the Republic of Croatia, the second phase plan for the year 2020 is that in transportation area it minimum 260,000 t of biofuels should be spent. However, this will lead to production of more than 500,000 t of by-products, which should be considered as a challenge for agricultural, veterinarian and related professions to prepare the best program for the Republic of Croatia in order to fulfil EU\u27s demands

    Agricultural model of biodiesel fuel production

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    Kako Republika Hrvatska općenito nema modele koriÅ”tenja biogoriva, u ovom radu istraživali su se tehničko ā€“ tehnoloÅ”ko ā€“ troÅ”kovni agrarni modeli iskoriÅ”tenja jednog od najzanimljivijih poljoprivrednih biogoriva ā€“ biodizelskoga goriva. Na temelju dobivenih modela i ocjenom rentabilnosti strukture troÅ”kova, odredio se najučinkovitiji te najpovoljniji model proizvodnje biodizelskoga goriva u Republici Hrvatskoj, odnosno neposredno povećanje proizvodnje u poljoprivredi. Iz dobivenih rezultata vidi se da model proizvodnje bio-dizelskoga goriva s nositeljem proizvodnje, poljoprivrednom tvrtkom s pogonom za rafinaciju sirovoga ulja ima najbolju ocjenu rentabilnosti uz najbržu amortizaciju uloženih sredstava. Međutim, zbog trenutnih nerijeÅ”enih vlasničkih odnosa i loÅ”e financijske situacije poljoprivrednih tvrtki, model proizvodnje biodizelskoga goriva s nositeljem proizvodnje, poljoprivrednom zadrugom prihvaćen je kao najpovoljniji model proizvodnje biodizelskoga goriva u ovom trenutku za Republiku Hrvatsku.Since the Republic of Croatia does not have the biofuel utilization models, in this paper technical, technological, cost and agrarian models of utilization of one of the most interesting agricultural biofuels ā€“ biodiesel were investigated. Based on the obtained models and the cost-effectiveness evaluation of the costs, the most efficient and the most convenient model of biodiesel fuel production in the Republic of Croatia was determined. In the obtained results, it was observed that the biodiesel production model with producer an agricultural company with the machinery for raw oil refining, had the best cost-effectiveness evaluation together with a high amortization of invested capital. However, because of the current unresolved proprietary conditions and unsatisfactory financial situation of agricultural companies, the biodiesel fuel production model with the producer an agricultural cooperative society was accepted as currently the most prosperous biodiesel fuel production model in the Republic of Croatia
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