Production of biodiesel from oil seed rape in Croatia


Zbog povoljnih klimatskih uvjeta Hrvatska ima značajni potencijal proizvodnje biodizela iz ulja uljane repice. Očekivane ekonomske, socijalne i ekološke koristi proizvodnje biodizela na nacionalnoj razini treba dostići stvaranjem proizvodnje ovog goriva iz domaće sirovine. Današnji, sve zahtjevniji ekološki standardi, kao i obveze smanjenja emisije stakleničkih plinova, daju snažan poticaj njegovoj proizvodnji i korištenju u europskim državama. Međutim, u procesu proizvodnje biodizela, a u svrhu postizanja pozitivne rentabilnosti proizvodnje, potrebno je osigurati plasman svih nusproizvoda: pogače, glicerola i slame. Ako se biodizel i svi nusproizvodi proizvode i koriste u sustavima poljoprivredne proizvodnje, postiže se energetska neovisnost proizvodnje, sigurnost opskrbe za energentom, neovisnost o tržištu sirovina, kao i mogućnosti proizvodnje ekološki ispravne hrane.Because of favourable climatic conditions Croatia has significant potential in biodiesel production from oilseed rape. Expected economic, social and ecological benefits from biodiesel production on the national level, need to be attained through creation of production of this fuel from domestic raw material. Increasingly demanding ecological standards as well as the obligation to reduce greenhouse effect gas emission have given a powerful boost to production and usage of biodiesel in European countries. Special emphasis in the process of biodiesel production, with the aim of attaining greater profit, is given to the usage of all by-products e.g. cake, glycerol and straw. If biodiesel and all by-products are produced and used in agricultural production systems, then energy independence of production is achieved, certainty of energy source supplying, independence on raw material market and possibility of bio-organic food production

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