26 research outputs found

    Geospatial Intelligence: A Review of the Discipline in the Global and Croatian Contexts

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    Geoprostorno obavještavanje (geospatial intelligence) novi je smjer u razvoju geoinformacijske znanosti. No osim što je znanstvena disciplina, to je također i obavještajna aktivnost i tehnologija usmjerena prema osiguravanju podrške u procesima odlučivanja, odnosno donošenja odluka. Nadopunjujući konvencionalni GIS, ona kombinira podatke iz različitih izvora i stvara interaktivno okruženje koje uključuje istovremeni pristup integriranim informacijama i omogućuje pojedincima razlišitih struka unos podataka u sustav. Najznačajnija područja primjene geoprostornog obavještavanja su vojne akcije i upravljanje kriznim situacijama. U Hrvatskoj je ta disciplina u ranoj fazi razvoja i gotovo je u potpunosti vezana uz sudjelovanje Hrvatske u Multinacionalnom programu zajedničke geoprostorne proizvodnje.Geospatial intelligence is a new direction in the development of geographic information science. Besides being a scientific discipline, it is also an intelligence activity and technology directed towards ensuring support for decision-making processes. It complements conventional GIS by combining data from various sources and creating an interactive environment that involves simultaneous access and input to integrated information by a group of individuals with different areas of expertise. The most prominent fields of application in geospatial intelligence are military operations and disaster management. The discipline is currently in the early stage of development in Croatia, and is almost entirely associated with Croatian participation in the Multinational Geospatial Co-production Program

    Održivi razvoj krških područja Floride (SAD) s osvrtom na hrvatski krški prostor

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    Krška područja Floride zbog velikog društvenog (populacijskog i gospodarskog) pritiska predstavljaju jedan od najranjivijih krških sustava na Zemlji. Upravo je to razlog što je održivi razvoj neophodan pristup za daljnji razvoj tog prostora. U bliskoj prošlosti vlasti Floride su prepoznale važnost tog pristupa u upravljanju prostorom i primijenile ga u konkretnim zakonima, politikama i strategijama. S obzirom na sve veći pritisak na krški okoliš, u Hrvatskoj također treba razmotriti pristup održivog razvoja, a floridski primjer može poslužiti kao izvor primijenjenih postupaka vezanih uz taj pristup

    Geoprostorno obavještavanje: osvrt na disciplinu u globalnom i hrvatskom kontekstu

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    Geospatial intelligence is a new direction in the development of geographic information science. Besides being a scientific discipline, it is also an intelligence activity and technology directed towards ensuring support for decision-making processes. It complements conventional GIS by combining data from various sources and creating an interactive environment that involves simultaneous access and input to integrated information by a group of individuals with different areas of expertise. The most prominent fields of application in geospatial intelligence are military operations and disaster management. The discipline is currently in the early stage of development in Croatia, and is almost entirely associated with Croatian participation in the Multinational Geospatial Co-production Program.Geoprostorno obavještavanje (geospatial intelligence) novi je smjer u razvoju geoinformacijske znanosti. No osim što je znanstvena disciplina, to je također i obavještajna aktivnost i tehnologija usmjerena prema osiguravanju podrške u procesima odlučivanja, odnosno donošenja odluka. Nadopunjujući konvencionalni GIS, ona kombinira podatke iz različitih izvora i stvara interaktivno okruženje koje uključuje istovremeni pristup integriranim informacijama i omogućuje pojedincima razlišitih struka unos podataka u sustav. Najznačajnija područja primjene geoprostornog obavještavanja su vojne akcije i upravljanje kriznim situacijama. U Hrvatskoj je ta disciplina u ranoj fazi razvoja i gotovo je u potpunosti vezana uz sudjelovanje Hrvatske u Multinacionalnom programu zajedničke geoprostorne proizvodnje

    Planning for Cultural Ecosystem Services: A Study of Socialist and Post-Socialist Zagreb, Croatia

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    Ever since the early 2000s, there has been considerable research on the contribution of cultural ecosystem services (CES) to human wellbeing. However, their application in planning has lagged because they differ profoundly from other kinds of ecosystem services. Moreover, most studies on practical aspects of CES have been carried out in high-income countries. In contrast, socialist and post-socialist perspectives have rarely been addressed despite studies indicating that socialist regimes used to provide abundant urban green and blue spaces (UGBS), which are considered the main providers of CES in urban areas. This thesis addressed this gap by exploring how urban planning in Zagreb, Croatia, incorporated, enabled and responded to CES across different socio-political and ideological periods, i.e. socialist (1945-1991) and post-socialist (after 1991) regimes. The study involved the collection and analysis of spatial data (historical aerial images), planning documents (historical urban plans), and interviews with 88 participants (park users, gardeners, urban planners, academics, and local activists). To facilitate analysis, a new framework for researching planning considerations of CES was devised, named the “hatch and grow” strategy. Four case study units were selected based on the time of construction and the presence of specific types of UGBS: (1) the Lower Town, (2) Trnsko and Siget neighbourhoods, (3) Savica Neighbourhood, and (4) Jarun and Vrbani neighbourhoods. The spatial analysis of aerial images and urban plans of Zagreb confirmed the hypothesis that the provision of UGBS peaked in the socialist period and virtually died out in the post-socialist period. Subsequent content analyses of urban plans and interview transcripts confirmed the more beneficial role of the utilitarian socialist approach to urban nature for human–nature interactions compared to the capital-oriented post-socialist urban planning. While interviewed park users indicated a number of CES generated in socialist parks, gardeners suggested that the provided opportunities were not as diverse to satisfy all residents who thus created wild collective gardens to elicit different sets of CES. The proposed framework for researching planning consideration of CES helped explain links between UGBS, users and CES from a historical perspective. This research demonstrated the complex yet profound legacy of historical socio-political context on contemporary urban CES, and the important implications this has for planning for urban CES

    Planning for Cultural Ecosystem Services: A Study of Socialist and Post-Socialist Zagreb, Croatia

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    Ever since the early 2000s, there has been considerable research on the contribution of cultural ecosystem services (CES) to human wellbeing. However, their application in planning has lagged because they differ profoundly from other kinds of ecosystem services. Moreover, most studies on practical aspects of CES have been carried out in high-income countries. In contrast, socialist and post-socialist perspectives have rarely been addressed despite studies indicating that socialist regimes used to provide abundant urban green and blue spaces (UGBS), which are considered the main providers of CES in urban areas. This thesis addressed this gap by exploring how urban planning in Zagreb, Croatia, incorporated, enabled and responded to CES across different socio-political and ideological periods, i.e. socialist (1945-1991) and post-socialist (after 1991) regimes. The study involved the collection and analysis of spatial data (historical aerial images), planning documents (historical urban plans), and interviews with 88 participants (park users, gardeners, urban planners, academics, and local activists). To facilitate analysis, a new framework for researching planning considerations of CES was devised, named the “hatch and grow” strategy. Four case study units were selected based on the time of construction and the presence of specific types of UGBS: (1) the Lower Town, (2) Trnsko and Siget neighbourhoods, (3) Savica Neighbourhood, and (4) Jarun and Vrbani neighbourhoods. The spatial analysis of aerial images and urban plans of Zagreb confirmed the hypothesis that the provision of UGBS peaked in the socialist period and virtually died out in the post-socialist period. Subsequent content analyses of urban plans and interview transcripts confirmed the more beneficial role of the utilitarian socialist approach to urban nature for human–nature interactions compared to the capital-oriented post-socialist urban planning. While interviewed park users indicated a number of CES generated in socialist parks, gardeners suggested that the provided opportunities were not as diverse to satisfy all residents who thus created wild collective gardens to elicit different sets of CES. The proposed framework for researching planning consideration of CES helped explain links between UGBS, users and CES from a historical perspective. This research demonstrated the complex yet profound legacy of historical socio-political context on contemporary urban CES, and the important implications this has for planning for urban CES

    Vojnogeografski aspekt pustinjske bitke kod El Alameina u Drugom svjetskom ratu

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    Vojna geografija kao važna primijenjena geografska disciplina nedovoljno se razvija u geografiji i potrebno joj je otvoriti „prostor“ čime se otvara odnosno širi i područje djelovanja geografa. U članku su prikazane vojnogeografska analiza i sinteza koje predstavljaju temeljni geografski pristup u proučavanju određenog povijesnog ratišta kao dijela geografskog prostora, a za primjer je uzeta prva bitka kod El Alameina iz Drugog svjetskog rata koja se odvijala u specifičnim pustinjskim uvjetima. Ovakav pristup geografskom proučavanju ratišta valja razvijati ne samo u istraživanju povijesnih ratišta i bojišta nego i onih koja postoje u suvremenim ratovima kako bi se uočili utjecaji specifičnih lokalnih obilježja na provedbu i tijek vojnih operacija i kako bi se oni primijenili u planiranju istih

    Prisilne migracije uslijed klimatskih promjena

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    Posljedice klimatskih promjena postaju sve izraženije uzrokujući različite okolišne, ali i društvene promjene. Jedna od glavnih i globalno najuočljivijih promjena je intenzifikacija prisilnih migracija izazvanih klimatskim promjenama. Takvi prisilni migranti, zbog međunarodne legislative koja nema ugrađene kriterije za reguliranje statusa izbjeglica nastalih uslijed okolišnih razloga, uključujući i klimatske promjene, ne mogu ostvariti navedeni status i predstavljaju problem čitave međunarodne zajednice dovodeći do značajnih socijalnih, ekonomskih, političkih i kulturnih promjena u globalnom okviru

    Terenska nastava iz fizičke geografije – prijedlog za prvi razred gimnazije

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    Terenska nastava iz geografije ključna je nastavna metoda i strategija u poučavanju prostornih zakonitosti jer omogućuje učenicima u izvornoj stvarnosti uočavanje i prepoznavanje prostornih pojava i procesa. Za potpuno ostvarivanje ciljeva iz Nastavnoga programa za gimnazije u svim bi razredima trebalo izvoditi kvalitetnu terensku nastavu. Terenska je nastava iznimno važna već u prvom razredu gimnazije kako bi se izgradila prirodoznanstvena osnova na kojoj će se produbljivati društvenogeografska znanja i razvijati vještine u kasnijim razredima i tako ostvariti bolje razumijevanje i interpretiranje prostorne stvarnosti koja nas okružuje

    The Perception of Geography as Science and as a School Subject

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    Anketnim istraživanjem na uzorku od 1078 ispitanika iz svih županija Hrvatske, odabranih metodom snježne grude, ispitani su stavovi hrvatske javnosti o položaju geografije u sustavu znanosti i njezinoj povezanosti s drugim znanostima, važnosti geografije kao školskog predmeta, stečenim znanjima i vještinama na nastavi geografije te razumijevanju geografskog područja istraživanja. Dobiveni su odgovori analizirani s obzirom na dob ispitanika i vrstu završene srednje škole. Rezultati su pokazali da većina ispitanika geografiju smješta u interdisciplinarne znanosti, no u najvećem broju slučajeva ipak je povezuje s prirodnim znanostima. Pokazalo se i da se geografija pozitivno poima kao školski predmet s važnim ishodima učenja. Osim općenito pozitivnih stavova o geografiji kao školskom predmetu, pozitivna je i percepcija geografije kao znanosti, mada se pokazalo da je razumijevanje samog područja istraživanja geografije manjkavo te se u velikoj mjeri temelji na sadržajima koji se uče na satovima geografije.Using survey research based on a sample of 1 078 examinees from every Croatian county, chosen by the snowball method, the attitudes of the Croatian public have been studied concerning the relation of geography to other scientific disciplines and major branches of science (physical, social, interdisciplinary), the importance of geography as a school subject, knowledge and skills acquired in geography classes and understanding of the geographical area of research. The given answers have been analyzed in regard to the age of examinees and their various finished high school education. The results have shown that most of the examinees place geography in the interdisciplinary sciences, although in most cases it was also considered to be related to the natural sciences. It was also shown that geography was regarded positively as a school subject with important learning outcomes. The perception of geography as a science was also proven positive, although the understanding of the areas of research in geography was found lacking and was mostly based on the material taught in geography classes