6 research outputs found

    Immunocompetent 3D Model of Human Upper Airway for Disease Modeling and In Vitro Drug Evaluation

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    The development of more complex in vitro models for the assessment of novel drugs and chemicals is needed because of the limited biological relevance of animal models to humans as well as ethical considerations. Although some human-cell-based assays exist, they are usually 2D, consist of single cell type, and have limited cellular and functional representation of the native tissue. In this study, we have used biomimetic porous electrospun scaffolds to develop an immunocompetent 3D model of the human respiratory tract comprised of three key cell types present in upper airway epithelium. The three cell types, namely, epithelial cells (providing a physical barrier), fibroblasts (extracellular matrix production), and dendritic cells (immune sensing), were initially grown on individual scaffolds and then assembled into the 3D multicell tissue model. The epithelial layer was cultured at the air–liquid interface for up to four weeks, leading to formation of a functional barrier as evidenced by an increase in transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and tight junction formation. The response of epithelial cells to allergen exposure was monitored by quantifying changes in TEER readings and by assessment of cellular tight junctions using immunostaining. It was found that epithelial cells cocultured with fibroblasts formed a functional epithelial barrier at a quicker rate than single cultures of epithelial cells and that the recovery from allergen exposure was also more rapid. Also, our data show that dendritic cells within this model remain viable and responsive to external stimulation as evidenced by their migration within the 3D construct in response to allergen challenge. This model provides an easy to assemble and physiologically relevant 3D model of human airway epithelium that can be used for studies aiming at better understanding lung biology, the cross-talk between immune cells, and airborne allergens and pathogens as well as drug delivery

    Reestruturação produtiva no setor bancário brasileiro e sofrimento dos caixas executivos: um estudo de caso Restructuring in the work of Brazilian banks and the consequences on the psyche of their workers

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    este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar uma análise das repercussões das mudanças no psiquismo em trabalhadores que desempenham a função de caixas de um grande banco estatal brasileiro em processo de reestruturação produtiva, com uma atenção particular às formas de mobilização da inteligência, da personalidade no trabalho e na utilização de estratégias coletivas de defesa para enfrentar o sofrimento. Foi utilizada para a pesquisa e a análise dos dados, a metodologia da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho, disciplina que estuda em que situações as condições organizacionais determinam o sentido e a mobilização subjetiva no trabalho, e também as repercussões dessas condições sobre a saúde dos trabalhadores. Foi constatado que a mobilização psíquica provocada pelas mudanças é intensa, a partir de sentimentos de insegurança, estranhamento, desorientação e impotência diante das incertezas das propostas da empresa, sendo a perda do contato com o cliente uma das maiores fontes de sofrimento para o grupo. Há um sentimento de desvalorização, manifestado nas queixas sobre o achatamento salarial, na perda do status que a função proporcionava e na desestruturação de um saber acumulado ao longo dos anos de exercício da função. O sofrimento psíquico dos caixas, provocados pelas reestruturações no trabalho, atingem níveis preocupantes, pois as novas formas de organização do trabalho estão destruindo a imagem do caixa como um profissional e reduzindo a possibilidade de serem reconhecidos pelo exercício da atividade.<br>The objective of this article is to study the consequences in the work in Brazilian banks after the deep changes, mainly after the implementation of the economical plan from 1994 - "Plano Real". In their efforts to adapt themselves to the new economical contingency of the country and to the increase in competition in this sector, the banks have restructured their organisations, downsized their staff, replaced workforce for computerizing systems which allow the treatment of data using less workers. These changes have not occured without consequences for the workers. These people have had to adapt themselves to the new situation, to the increase of pressure of work, of the exposure to risks and, to the end of job stability. Based on a research carried out with cashiers from a bank, an analysis of the repercussion of those changes for the workers' psyche was done with particular attention to the ways of the mobilization of intelligence and of their personality in the work and in the use of collective strategies of defence to fight the suffering. In order to carry out the research and to analyse the data, we have used the theoretical and methodological approaches of the Psychodynamics of Work, a subject which studies in which situations the conditions of the organisations determine the direction and the subjective mobilization in the work as well as the consequences of those conditions on the workers' health