2 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of potato clones for the central Terai Region of Nepal

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    A series of experiments were carried out to evaluate the performance of exotic potato clones including PRP lines at research field of Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Parwanipur, Bara, Nepal during the winter seasons of 2017 and 2018. Thirty-nine potato clones were evaluated in initial evaluation trial and eleven clones were evaluated in coordinated varietal trial with check varieties Khumal Ujjwal and Kufri Jyoti. From the initial varietal trial in 2017, the highest tuber yield (21.54 mt/ha) was found in CIP389660.9 followed by CIP391046.14 (21.38 mt/ha). In 2018, the highest tuber yield (29.72 mt/ha) was produced in CIP392759.1 followed by CIP393085.5 (26.92 mt/ha) and CIP391046.14 (26.64 mt/ha). In 2018, the tuber yield was the highest (26.12 mt/ha) in PRP 266265.15 followed by CIP 393371.159 (24.79 mt/ha). In coordinated varietal trial carried out in 2017/18, the highest tuber yield was noted in CIP394600.52 (42.65 mt/ha) followed by CIP395443.103 (30.83 mt/ha) and CIP395445.16 (24.43 mt/ha) respectively. Whereas in 2018/19, the highest yield was produced by PRP266265.15 (26.12 mt/ha) followed by CIP393371.159 (24.79 mt/ha) and CIP 396012.266 (22.66 mt/ha) respectively. In RARS, Parwanipur conditions, CIP 394600.52, CIP 395443.103, CIP 395445.16 and CIP 304394.56 along with PRP 266265.15 were found to be superior to standard check variety. These potential genotypes need to be further verified in farmers field in additional districts of central Terai region before notifying in the national seed system. Adoption of these clones as variety may increase the potato production and improve the food, and nutritional security in the central Terai region of Nepal

    Growth and yield responses of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) to biochar

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    Saabunud / Received 19.06.2020 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 18.09.2020 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 18.09.2020 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Kalika Prasad Upadhyay e-mail: [email protected] response of five types of biochar (Lantana camara, Ipomoea carnea, rice husk, sawdust, no biochar) on growth and yield attributes of potato was evaluated. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with six replications in rainfed areas of two different environments (Jiri in 2018 and Pawati in 2019) of Nepal. The popular early maturing potato variety 'Desiree' was used in the experiment. The spacing was maintained 60 cm between rows and 25 cm between plants in the plot size of 7.2 m2. Seed tubers were planted in the 1st week of February and harvested in the 4th week of May. Recommended fertilizers (100:60:60 kg ha–1 NPK + 20 t ha–1 farmyard manure) and biochars at 2 t ha–1 were applied to the soil. Seed tubers were completely covered with an equal amount of biochar before covering with the soil. The results revealed that the total yield and marketable yield of potato varied with biochars types. The potato tuber yield was found higher and red ants infestation was lower in plots applied with biochars as compared to control plots (without biochars). The use of biochars derived from Lantana camera produced the highest number of tubers (6.1 tubers plant–1), the greatest weight of tubers (286.1 g plant–1) and the least damage of red ants on tubers (4.7%) followed by sawdust (6.0 tubers plant–1, 263.6 g tuber weight plant–1 and 7.8% damaged tubers by red ants). The findings provide new information on the understanding of biochar effect on increased marketable yield of potato in rainfed lands by reducing damage from red ants