7,610 research outputs found

    Optimization of multimagnetometer systems on a spacecraft

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    Magnetometers on a radial boom may be employed to determine the first N-1 multipole contributions to the spacecraft field and improve the total accuracy of a magnetic field experiment. The total error for systems of one to four magnetometers is investigated. The optimal magnetometer locations, for which the total error is a minimum, are found for given boom-length, instrument errors and magnetic field models characteristic for spacecraft with only a restricted or ineffective magnetic cleanliness program

    Theoretical limits on Jovian radio belts

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    An attempt is made to establish safety limits for space missions near Jovian radio belts. A proton belt model was constructed and analyzed in an effort to set these limits based on the possible stability of radiation belts. Calculation results are graphed

    Observations of hydromagnetic turbulence in the solar wind

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    MHD turbulence is studied by analyzing magnetic field and plasma observations from Helios-1 and -2 at minimum solar activity. The steady conditions in the plasma flows and the magnetic field sector structure in 1975/1976 facilitate an investigation of the radial evolution of the turbulence from 0.29 to 1AU. In high speed streams the fluctuations in the solar wind velocity v and the magnetic field b are highly correlated (the correction coefficient almost being one), which indicates that the turbulence is mainly Alfvenic in high speed plasma. While some general fluctuation properties remain essentially unchanged from 0.29 to 1AU, power spectral analysis reveals a different frequency composition of the Alfvenic turbulence at different heliocentric distances. At 0.3AU much more 'high' frequency fluctuations contribute to the total power in the magnetic field and velocity fluctuations than at 1AU. The contributions of field magnitude fluctuations are found to be distance and frequency dependent. Magnetic field spectra with an extended frequency range up to 470Hz show certain frequency bands, where the steepness of the spectra is independent of the helicocentric distance

    Standing Alfven wave current system at Io: Voyager 1 observations

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    The enigmatic control of the occurrence frequency of Jupiter's decametric emissions by the satellite Io is explained theoretically on the basis of its strong electrodynamic interaction with the corotating Jovian magnetosphere leading to field aligned currents connecting Io with the Jovian ionosphere. Direct measurements of the perturbation magnetic fields due to this current system were obtained by the magnetic field experiment on Voyager 1 on 5 March 1979 when it passed within 20,500 km south of Io. An interpretation in the framework of Alfven waves radiated by Io leads to current estimates of 2.8 million amps. A mass density of 7400 to 13600 proton mass units per Cu cm is derived which compares very favorably with independent observations of the torus composition characterized by 7-9 proton mass units per electron for a local electron density of 1050 to 1500 per cu cm. The power dissipated in the current system may be important for heating the Io heavy ion torus, inner magnetosphere, Jovian ionosphere, and possibly the ionosphere or even the interior of Io

    Fluorescein angiography compared to three-dimensional measurements by the retinal thickness analyzer in classic choroidal neovascularization

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    Purpose: To compare and correlate imaging of classic subfoveal choroidal neovascularization (CNV) with noninvasive 3-dimensional imaging by the retinal thickness analyzer (RTA) to conventional fluorescein angiography (FA). Methods: A total of 29 eyes of 29 consecutive patients with predominantly classic CNV eligible for photodynamic therapy underwent FA and RTA imaging. The FA dimensions of the CNV were measured independently by two graders. With the RTA, masked to FA the size of the CNV itself as imaged in 3-dimensional reconstruction, the size of significantly thickened retina overlying the CNV and the maximum retinal thickness were measured. Results: The mean diameter of the CNV determined from 3-dimensional RTA reconstructions showed an excellent correlation with measurements from FA (r = 0.91, p < 0.001). The area of retinal thickening was by a mean of 0.7 mm in diameter larger and correlated moderately well with the size of the CNV on FA (r = 0.65, p < 0.001). In contrast, there was no correlation between the absolute retinal thickness and the CNV size on FA. Conclusions: Noninvasive quantitative mapping of predominantly classic CNV by RTA is feasible and also allows 3-dimensional measurement of the lesion itself. The results correlate well with FA assessment but visualize different properties of the disease. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Fine-scale characteristics of interplanetary sector

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    The structure of the interplanetary sector boundaries observed by Helios 1 within sector transition regions was studied. Such regions consist of intermediate (nonspiral) average field orientations in some cases, as well as a number of large angle directional discontinuities (DD's) on the fine scale (time scales 1 hour). Such DD's are found to be more similar to tangential than rotational discontinuities, to be oriented on average more nearly perpendicular than parallel to the ecliptic plane to be accompanied usually by a large dip ( 80%) in B and, with a most probable thickness of 3 x 10 to the 4th power km, significantly thicker previously studied. It is hypothesized that the observed structures represent multiple traversals of the global heliospheric current sheet due to local fluctuations in the position of the sheet. There is evidence that such fluctuations are sometimes produced by wavelike motions or surface corrugations of scale length 0.05 - 0.1 AU superimposed on the large scale structure

    Properties of mass-loading shocks, 2. Magnetohydrodynamics

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    The one-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics of shocked flows subjected to significant mass loading are considered. Recent observations at comets Giacobini-Zinner and Halley suggest that simple nonreacting MHD is an inappropriate description for active cometary bow shocks. The thickness of the observed cometary shock implies that mass loading represents an important dynamical process within the shock itself, thereby requiring that the Rankine-Hugoniot condition for the mass flux possess a source term. In a formal sense, this renders mass-loading shocks qualitatively similar to combustion shocks, except that mass loading induces the shocked flow to shear. Nevertheless, a large class of stable shocks exist, identified by means of the Lax conditions appropriate to MHD. Thus mass-loading shocks represent a new and interesting class of shocks, which, although found frequently in the solar system, both at the head of comets and, under suitable conditions, upsteam of weakly magnetized and nonmagnetized planets, has not been discussed in any detail. Owing to the shearing of the flow, mass-loading shocks can behave like switch-on shocks regardless of the magnitude of the plasma beta. Thus the behavior of the magnetic field in mass-loading shocks is significantly different from that occurring in nonreacting classical MHD shocks. It is demonstrated that there exist two types of mass-loading fronts for which no classical MHD analogue exists, these being the fast and slow compound mass-loading shocks. These shocks are characterized by an initial deceleration of the fluid flow to either the fast or the slow magnetosonic speed followed by an isentropic expansion to the final decelerated downstream state. Thus these transitions take the flow from a supersonic to a supersonic, although decelerated, downstream state, unlike shocks which occur in classical MHD or gasdynamics. It is possible that such structures have been observed during the Giotto-Halley encounter, and a brief discussion of the appropriate Halley parameters is therefore given, together with a short discussion of the determination of the shock normal from observations. A further interesting new form of mass-loading shock is the “slow-intermediate” shock, a stable shock which possesses many of the properties of intermediate MHD shocks yet which propagates like a slow mode MHD shock. An important property of mass-loading shocks is the large parameter regime (compared with classical MHD) which does not admit simple or stable transitions from a given upstream to a downstream state. This suggests that it is often necessary to construct compound structures consisting of shocks, slip waves, rarefactions, and fast and slow compound waves in order to connect given upstream and downstream states. Thus the Riemann problem is significantly different from that of classical MHD

    Mass-loading and parallel magnetized shocks

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    Recent observations at comets Giacobini-Zinner and Halley suggest that simple non-reacting gas dynamics or MHD is an inappropriate description for the bow shock. The thickness of the observed (sub)shock implies that mass-loading is an important dynamical process within the shock itself, thereby requiring that the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions possess source terms. This leads to shocks with properties similar to those of combustion shocks. We consider parallel magnetized shocks subjected to mass-loading, describe some properties which distinguish them from classical MHD parallel shocks, and establish the existence of a new kind of MHD compound shock. These results will be of importance both to observations and numerical simulations of the comet-solar wind interaction

    Human Deoxycytidine Kinase Is a Valuable Biocatalyst for the Synthesis of Nucleotide Analogues

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    Natural ribonucleoside-5’-monophosphates are building blocks for nucleic acids which are used for a number of purposes, including food additives. Their analogues, additionally, are used in pharmaceutical applications. Fludarabine-5´-monophosphate, for example, is effective in treating hematological malignancies. To date, ribonucleoside-5’-monophosphates are mainly produced by chemical synthesis, but the inherent drawbacks of this approach have led to the development of enzymatic synthesis routes. In this study, we evaluated the potential of human deoxycytidine kinase (HsdCK) as suitable biocatalyst for the synthesis of natural and modified ribonucleoside-5’-monophosphates from their corresponding nucleosides. Human dCK was heterologously expressed in E. coli and immobilized onto Nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid (Ni-NTA) superflow. A screening of the substrate spectrum of soluble and immobilized biocatalyst revealed that HsdCK accepts a wide range of natural and modified nucleosides, except for thymidine and uridine derivatives. Upon optimization of the reaction conditions, HsdCK was used for the synthesis of fludarabine-5´-monophosphate using increasing substrate concentrations. While the soluble biocatalyst revealed highest product formation with the lowest substrate concentration of 0.3 mM, the product yield increased with increasing substrate concentrations in the presence of the immobilized HsdCK. Hence, the application of immobilized HsdCK is advantageous upon using high substrate concentration which is relevant in industrial applications.DFG, 392246628, Chemo-enzymatische Synthese von Selen-modifizierten Nukleosiden, Nukleotiden und OligonukleotidenTU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel - 201

    A magnetic thrust action on small bodies orbiting a pulsar

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    We investigate the electromagnetic interaction of a relativistic stellar wind with small bodies in orbit around the star. Based on our work on the theory of Alfv\'en wings to relativistic winds presented in a companion paper, we estimate the force exerted by the associated current system on orbiting bodies and evaluate the resulting orbital drift. This Alfv\'enic structure is found to have no significant influence on planets or smaller bodies orbiting a millisecond pulsar. %influence on the orbit of bodies around a millisecond pulsar. On the timescale of millions of years, it can however affect the orbit of bodies with a diameter of 100 kilometres around standard pulsars with a period PP \sim 1 s and a magnetic field B108B \sim 10^{8} T. Kilometer-sized bodies experience drastic orbital changes on a timescale of 10410^4 years.Comment: accepted for publication in "Astronomy and Astrophysics