13 research outputs found

    On the characteristics of the wake of a wind turbine undergoing large motions caused by a floating structure: an insight based on experiments and multi-fidelity simulations from the OC6 Phase III Project

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    This study reports the results of the second round of analyses of the OC6 project Phase III. While the first round investigated rotor aerodynamic loading, here focus is given to the wake behavior of a floating wind turbine under large motion. Wind tunnel experimental data from the UNsteady Aerodynamics for FLOating Wind (UNAFLOW) project are compared with the results of simulations provided by participants with methods and codes of different levels of fidelity. The effect of platform motion both on the near and the far wake is investigated. More specifically, the behavior of tip vortices in the near wake is evaluated through multiple metrics, such as streamwise position, core radius, convection velocity, and circulation. Additionally, the onset of velocity oscillations in the far wake is analyzed because this can have a negative effect on stability and loading of downstream rotors. Results in the near wake for unsteady cases confirm that simulations and experiments tend to diverge from the expected linearized quasi-steady behavior when the rotor reduced frequency increases over 0.5. Additionally, differences across the simulations become significant, suggesting that further efforts are required to tune the currently available methodologies in order to correctly evaluate the aerodynamic response of a floating wind turbine in unsteady conditions. Regarding the far wake, it is seen that, in some conditions, numerical methods over-predict the impact of platform motion on the velocity fluctuations. Moreover, results suggest that, different from original expectations about a faster wake recovery in a floating wind turbine, the effect of platform motion on the far wake seems to be limited or even oriented to the generation of a wake less prone to dissipation.</p

    OC6 project phase III : validation of the aerodynamic loading on a wind turbine rotor undergoing large motion caused by a floating support structure

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    This paper provides a summary of the work done within Phase III of the Offshore Code Comparison, Collaboration, Continued, with Correlation and unCertainty project (OC6), under International Energy Agency Wind Task 30. This phase focused on validating the aerodynamic loading on a wind turbine rotor undergoing large motion caused by a floating support structure. Numerical models of the Danish Technical University 10-MW reference wind turbine were validated using measurement data from a 1:75 scale test performed during the UNsteady Aerodynamics for FLOating Wind (UNAFLOW) project and a follow-on experimental campaign, both performed at the Politecnico di Milano wind tunnel. Validation of the models was performed by comparing the loads for steady (fixed platform) and unsteady wind conditions (harmonic motion of the platform). For the unsteady wind conditions, the platform was forced to oscillate in the surge and pitch directions under several frequencies and amplitudes. These oscillations result in a wind variation that impacts the rotor loads (e.g., thrust and torque). For the conditions studied in these tests, the system mainly described a quasi-steady aerodynamic behavior. Only a small hysteresis in airfoil performance undergoing angle of attack variations in attached flow was observed. During the experiments, the rotor speed and blade pitch angle were held constant. However, in real wind turbine operating conditions, the surge and pitch variations would result in rotor speed variations and/or blade pitch actuations depending on the wind turbine controller region that the system is operating. Additional simulations with these control parameters were conducted to verify the fidelity between different models. Participant results showed in general a good agreement with the experimental measurements and the need to account for dynamic inflow when there are changes in the flow conditions due to the rotor speed variations or blade pitch actuations in response to surge and pitch motion. Numerical models not accounting for dynamic inflow effects predicted rotor loads that were 9 % lower in amplitude during rotor speed variations and 18 % higher in amplitude during blade pitch actuations

    Drift stability of HyStOH semi-submersible supported by airfoil shaped structures

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    This study presents the results of the German research project HyStOH funded by German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). The project consortium of German universities, wind turbine designers, wind farm developers and certification bodies design a novel semi-submersible steel structure with a single point mooring and self-aligning capabilities. The tower, which carries a 6 MW two-bladed downwind turbine, has an airfoil shaped cover, which supports the self-alignment of the full structure towards the main wind direction. The downwind operating wind turbine in combination with the lift force generating tower enables a passive yaw system acting against hydrodynamical impacts from waves and currents. Simulations in time domain applying the fully coupled aero-hydro-servo-elastic code Bladed-4.8 demonstrate the drift sensitivity and the self-aligning capabilities of the HyStOH design. The hydrodynamic coefficients for the simulations have been adjusted by calculations with an 1:1 model of the panel code panMARE, developed by Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg. The motivation of this analysis is to capture the complex coupled motions of an innovative FOWT by numerical simulation tools [1]. The analysis presents dynamic simulations of the HyStOH design operating in turbulent wind and irregular sea state with special focus on the yaw drift behaviour of the FOWT. The sensitivity study of yaw drift is based on numerous variations of wind-wave-current misalignments during normal operation. The results of the simulations demonstrate the weathervane capabilities of the airfoil shaped structures.Bundesministerium fĂĽr Wirtschaft und Technologie 03SX409A-

    Flood risks in urbanized areas – multi-sensoral approaches using remotely sensed data for risk assessment

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    Estimating flood risks and managing disasters combines knowledge in climatology, meteorology, hydrology, hydraulic engineering, statistics, planning and geography – thus a complex multi-faceted problem. This study focuses on the capabilities of multi-source remote sensing data to support decision-making before, during and after a flood event. With our focus on urbanized areas, sample methods and applications show multi-scale products from the hazard and vulnerability perspective of the risk framework. From the hazard side, we present capabilities with which to assess flood-prone areas before an expected disaster. Then we map the spatial impact during or after a flood and finally, we analyze damage grades after a flood disaster. From the vulnerability side, we monitor urbanization over time on an urban footprint level, classify urban structures on an individual building level, assess building stability and quantify probably affected people. The results show a large database for sustainable development and for developing mitigation strategies, ad-hoc coordination of relief measures and organizing rehabilitation

    Experimental investigation of a downwind coned wind turbine rotor under yawed conditions: preliminary results

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    The growing number of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine (FOWT) concepts that utilize a single point mooring and therefore rely on the self-alignment capabilities of the wind turbine (e.g. SCD nezzy or SelfAligner by CRUSE Offshore) demands an extension of the simulation methods used for their development. A crucial issue for these concepts is the accurate prediction of forces and moments, which contribute to the self-alignment. In contrast to the well-studied behaviour of torque and thrust, yaw moment and lateral forces on a rotor under yawed conditions have not been in focus of previous experimental tests for the validation of aerodynamic simulation tools. In the present work, a model turbine equipped with a 6-axis force/moment sensor to capture the complete load on the rotor is presented. A detailed study of the two-bladed model turbine's aerodynamic behaviour under yawed conditions was carried out within a range of yaw angles between -55 to + 55° with steps of 1 - 2.5°.The authors kindly thank the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy of Germany (BMWi) for financially supporting the HyStOH project (03SX409A-F)

    Projekt ALEGRO - RTK basierte Positionierung im Hafen Rostock - erste Messergebnisse

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    Anwendung GNSS (GPS, Glonass, Galileo) im maritimen Sektor, Ăśberblick Projekt ALEGRO im Forschungshafen Rostock, DurchfĂĽhrung Initialmesskamapgane: - Beschreibung Versuchsaufbau und -Ziele - Erreichte Genauigkeit und VerfĂĽgbarkeit - Identifizierte Probleme, abgeleiteter Entwicklungsbedar

    Forces on a submerged sub sea tidal kite in surface proximity

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    We present O2J, a Java library that allows implementation of Orc programs on distributed architectures including grids and clusters/networks of workstations. With minimal programming effort the grid programmer may implement Orc programs, as he/she is not required to write any low level code relating to distributed orchestration of the computation but only that required to implement Orc expressions. Using the prototype O2J implementation, grid application developers can reason about abstract grid orchestration code described in Orc. Once the required orchestration has been determined and its properties analysed, a grid application prototype can be simply, efficiently and quickly implemented by taking the Orc code, rewriting it into corresponding Java/O2J syntax and finally providing the functional code implementing the sites and processes involved. The propose