795 research outputs found

    The Effect of Impact Damage Next to Holes on the Bearing Strength of Carbon Fiber Laminates

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    This study was undertaken as a follow-on to a previous study that examined the effect of hole quality in the bearing strength of carbon fiber laminates. After the author of that previous study had established that hole quality had little effect on the ultimate bearing strength for carbon fiber laminates, the question was raised as to the effects of impact damage next to a hole on the bearing strength of that hole. While this is an unlikely scenario, it is still possible that this may occur on a launch vehicle structure and thus warranted study. After a literature review, results of a few studies on the hole-impact interaction with respect to resulting damage for carbon fiber laminates were found, but none that specifically addressed the resulting bearing strength. In reference 2, it was found that the holes and impact could interact to develop matrix splits. However, the lay-ups used in this study consisted of clumped plies [04/904]S, which are much more prone to matrix splitting than a laminate that would actually be used in practice (such as a lay-up of [0/90]4S). This study also focused on the analytical aspects of the problem rather than the experimental results. Reference 3 also used [04/904]S laminates (clumped plies) and examined the damage morphology, determining that, as the impact damage neared the hole, the damage zone became more asymmetrical. The effect this would have on bearing strength was not addressed. The experimental work presented in this study was to develop empirical data relating holeimpact damage effects on the resulting bearing strength of a commonly used (quasi-isotropic) lay-up of carbon fiber laminate. The emphasis was not on the morphology of the resulting damage, as it was in references 2 and 3, but rather on the practical aspects of how this damage affected the bearing strength and how this compared to the companion study1 on the effect of hole quality on the bearing strength of the laminate

    Instrumented impact and residual tensile strength testing of eight-ply carbon eopoxy specimens

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    Instrumented drop weight impact testing was utilized to examine a puncture-type impact on thin carbon-epoxy coupons. Four different material systems with various eight-ply lay-up configurations were tested. Specimens were placed over a 10.3-mm diameter hole and impacted with a smaller tup (4.2-mm diameter) than those used in previous studies. Force-time plots as well as data on absorbed energy and residual tensile strength were gathered and examined. It was found that a critical impact energy level existed for each material tested, at which point tensile strength began to rapidly decrease with increasing impact energy

    An examination of the damage tolerance enhancement of carbon/epoxy using an outer lamina of spectra (R)

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    Low velocity instrumented impact testing was utilized to examine the effects of an outer lamina of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (Spectra) on the damage tolerance of carbon epoxy composites. Four types of 16-ply quasi-isotropic panels (0, +45, 90, -45) were tested. Some panels contained no Spectra, while others had a lamina of Spectra bonded to the top (impacted side), bottom, or both sides of the composite plates. The specimens were impacted with energies up to 8.5 J. Force time plots and maximum force versus impact energy graphs were generated for comparison purposes. Specimens were also subjected to cross-sectional analysis and compression after impact tests. The results show that while the Spectra improved the maximum load that the panels could withstand before fiber breakage, the Spectra seemingly reduced the residual strength of the composites

    A damage tolerance comparison of IM7/8551 and IM8G/8553 carbon/epoxy composites

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    A damage tolerance study of two new toughened carbon fiber/epoxy resin systems was undertaken as a continuation of ongoing work into screening new opposites for resistance to foreign object impact. This report is intended to be a supplement to NASA TP 3029 in which four new fiber/resin systems were tested for damage tolerance. Instrumented drop weight impact testing was used to inflict damage to 16-ply quasi-isotropic specimens. Instrumented output data and cross-sectional examinations of the damage zone were utilized to quantify the damage. It was found that the two fiber/resin systems tested in this study were much more impact resistant than an untoughened composite such as T300/934, but were not as impact resistant as other materials previously studied

    Cross-sectional examination of the damage zone in impacted specimens of carbon/epoxy and carbon/PEEK composites

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    Drop weight impact testing was utilized to inflict damage on eight-ply bidirectional and unidirectional samples of carbon/epoxy and carbon/PEEK (polyetheretherketone) test specimens with impact energies ranging from 0.80 J to 1.76 J. The impacting tip was of a smaller diameter (4.2-mm) than those used in most previous studies, and the specimens were placed with a diamond wheel wafering saw through the impacted area perpendicular to the outer fibers. Photographs at 12 x magnification were taken of these cross-sections and examined. The results on the bidirectional samples show little damage until 1.13 J, at which point delaminations were seen in the epoxy specimens. The PEEK specimens showed less delamination than the epoxy specimens for a given impact energy level. The unidirectional specimens displayed more damage than the bidirectional samples for a given impact energy, with the PEEK specimens showing much less damage than the epoxy material

    Permeability testing of composite material and adhesive bonds for the DC-XA composite feedline program

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    Hercules IM7/8552 carbon/epoxy and Hysol EA 9394 epoxy adhesive bonded between composite/titanium were tested for permeability after various numbers of thermal cycles between 100 C and liquid nitrogen (-196 C). The specimens were quenched from the 100 C temperature into liquid nitrogen to induce thermal shock into the material. Results showed that the carbon/epoxy system was practically impermeable even after 12 thermal cycles. The EA 9394 adhesive bondline was more permeable than the carbon/epoxy, but vacuum mixing minimized the permeability and kept it within allowable limits. Thermal cycling had little effect on the permeability values of the bondline specimens

    The Effect of Hole Quality on the Bearing Strength of Carbon Fiber Laminates

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    On programs involving flight hardware for launch vehicles that the author has been involved in over the years, the question always arises as to how to best machine and inspect holes drilled for fasteners. While common sense dictates that well-drilled holes are desired over poorly drilled holes for bolt bearing applications, the effect of hole quality on the bearing strength of carbon fiber laminates has not been extensively studied in the open literature. If this effect is not quantitatively known, the question of what hole quality needs to be required for the flight hardware cannot be answered. In addition, the function of the part with respect to the holes needs to be taken into account. There is no such thing as a defect-free hole since some chip-out of fibers within the hole will occur regardless of drill bit and backing plate pressure. For most holes machined in a carbon fiber laminate, some extent of delamination and fiber breakout on the entrance and exit of the hole is going to occur. Much time and money can be spent on trying to perfect the drilling technique and subsequent inspection of holes in carbon fiber laminates, including adding extra plies of cloth to the surfaces to help prevent fiber breakout; but is this effort really justified if little-to-no increase in bearing strength is realized by good-quality holes over those of lesser quality

    Impact damage resistance of carbon/epoxy composite tubes for the DC-XA liquid hydrogen feedline

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    Low-velocity impacts were inflicted upon two elbow sections of carbon/epoxy feedline that are to be a part of the Delta Clipper-XA flight vehicle. A soap-based liquid leak detector solution was used to inspect the impact sites for leaks of pressurized gas that was pumped into the tube. Visual surface damage was noted and recorded for each impact site. After impact testing of each of the two sections of tubes was completed, the damage zones were disected from the tube and cross sectioned through the impact site. These specimens were polished after potting them in epoxy and were examined for microcracking using a fluorescent dye penetrant technique. The results showed that nonvisible damage could cause microcracking, thereby resulting in leaks through the tube wall

    Low-Profile Diffuser

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    The propellant tanks used in liquid rockets require pressurization gases in order to maintain tank pressure while the tanks are being drained during engine operation. The pressurization gas, which is typically much warmer than the relatively cold propellants in the tank, must be introduced into the empty ullage space at the top of the tank. The purpose of the diffuser is to control the flow of the gas into the tank in order to prevent direct impingement of the gas on the liquid surface and/or the tank walls. If the diffuser did not perform those tasks, the warm gas can create excess heat transfer causing an increase in the amount of pressurization mass required. Typical diffusers are long vertical cylinders that create a large exit area in order to minimize gas velocities. However, long vertical cylinders limit the amount of liquid that can be loaded into the tank in order not to have the liquid surface near the diffuser. A design goal for a pressurization diffuser is to create uniform flow in order to prevent jets that can impact the liquid surface and/or tank walls. The purpose of the task was to create a diffuser design that had a lower vertical profile (in order to be able to raise the liquid surface) while still maintaining uniform flow

    The Impact Response of Carbon/Epoxy Laminates (Center Director's Discretionary Fund, Project No. 94-13)

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    Low velocity dropweight impact tests were conducted on carbon/epoxy laminates under various boundary conditions. The composite plates were 8-ply (+45,0,-45,90)s laminates supported in a clamped-clamped/free-free configuration with varying amounts of in-plane load, N(sub x), applied. Specimens were impacted at energies of 3.4, 4.5, and 6 Joules (2.5, 3.3, and 4.4 ft-lb). The amount of damage induced into the specimen was evaluated using instrumented impact techniques, x-ray inspection, and cross-sectional photomicroscopy. Some static identation tests were performed to examine if the impact events utilized in this study were of a quasi-static nature and also to gain insight into the shape of the deflected surface at various impact load combinations. Load-displacement curves from these tests were compared to those of the impact tests, as was damage determined from x-ray inspection. The finite element technique was used to model the impact event and determine the stress field within the laminae. Results showed that for a given impact energy level, more damage was induced into the specimen as the external in-plane load, N(sub x), was increased. The majority of damage observed consisted of back face splitting of the matrix parallel to the fibers in that ply, associated with delaminations emanating from these splits. The analysis showed qualitatively the results of impact conditions on maximum load of impact, maximum transverse deflection, and first failure mode and location