47 research outputs found

    Crizotinib inhibits NF2-associated schwannoma through inhibition of focal adhesion kinase 1

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    Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) is a dominantly inherited autosomal disease characterized by schwannomas of the 8th cranial nerve. The NF2 tumor suppressor gene encodes for Merlin, a protein implicated as a suppressor of multiple cellular signaling pathways. To identify potential drug targets in NF2-associated malignancies we assessed the consequences of inhibiting the tyrosine kinase receptor MET. We identified crizotinib, a MET and ALK inhibitor, as a potent inhibitor of NF2-null Schwann cell proliferation in vitro and tumor growth in vivo. To identify the target/s of crizotnib we employed activity-based protein profiling (ABPP), leading to identification of FAK1 (PTK2) as the relevant target of crizotinib inhibition in NF2-null schwannoma cells. Subsequent studies confirm that inhibition of FAK1 is sufficient to suppress tumorigenesis in animal models of NF2 and that crizotinib-resistant forms of FAK1 can rescue the effects of treatment. These studies identify a FDA approved drug as a potential treatment for NF2 and delineate the mechanism of action in NF2-null Schwann cells

    Activation of Crtc2/Creb1 in skeletal muscle enhances weight loss during intermittent fasting

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    The Creb-Regulated Transcriptional Coactivator (Crtc) family of transcriptional coregulators drive Creb1-mediated transcription effects on metabolism in many tissues, but the in vivo effects of Crtc2/Creb1 transcription on skeletal muscle metabolism are not known. Skeletal muscle-specific overexpression of Crtc2 (Crtc2 mice) induced greater mitochondrial activity, metabolic flux capacity for both carbohydrates and fats, improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, and increased oxidative capacity, supported by upregulation of key metabolic genes. Crtc2 overexpression led to greater weight loss during alternate day fasting (ADF), selective loss of fat rather than lean mass, maintenance of higher energy expenditure during the fast and reduced binge-eating during the feeding period. ADF downregulated most of the mitochondrial electron transport genes, and other regulators of mitochondrial function, that were substantially reversed by Crtc2-driven transcription. Glucocorticoids acted with AMPK to drive atrophy and mitophagy, which was reversed by Crtc2/Creb1 signaling. Crtc2/Creb1-mediated signaling coordinates metabolic adaptations in skeletal muscle that explain how Crtc2/Creb1 regulates metabolism and weight loss

    The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein binds and modulates estrogen receptors

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    The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) spike (S) protein binds angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 as its primary infection mechanism. Interactions between S and endogenous proteins occur after infection but are not well understood. We profiled binding of S against >9000 human proteins and found an interaction between S and human estrogen receptor alpha (ER alpha). Using bioinformatics, supercomputing, and experimental assays, we identified a highly conserved and functional nuclear receptor coregulator (NRC) LXD-like motif on the S2 sub-unit. In cultured cells, S DNA transfection increased ER alpha cytoplasmic accumulation, and S treatment induced ER-dependent biological effects. Non-invasive imaging in SARS-CoV-2-infected hamsters localized lung pathology with increased ER alpha lung levels. Postmortem lung experiments from infected hamsters and humans confirmed an increase in cytoplasmic ER alpha and its colocalization with S in alveolar macrophages. These findings describe the discovery of a S-ER alpha interaction, imply a role for S as an NRC, and advance knowledge of SARS-CoV-2 biology and coronavirus disease 2019 pathology

    CBP Is a Dosage-Dependent Regulator of Nuclear Factor-κB Suppression by the Estrogen Receptor

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    The estrogen receptor (ER) protects against debilitating effects of the inflammatory response by inhibiting the proinflammatory transcription factor nuclear factor-κB (NFκB). Heretofore cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB)-binding protein (CBP) has been suggested to mediate inhibitory cross talk by functioning either as a scaffold that links ER and NFκB or as a required cofactor that competitively binds to one or the other transcriptional factor. However, here we demonstrate that ER is recruited to the NFκB response element of the MCP-1 (monocyte chemoattractant protein-1) and IL-8 promoters and displaces CBP, but not p65, in the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line. In contrast, ER displaced p65 and associated coregulators from the IL-6 promoter, demonstrating a gene-specific role for CBP in integrating inflammatory and steroid signaling. Further, RNA interference and overexpression studies demonstrated that CBP dosage regulates estrogen-mediated suppression of MCP-1 and IL-8, but not IL-6, gene expression. This work further demonstrates that CBP dosage is a critical regulator of gene-specific signal integration between the ER- and NFκB-signaling pathways