1,271 research outputs found

    Lack of evidence for monosomy 1p36 in patients with Prader-Willi-like phenotype

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    Monosomy 1p36 is the most common subtelomeric microdeletion syndrome with an incidence rate estimated to be 1 in 5000 births. A hypothesis of a similarity between patients with 1p36 deletion and those with Prader-Willi syndrome and the existence of two different phenotypes for 1p36 microdeletion has been suggested. The main objective of the present study was to determine the existence of 1p36 microdeletion in a sample of patients with mental retardation, obesity and hyperphagia who tested negative by the methylation test for Prader-Willi syndrome. Sixteen patients (7 females, 9 males), 16-26 years old, were evaluated with high-resolution cytogenetic analysis at 550-850 band levels and with 11 polymorphic microsatellite markers located in the 1p36 region. All patients had normal cytogenetic and molecular results. The results obtained by high-resolution cytogenetic methodology were confirmed by the molecular analyses. We did not detect a 1p36 microdeletion in 16 subjects with the Prader-Willi-like phenotype, which reinforces that no correlation seems to exist between Prader-Willi-like phenotype and the 1p36 microdeletion syndrome

    Designing and Evaluating Sustainable Logistics Networks

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    The objective in this paper is to shed light into the design of logistic networks balancing profit and the environment. More specifically we intend to i) determine the main factors influencing environmental performance and costs in logistic networks ii) present a comprehensive framework and mathematical formulation, based on multiobjective programming, integrating all relevant variables in order to explore efficient logistic network configurations iii) present the expected computational results of such formulation and iv) introduce a technique to evaluate the efficiency of existing logistic networks.The European Pulp and Paper Industry will be used to illustrate our findings.Eco-efficiency;Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA);Multi-Objective Programming (MOP);Supply Chain Design;Sustainable Supply Chain

    Incentives for Investment in Brazil

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    Incentives for Investment in Brazil

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    Incentives for Investment in Brazil

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    Objetivo general: Determinar los beneficios del uso combinado de técnica Reichert-Millard en niños con labio leporino Hospital Militar Central en el año 2018. La incidencia de la fisura labial, acompañada o no de esta, es variable encontrándose generalmente entre 1 por 700-750 recién nacidos vivos, por tal motivo es considerada la alteración craneofacial de mayor prevalencia a nivel mundial. Al estudiar la incidencia, se observó que es más frecuente entre la raza asiática, en segundo lugar, la caucásica y es menos común en afroamericanos. Estas variaciones en incidencia, con respecto a la raza, no se evidencian con el paladar hendido. Al revisar estudios con respecto al sexo, la fisura labial/palatina se da con mayor frecuencia en varones; sin embargo, en mujeres es más recurrente la fisura palatina aislada. También, se observó que aproximadamente un 15% corresponden a hendiduras bilaterales. El por qué aparece esta patología se debe a múltiples causas, de las cuales las genéticas y ambientales son de mayor importancia, también se pueden asociar a otros síndromes genéticos. Es un hecho que la incidencia aumenta con la edad del padre después de los 30 años. Además está relacionada con la deficiencia de vitamina b9 durante el embarazo; sin embargo, es más común la causa idiosincrática. Clínicamente suele manifestarse un amplio espectro de variantes: fisura parcial, total labial, palatina, alveolar y nasal unilateral o bilateral. Esto es muy importante para el manejo clínico, un correcto manejo quirúrgico para definir el mejor abordaje al momento de la reparación del defecto y minimizar los riesgos relacionados con la anestesia. Lo más usual en los hospitales es reconstruir la fisura labial a partir del mes o tres meses de edad, porque anatómicamente las estructuras labiales son más grandes, lo cual facilita una mejor reconstrucción. Como es predecible, entre los hospitales el abordaje quirúrgico es diferente, por tal motivo se han descritos diversas técnicas quirúrgicas para lograr una reparación adecuada del labio leporino, con múltiples variantes, como la reparación de Randall-Tennison, LeMesurier, Millard (rotación y avance). La técnica de Millard cuyo objetivo principal es reconstruir la continuidad y funcionalidad del músculo orbicular de los labios, y lograr su simetría. Por ello es necesario describir la técnica quirúrgica utilizada en el Hospital Militar Central y además ver el resultado final del mismo

    A Methodology for Assessing Eco-efficiency in Logistics Networks

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    Recent literature on sustainable logistics networks points to two important questions: (i) How to spot the preferred solution(s) balancing environmental and business concerns? (ii) How to improve the understanding of the trade-offs between these two dimensions? We posit that a complete exploration of the efficient frontier and trade-offs between profitability and environmental impacts are particularly suitable to answer these two questions. In order to deal with the exponential number of basic efficient points in the frontier, we propose a formulation that performs in exponential time for the number of objective functions only. We illustrate our findings by designing a complex recycling logistics network in Germany.Eco-efficiency;Environmental impacts;Profitability;Recycling logistics network

    From Closed-Loop to Sustainable Supply Chains: The WEEE case

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    The primary objective of closed-loop supply chains (CLSC) is to reap the maximum economic benefit from end-of-use products. Nevertheless, literature within this stream of research advocates that closing the loop helps to mitigate the undesirable footprint of supply chains. In this paper we assess the magnitude of such environmental gains for Electric and Electronic Equipments (EEE), based on a single environmental metric of Cumulative Energy Demand. We detail our analysis for the different phases of the CLSC, i.e. manufacturing, usage, transportation and end-of-life activities. According to our literature review, within the same group of EEE, results greatly vary. Furthermore, based on the environmental hot-spots, we propose extensions of the existing CLSC models to incorporate the CED.Closed-loop supply chains (CLSC);Cumulative energy demand;Electric and electronic equipments (EEE)

    The Environmental Gains of Remanufacturing: Evidence from the Computer and Mobile Industry

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    Remanufacturing has long been perceived as an environmentally-friendly initiative. The question of how remanufacturing moderates the relation between environmental impact and economic returns is still unanswered, however. In this paper, we focus our attention on the electronics industry. In particular, we take a close look at remanufacturing within the mobile and personal computers industries. We analyze whether remanufacturing for such products substantially mitigates the energy used in the life-cycle of these products, or whether as in most electrical equipments, it can only marginally contribute to such reduction. Using both process-based and economic input-output data, we show that remanufacturing significantly reduces total energy consumption. Furthermore, we test the ubiquitous hypothesis that the market of remanufactured products is composed by products that have been downgraded and are therefore sold for prices below the average price of the new equipments. Using data from 9,900 real transactions obtained from eBay, we show that this assumption is true for personal computers, but not for mobiles. More importantly, despite the fact that remanufactured products may suffer downgrading, and that consumers therefore command a high discount for them, the economic output per energy unit used is still higher for remanufactured products. We thus conclude that remanufacturing for these two products is not only environmentally friendly, but also eco-efficient

    Craniotomia Orbitozigomática Em Três Peças: Dicas E Truques

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    Objective: Didactically describe the orbitozygomatic craniotomy made in three pieces. Method: This approach was performed, from 2002 to 2011, in 49 patients admitted at Beneficência Portuguesa of São Paulo Hospital. Results: Twenty-seven patients had vascular lesions and twenty-two suffered for intracranial skull base tumors. The vascular lesions varied from cavernous angiomas inside the mesencephalum, high bifurcation basilar tip aneurysms, superior cerebellar arteries aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations in the interpeduncular cistern. Skull base tumors as meningiomas, interpeduncular hamartomas and third ventricle floor gliomas were among the neoplastic lesions approached. We had no permanent injuries and minimal transient complications had occurred. Conclusion: It is a descriptive text, organized in the sequence of the main stages in which such a craniotomy is performed, describing in details the technique in which this group of evolutionarily authors came to accomplish the task. © 2016, Associacao Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria. All rights reserved.74322823

    Enhanced Bound State Formation in Two Dimensions via Stripe-Like Hopping Anisotropies

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    We have investigated two-electron bound state formation in a square two-dimensional t-J-U model with hopping anisotropies for zero electron density; these anisotropies are introduced to mimic the hopping energies similar to those expected in stripe-like arrangements of holes and spins found in various transition metal oxides. In this report we provide analytical solutions to this problem, and thus demonstrate that bound-state formation occurs at a critical exchange coupling, J_c, that decreases to zero in the limit of extreme hopping anisotropy t_y/t_x -> 0. This result should be contrasted with J_c/t = 2 for either a one-dimensional chain, or a two-dimensional plane with isotropic hopping. Most importantly, this behaviour is found to be qualitatively similar to that of two electrons on the two-leg ladder problem in the limit of t_interchain/t_intrachain -> 0. Using the latter result as guidance, we have evaluated the pair correlation function, thus determining that the bound state corresponds to one electron moving along one chain, with the second electron moving along the opposite chain, similar to two electrons confined to move along parallel, neighbouring, metallic stripes. We emphasize that the above results are not restricted to the zero density limit - we have completed an exact diagonalization study of two holes in a 12 X 2 two-leg ladder described by the t-J model and have found that the above-mentioned lowering of the binding energy with hopping anisotropy persists near half filling.Comment: 6 pages, 3 eps figure