26 research outputs found

    McCormick X7.670 VT-Drive, sencillo, inteligente y robusto

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    Los días 20 y 21 de junio nos reunimos parte del equipo del LPF_TAGRALIA en el concesionario Talleres Valmaña de Teruel para efectuar una prueba de campo con un McCormick X7.670 VT-Drive, que ha resultado ser un tractor con una muy ajustada relación peso/potencia, una enorme plasticidad del motor, y un gran acierto en la combinación de la gestión inteligente del motor y la transmisión CVT del fabricante ZF

    First steps in the grape mechanization process in Brazil: quantitative features

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    Grape harvest is still fully manual in the majority of farms in Brazil (above 99%), yet the structure of the fields and the vine trellis are already prepared for being mechanized in a 24% of the cases. Besides, only the large-size farms are prepared for performing a detailed analysis of working capacity, product quality and losses; data of great value when trying to quantitatively address the incorporation of machinery. The fact that grape harvest in South America (and South Africa) be complementary in season compared to Europe, or North America, makes this potential market of Brazil an interesting option for European manufacturers. In this work, we have supervised a whole grape harvest season, in a 552ha farm, where both, mechanical (trailed) and manual harvest, are performed. Harvest performance is assessed by means of digital field notebooks and using georeferenced data (DGPS). A large variety of incidences have been found for the mechanized procedure due mainly to a deficient maintenance of the equipment, being reflected in a clearly reduction of the work capacity. Also in this study an analysis of juice losses due to mechanized harvest is performed. The quantitative features are defined and have been compared to evaluate the difference among both procedures, together with a technical discussion in the prospective of the grape (harvest) mechanization in the near future in Brazil

    Impact of local conditions and machine management on grape harvest quality

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    Since its inception approximately 50 years ago, the grape harvester has been one of the machines responsible for the expansion of viticulture in the world. In Spain, harvesters were introduced in the 1990s (there are now approximately 3,000 machines there as of 2017), while they were introduced in Brazil in 2010. Harvest mechanization requires specific crop adaption and new work features that deserve to be analysed from their very beginnings. The aim of this study was to evaluate the management of four commercial grape harvest machines under actual field conditions on an intercontinental basis in two locations in Brazil and Spain. Machine performance measured by work (ha h–1) and processing capacity (kg h–1), together with field efficiency (%) and task quality, as measured by grape losses (%), in soil and plant, as well as must release (%), were considered in relation to plot geometry, adaption of plots to mechanical harvesting, and machine type, in order to assess whether the initial steps towards harvest mechanization in Brazil have led to similar performance and quality levels compared to Spain, which represents an example of well-established mechanization. The theoretical work capacities were similar for towed equipment in both countries (0.81 ha h–1 in Brazil and 0.87 ha h–1 in Spain) and lower compared to self-propelled capacity (1.34 ha h–1). Significant differences were observed in terms of losses of grapes and must, with the highest values prevailing in Brazil (2 % grape losses in the ground; up to 23 % of the plant undetached grapes and must losses of 2-4 % (per kg vine productivity)

    Abonadora centrífuga DP44-4000 Aguirre, entre tradición y modernidad

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    En esta prueba de campo realizada el 22 de octubre en Tafalla, pusimos a prueba las capacidades de regulación y control automático de la abonadora centrífuga de doble disco DP44-4000, suspendida y con una tolva de 4.000 l de capacidad, en un día con climatología adversa (velocidad del viento en el límite de lo admisible). Para ello trabajamos codo con codo con el dueño de la abonadora y explotación Pedro Ujue, y con el fabricante, Francisco Aranaz (gerente de la empresa) y Mikel ***** (técnico de campo), y establecimos un conjunto de ensayos que relatamos a continuación

    First steps in the grape mechanization process in Brazil: quantitative features

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    Grape harvest is still fully manual in the majority of farms in Brazil (above 99%), yet the structure of the fields and the vine trellis are already prepared for it in a 24% of the cases. Besides, only the large-size farms are prepared for performing a detailed analysis of working capacity, product quality and losses; data of great value when trying to quantitatively address the incorporation of machinery. The fact that grape harvest in South America (and South Africa) be complementary in season compared to Europe, or North America, makes this potential market of Brazil an interesting option for European manufacturers. In this work, we have supervised a whole grape harvest season, in a 552ha farm, where both, mechanical (trailed) and manual harvest, are performed. Harvest performance is assessed by means of digital field notebooks and using georeferenced data (DGPS). A large variety of incidences have been found for the mechanized procedure due mainly to a deficient maintenance of the equipment, yet the increase in work capacity is clear. Also in this study an analysis of juice losses due to mechanized harvest is performed. The quantitative features are defined and have been compared to evaluate the difference among both procedures, together with a technical discussion in the prospective of the grape (harvest) mechanization in the near future in Brazil

    Verification of the quality of dgps signal in Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil, compared to Villarrobledo (Spain)

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    The GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) provides georeferenced data for many civil and military applications. Since the removal of noise in the USGPS signal in 2000, civil applications have exploded and correction methodologies have greatly improved the quality of data without additional cost. DGPS make profit of geostationary signal in order to decrease the error level from metric to sub metric range; however such decrease strongly depends upon local circumstances. In this paper we compare the quality of DGPS signal under very dissimilar conditions: North vs South hemisphere, various geoides (ED50 vs WGS84) and distance to the geostationary satellite among others. The data have been acquired during several seasons according, all of them in vine crops (permanent crop and therefore of known position) which allows to easily address the quality of the georeferenced position

    Observations on the architecture and shedding of upland cotton selected for drought tolerance

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi caracterizar a linhagem CNPA 78 SME4 de algodão (Gossypium hirsutum L. r. latifolium Hutch.), originada da cv. Acata del Cerro, quanto às estruturas reprodutivas, arquitetura e desprendimento (shedding). O estudo foi realizado em condições de campo, em Campina Grande, PB. Nas plantas amostradas foram feitas anotações, da emergência à colheita, quanto ao comportamento dos órgãos vegetativos e reprodutivos, bem como do desprendimento de botões, flores e frutos. Ficou, assim, evidenciado que a participação dos ramos frutíferos na produção total foi de 86,7% e a dos ramos vegetativos, de 12,5%. A perda de botão floral ocorreu até o décimo segundo dia do seu aparecimento, sendo, entretanto, maior nos ramos vegetativos que nos frutíferos. Observou-se que os frutos podem cair até o décimo terceiro dia após a fecundação das flores. A queda (shedding) dos frutos, tomada em percentagem do número de flores formadas, foi semelhante quando se considerou a sua ocorrência nos ramos frutíferos e vegetativos sendo de 57 a 62%.The objective of this study was to characterize the line CNPA 78 SME4 of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. r. latifolium Hutch.) which originated from a mass selection of the cultivar Acala del Cerro - in regard to its reproductive structure, plant architecture and shedding. The experiment was conducted under field conditions at Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil. Observations were made from the time of plant emergence to harvest and records were taken on the vegetative and reproductive organs as well as the shedding of squares, flowers and young bolls. it was established that all the fruiting forms of the fruiting branches was correlated to total plant yield was 86.7% while that on the vegetative branches was 12.5%. The shedding of squares occurred until the twelveth day after initiation and was higher on the vegetative branches than on the fruiting branches. It was also observed that shedding occurred until the thirteenth day after flower pollination. The shedding of young bolls, which was related to the number of flowers, was similar on fruiting and vegetative branches being 57% on the former and 62% on the latter

    Velocidade de crescimento da raiz como parâmetro de resistência à seca no algodoeiro

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    Selection for speed of root growth was done on seedlings for three varieties of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.r. latifolium Hutch) both in greenhouse and in laboratory, in order to obtain strains with better drought resistance. Of the three varieties used: Acala del Cerro, Allen 333/57 and SU-0450/8909, the latter presented always a better heritability and genetical gain. After four cycles of recurrent selection the heritability for root growth in this variety was 37% with a genetical gain of 65%. These results were obtained with adult plants and therefore it can be concluded that early selection for speed of root growth in seedlings results in longer roots in grown-up plants.Foi realizado um estudo em condições de casa de vegetação e laboratório, objetivando verificar o efeito da seleção para maior velocidade de crescimento da raiz em algodoeiro (Gossypium hirsutum L.r. latifolium Hutch) e sua aplicação como parâmetro usado pelo melhoramento genético, como critério de seleção de plantas resistentes à seca. Foram usadas as cultivares Acala del Cerro, Allen 333/57 e SU-0450/8909. Esta última variedade apresentou, consistentemente, uma herdabilidade elevada para o caráter selecionado e um grande ganho genético. Na fase adulta e com quatro ciclos de seleção, a cultivar SU-0450/8909 mostra uma herdabilidade de 37% e um ganho genético de 65%. Ficou assim evidenciado que os indivíduos selecionados, mesmo na fase de plântulas para maior velocidade de crescimento do sistema radicular, conservaram uma maior raiz na fase de planta adulta

    Evaluation of herbaceous cotton lines and cultivars in the northeast of Brazil. II. Agronomic and fiber characteristics

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    Avaliou-se o desempenho de novas linhagens de algodoeiro herbáceo, frente às cultivares em uso, originadas do próprio CNPA e de outras instituições de pesquisa do País. Observaram-se os aspectos de peso médio de um capulho, percentagem de fibra, comprimento, uniformidade, finura e resistência de fibra. Os dados foram fornecidos por dezenove ensaios regionais de cultivares de algodoeiro herbáceo delineados em blocos ao acaso, com nove tratamentos e oito repetições, e conduzidos em diferentes localidades dos Estados do Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco. Magoas e Bahia, nos anos agrícolas 1980/81 e 1981/82. IAC 17 e CNPA 78-SME4 detiveram as maiores médias para peso médio de capulho. A primeira atingiu a maior média para percentagem de fibra (40,1%), tendo as linhagens PR 4139 (39,1%) e CNPA 76-6555 (38,9%) se destacado, também, para este aspecto. O comprimento de fibra variou de 29,1 mm a 31,7 mm, destacando-se a CNPA 78-SME4, com a maior média. As linhagens apresentaram médias de uniformidade de fibra variando de 51,0% a 54,2%, finura de fibra variando de 4,2 a 4,9 e resistência de fibra de 7,3 a 8,1.Eight lines of upland cotton were evaluated together with cultivars developed by the Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Algodão (CNPA) and by other research institutions in the country. The following characteristics were observed: boll weight, lint percent and fiber length, uniformity, fineness and resistance. The data were collected in 19 regional cotton variety tests, planted in a complete randomized block design with nine treatments and eight replications, at different locations in the States of Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas and Bahia, in the years of 1980/81 and 1981/82. The genotypes IAC 17 and CNPA 78-SME4 had the highest boll weight. For lint percent the genotypes had the highest mean values, were IAC 17 (40.1%), PR 4139 (39.1%) and CNPA 76-6555 (38.9%). Fiber length varied from 29.1 mm to 31.7 mm with CNPA 78-SME4 having the highest mean value. For the other fiber characteristics the results were: uniformity varying from 51.0 to 54.2%, fineness from 4.2 to 4.9 and resistance from 7.3 to 8.1

    Avaliação de linhagens e cultivares de algodoeiro herbáceo no nordeste. I. Rendimento

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    Some upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.r. latifolium Hutch.) lines developed by the Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Algodão (CNPA) were tested together with cultivars developed by CNPA and by other research institutions in the country. Seed cotton yield was studied utilizing data from the regional cotton variety tests. Seeds were planted in a complete randomized block design with nine treatments and eight replications. The test was  conducted at 21 different localities of Northeast of Brazil, in 30 experiments in the period of two years: 1980/81 and 1981/82- The cultivar BR 1 and lines CNPA 77-149, CNPA 77-150 and CNPA 76-6873 had the highest seed cotton yield; the last one was the most productive with an average of 1,457 kg/ha in 21 out of the 30 experiments, surpassing the two control varieties BR 1 and IAC 17 by 8% and 15%, respectively.Foram estudados os comportamentos das novas linhagens de  algodoeiro herbáceo (Gossypium hirsutum L.r. Latifolium Hutch.) desenvolvidas pelo Centro Nacional de Pesquisa do Algodão (CNPA), frente às cultivares em uso, originárias do próprio CNPA e de outras instituições de pesquisa do País. Observou-se o aspecto de rendimento de algodão em caroço, utilizando-se os dados fornecidos pelos ensaios regionais de linhagens e cultivares de algodoeiro herbáceo delineados em blocos ao acaso, com nove tratamentos e oito repetições e conduzidos em 21 diferentes localidades do Nordeste do Brasil, num total de 30 experimentos, nos anos agrícolas 1980/81 e 1981/82. A cultivar BR 1 e as linhagens CNPA 77-149, CNPA 77-150 e a CNPA 76-6873 apresentaram as maiores médias de rendimento em algodão em caroço, mormente esta última, que, participante em 21 dos 30 ensaios, apresentou uma média geral de 1.457 kg/ha, produzindo cerca de 8% e 15% mais que as testemunhas BR 1 e IAC 17, respectivamente