21 research outputs found

    Pemetaan Kesesuaian Lahan Desa Tonasa Kecamatan Tombolo Pao untuk Tanaman Hortikultura : Mapping of Land Suitability in Tonasa Village, Tombolo Pao District for Horticultural Crops

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    Lahan yang sesuai untuk usaha pertanian adalah lahan yang mempunyai kecocokan antara potensi lahandengan syarat tumbuh optimal suatu jenis tanaman pertanian. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukandan memetakan kelas kesesuaian lahan sayur-sayuran (hortikultura) khususnya tanaman kentang, tomat,dan kubis di Desa Tonasa Kecamatan Tombolo Pao. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatifdengan menggunakan pendekatan faktor pembatas sederhana. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secarapurposive sampling berdasarkan peta unit lahan yang terdiri dari empat unit lahan, pada sistem lahan Barong Tongkok (BTK) dan Tanggamus (TGM). Kriteria kesesuaian lahan yang digunakan adalah kriteria menurut Djaenuddin et al. (2011). Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kelas kesesuaian lahan aktual di lokasi penelitian untuk tanaman kentang tergolong sesuai marginal (S3) seluas 2.037 Ha (100%) dengan faktor pembatas retensi hara yaitu pH. Untuk tanaman tomat sebagian tergolong cukup sesuai (S2) seluas 1.778 Ha (87,29%) dengan faktor pembatas ketersediaan air yaitu curah hujan dan kelembaban; retensi hara yaitu kejenuhan basa dan pH; bahaya erosi yaitu lereng serta sebagian tergolong S3 seluas 259 Ha (12,71%) dengan faktor pembatas retensi hara yaitu pH. Untuk tanaman kubis tergolong S3 seluas 2.037 Ha (100 %) dengan faktor pembatas retensi hara yaitu kejenuhan basa dan pH. Desa Tonasa Kecamatan Tombolo Pao memiliki potensi untuk pengembangan tanaman hortikultura yang ditunjukkan dengan hasil analisis kesesuaian lahan aktual untuk tanaman kentang (S3), tomat (S2 dan S3), dan kubis (S3). Kelas kesesuaian lahan potensial tergolong S2 untuk tanaman kentang, tomat, dan kubis dengan faktor pembatas kelembaban


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    Corona virus disease Covid-19 is a deadly virus and was first discovered in Wuhan, China.This virus has spread throughout the world and has an impact on the environment and Agriculture.The impact on the environment is an increase in waste congeries, a decrease in energy consumption, a decrease in air pollution, while the impact of Covid-19 on the Indonesian economy includes negative economic growth, an increase in the number of poor people and an increase in unemployment. This study aims to analyze the impact of Covid-19 on the environment and agriculture in Gorontalo Province.This study uses a qualitative approach where data is collected from interviews and literature searches from official sources.The results showed that the impact of Covid-19 on environmental conditions in Gorontalo Province, among others, was an increase in waste production by 9.17% during Covid-19 in 2020, and an increase in the use of medical waste for Covid-19 by 33.3% in the fourth quarter of 2020.The use of electrical energy has increased by 6.7% during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. As for impact on agriculture contribution of the agricultural sector to GDP was relatively stable, rice production increase 4.1%, but fish production fell by 0.18% and coconut fell 0.11%. This condition can raise farmers term of trade during the 3rd and 4th quarters in 202

    Variability of Maize Yield Over Different Soil Types and Land Suitability Indices In The Humid Tropics, South Sulawesi Indonesia

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    An attempt of understanding the influence of land characteristics on crop yields is useful in designing site specific management of land resources. Characteristics of soil and climate in the humid tropics like Indonesia vary considerably among agroecological zones.   The primary aim of this study is to assess the correlation between land characteristics and maize yields; and to evaluate the variability of land index over different soil types in the humid tropics of South Sulawesi, Indonesia.  As many as 30 soil profiles were made at study area within fourteen different soil types with traditional maize cultivation. A linear regression with Pearson correlation analysis was undertaken to evaluate maize yields at different soil and climate characteristics.  It was found that soil pH, base saturation, and organic carbon have a significant correlation with maize yield with R2 value of 0.705, 0.741, and 0.683, respectively.  The analysis also shows that correlation between land suitability index and maize yield reaches an R2 value of 0.807.  The scatter points in the diagram depict a good indication that the higher the land index the better maize yield can be produced in the area under consideration.  Suitability analysis indicates that land suitability index (I) value ranges from 11.5 to 55.0, with  maize yield from  1.6  ton/ha (Typic Dystrudepts) to 5.2 ton/ha (Typic Haplustalfs) and parametric suitability classes are S2 (moderately suitable), S3 (marginally suitable), N1 (currently not suitable), and N2 (permanently not suitable). Keywords: Land suitability index; humid tropics; maize; South Sulawes

    Soil Water Management to Minimize Shrinkage of Vertisols

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    The high level of clay and the predominance of 2:1 montmorillonite clay on the soil affect the swelling and shrinking of Vertisols soils, inhibiting plant rooting. This study aims to determine the way of giving and the amount of water in Vertisols soil from Jeneponto Regency, Province of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This research is an experimental pot in a greenhouse, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia. This study used a two-factor block random design method, namely the water provision factor consisting of 2 treatments and the water content factor consisting of 4 treatments with three repeats so that 24 treatment pots were obtained. The water is given through the surface and drops with a water content of 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25% of the field capacity. The results showed that the Vertisols Jeneponto had an available waterwater content of 24.60% (field capacity water content of 40.80% and permanent wilting point of 16.20%) with a clay content of 82%. The water provision method affects the width and depth of the fracture as the vegetative and root growth of maize. The results also showed that continuously applying water in limited quantities (drips method with a water content of 75% of field capacity) directly into the root area of plants can suppress the occurrence of shrinking and increase vegetative and root growth of maize as well as the use of a smaller amount of water compared to the surface method

    Land Suitability Index for Estimating Sugar Cane Productivity in the Humid Tropics of South Sulawesi Indonesia

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    This research was completed using mixed qualitative and quantitative methods. Field surveys were executed in sugar cane plantation throughout South Sulawesi Indonesia. Land suitability analyses were performed using a parametric approach with Storie’s index equation followed up with  correlation analysis using the Pearson correlation. Results revealed that the period for sugarcane crop growth in the humid tropic relatively dry regions of South Sulawesi Indonesia lasted for the months of November to July.  The land suitability for sugar cane in the research location was moderately suitable (S2c) and marginally suitable (S3c, S3s, S3s,f and S3c,w) with limiting factors such as relative humidity during crop maturation phase, the duration of sunlight, soil depth, soil texture, soil pH and soil drainage. Land suitability index at the research location ranged from 25.2 to 55.0; sugar cane yields ranged from 30.3 to 62.0 Mg ha-1 year-1. Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between LSI with cane and sugar productivity were 0.81 and 0.84 respectively, signifying the strength of the correlation between the two values. This also indicates that land suitability index can be estimating the potential crop yield in the humid tropicsthat relatively dry climate regions

    Characterization and Classification of Soils from Different Topographic Positions under Sugarcane Plantation in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    The varied topography will influence the soil formation. This study aims to characterize and classify the soil selected on different topography positions of the sugarcane plantation area. The research was conducted in sugarcane plantation area of Camming, District of Bone, South Sulawesi, which was carried out from November 2017 to March 2018. This study used a descriptive method, observation and description of the nine soil profiles at three transects. Each transect consisted of three profiles points located in different positions, consisting of summit, backslope, and valleys. Each horizon soil samples were analyzed for their physical, chemical and micromorphology characteristics in the laboratory. Soil classification system was done by using soil taxonomy to the level of subgroups. The results showed that an average rainfall annual on the research location was 2.200 mm per year. Soil characteristics such as soil solum, cation exchange capacity, and sum of basic cations tended to increase in parts of the valley than in the back and summit. The primary mineral from the sand fraction included quartz, calcite, biotite, opaque, and orthoclase found especially in the position of the back and valley. The pore types consisted of vugh and packing void pores. Pedofeature type of soil was generally in the form of concretions and nodules that showed the process of oxidation and reduction. The soil type in the study area was classified into Typic Haplustepts and Typic Haplustalf

    Landuse Changes Refer to Spatial Planning Regulations at Kelara Watershed Area: An Analysis Using Geospatial Information Technology

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze land use changes in the Kelara watershed and to assess the suitability of current land use changes with the spatial planning regulation of Jeneponto within Kelara basin. This study integrates various survey techniques, remote sensing, and geographic information system technology analysis. Geospatial information used in this study consists of Landsat ETM 7+ satellite imagery (2009) and Landsat 8 (2014) as well as a number of spatial data based on vector data which is compiled by the Jeneponto Government. Remote sensing data using two time series (2009 and 2014) are analyzed by means of supervised classification and visual classification.  The analysis indicated that land use type for the paddy fields and forests (including mangroves) converted become a current land use which is inconsistent with the spatial planning regulation of Jeneponto.The use of land for settlement tends to increase through conversion of wetlands (rice fields). These conditions provide an insight that this condition will occur in the future, so that providing the direction of land use change can be better prepared and anticipated earlier

    Karakterisasi Lahan Sawah Bukaan Baru Hasil Konversi Lahan Hutan di Desa Kalosi Kecamatan Towuti Kabupaten Luwu Timur

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    The conversion of the function of productive agricultural land to non-agricultural land has taken place and is difficult to avoid as a result of the rapid rate of growth and development in an area so that agricultural production must be increased, especially food production to meet food needs with efforts to expand planting areas and the printing of new fields, but generally constrained by low-quality land. This study aims to determine the characteristics of the new openings paddy fields converted from forest land in the Village of Kalosi District Towuti for the development of irrigated paddy fields. This research method is descriptive, data collection is done by observations in the field and laboratory tests. The determination and sampling of soil in this study is purposive sampling. The results showed that the research location was suitable to be used as an irrigated field which had rainfall of ± 2329 - 3631 mm/year, an average temperature of 27oC, a minimum temperature of 23oC, a maximum temperature of 32oC, slope 0-8%, clay texture, dusty clay, sandy clay loam, H2O soil reaction 5.6 - 5.9, CEC 35 - 60 cmol/kg clay, C-organic > 2%, salinity 0.15 - 1.20 dS m-1, base saturation > 40%, base cation can be exchanged 11 – 19 cmol kg-1, the dominant type of mineral found kaolinite clay mineral and irrigation water quality has a pretty good standard of water quality

    Perbaikan Kualitas Tanah Purna Tambang Nikel dengan Penggunaan Mikoriza dan Biochar Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit

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    Nickel mining decreases the quality of soil properties, it is not suitable for agriculture so alternative technology is required such us using biochar made from oil palm empty fruit bunch and mycorrhiza. This study aims to examine the effect of biochar made from oil palm empty fruit bunch and mycorrhiza to improve the nickel post-mining soil quality. This study used two-factor factorial randomized group design. The first factor is biochar made from oil palm empty fruit bunch with 4 levels; B0 (0 g), B1 (300 g), B2 (450 g), and B3 (600 g), the second factor is mycorrhiza with 4 levels; M0 (0 g), M1 (2 g), M2 (4 g), each treatment was repeated 3 treatments so that the total experiment was 36 units. The results showed that the use of bio-ameliorant waste from oil palm empty fruit bunch with dosage of 120 g / kg, improved the chemical properties of nickel post-mining soil regarding the parameter of C-organic, pH, available phosphorus, cation exchange capacity, exchangeable aluminum, Ca-dd and Mg -dd and increasing plant growth significantly. The treatment of mycorrhiza 0.4 g / kg significantly affected the soil properties regarding the parameters of root volume, root length and percentage of root infection and improvement of soil chemical properties in available phosphorus to plants and exchangeable aluminum parameters. The treatment of biochar with dosage of 120g / kg of soil and mycorrhiza 0.4 g / kg of soil is the best interaction of mycorrhiza and biochar made from oil palm empty fruit bunch as amelioration material of post-mining soil which is characterized by the decrease of exchangeable aluminum value. The application of biochar made from oil palm empty fruit bunch and mycorrhiza can improve the nickel post-mining soil qualit

    Peningkatan Unsur Hara Fospor Tanah Ultisol Melalui Pemberian Pupuk Kandang, Kompos dan Pelet

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    Ultisol soil has high potential for the development of dryland agriculture. However, this soil use faces obstacles because the nutrient content in Ultisol soils is generally low. This study aims to determine the effect of manure and straw compost on increasing nutrient content of phosphorus in ultisol soil. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 9 levels of treatment, namely P0 = control, P1 = manure 10 tons / ha, P2 = manure 5 tons / ha, P3 = compost 5 tons / ha, P4 = compost 10 ton / ha, P5 = manure 5 tons / ha + compost 10 tons / ha, P6 = manure 10 tons / ha + compost 5 tons / ha, P7 = pellet compost 5 tons / ha, P8 = compost pellets of 10 tons / ha. The treatment was repeated 3 times. The results showed that giving 10 tons / ha of manure plus 5 tons / ha of compost had a significant effect on reducing Al-dd content, and increasing P-available, pH, base saturation, cation exchange capacity and C-organicon Ultisol soil. Giving pellet fertilizer 10 tons / ha gives a real influence on the growth of maize plants.