40 research outputs found

    Potential Impacts of Iron Biofortification in India

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    Iron deficiency is a widespread nutritional problem in developing countries, causing impaired physical activity and cognitive development, as well as maternal mortality. Although food fortification and supplementation programmes have been effective in some countries, their overall success remains limited. Biofortification, that is, breeding crops for higher micronutrient content, is a relatively new approach. We propose a methodology for ex-ante impact assessment of iron biofortification, which builds on disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and a large household data set. Our analysis of iron-rich rice and wheat in India indicates sizeable potential health benefits. The cost-effectiveness of iron biofortification compares favourably with other interventions.biofortification, plant breeding, iron deficiency anaemia, health benefits, DALYs, cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit analysis, India, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, I120, I180, I310, O150, O220, O330, Q180.,

    Health benefits of biofortification - an ex-ante analysis of iron-rich rice and wheat in India

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    Hunger is acknowledged to impose a heavy burden on humankind with severe negative health consequences. Micronutrient malnutrition, or "hidden hunger", is an even more widespread problem, to which economic development and income growth alone are not expected to provide a solution any time soon. Existing micronutrient interventions like pharmaceutical supplementation or industrial fortification have their limitations and can be complemented by a new approach: breeding food crops for higher micronutrient densities. Knowledge about the cost-effectiveness of this new tool, also termed biofortification, is scarce. In this study, a framework for economic impact analysis is developed, which is then used for evaluation of iron-rich rice and wheat in India. Health benefits are measured and quantified using "disability-adjusted life years" (DALYs). The impact of biofortification is based on a representative data set of food consumption at the household level. Juxtaposing imputed health benefits with research and development costs proves the cost-effectiveness of the intervention; under pessimistic assumptions saving one healthy life year through biofortification only costs US$ 1.90, a cost which even declines to 36 Cents under optimistic assumptions. Extending the study to include a cost-benefit analysis shows that iron biofortification, with an internal rate of return of 74-152%, can also be a worthwhile public investment.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Potential impacts of iron biofortification in India

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    Iron deficiency is a widespread nutritional problem in developing countries, causing impaired physical activity and cognitive development, as well as maternal mortality. Although food fortification and supplementation programmes have been effective in some countries, their overall success remains limited. Biofortification, that is, breeding crops for higher micronutrient content, is a relatively new approach. We propose a methodology for ex-ante impact assessment of iron biofortification, which builds on disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and a large household data set. Our analysis of iron-rich rice and wheat in India indicates sizeable potential health benefits. The cost-effectiveness of iron biofortification compares favourably with other interventions

    The use of iron-fortified wheat flour to reduce anemia among the estate population in Sri Lanka

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    Non-PRIFPRI3; BCP; EB; HarvestPlusHarvestPlu

    Effect of iron supplementation on physical performance in children and adolescents: systematic review of randomized controlled trials

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of iron supplementation on physical performance in children (0-18 years) through systematic review of randomised controlled trials (RCTs). DATA SOURCES: Electronic databases, personal files, handsearch of reviews, bibliographies of books, abstracts and proceedings of international conferences. REVIEW METHODS: RCTs with interventions that included oral or parenteral iron supplementation, fortified formula milk, or cereals were evaluated. The physical performance outcomes studied were heart rate, treadmill endurance times, blood lactate, and oxygen consumption. RESULTS: A total of three studies were included, in all of which iron was supplemented in the form of oral medicinal iron. At 5, 6 and 7 miles per hour running speeds, the pooled weighted mean (95% Cl) difference (WMD) in the heart rate (per minute) between the iron and the placebo, following exercise was -7.3 (-19.6, 4.9; p = 0.241), -6.6 (- 19.9, 6.6; p = 0.327), and -8.0 (-19.7, 3.7; p = 0.182), respectively. After excluding the study with nonanemic subjects, the corresponding figures were -13.1 (-23.2, -3.1; p= 0.01), -14.2 (-22.3, -6.1; p = 0.001) and -12.7 (-23.5, 1.9; p = 0.021), respectively. Oxygen consumption, estimated in two studies, showed no significant difference between the treatment groups. Blood lactate levels were estimated in one study only at two different doses of iron, and were significantly lower (p < 0.05) in iron supplemented group in comparison to placebo both before (7.71 and 7.55 mg/dL versus 8.43 mg/dL) and after (14.36 and 14.35 mg/dL versus 16.48 mg/dL) exercise. Treadmill endurance time was significantly better in iron supplemented group when compared with placebo in one study. CONCLUSIONS: Iron supplementation may have a positive effect on the physical performance of children, as evaluated through the post exercise heart rate in anemic subjects, blood lactate levels and treadmill endurance time. In view of the limited data availability, this finding cannot be considered conclusive

    The impact of maternal micronutrient supplementation on early neonatal morbidity

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    Many women throughout the world survive on diets of poor quality, and deficiencies in vitamins, minerals and trace elements are common in many developing countries. The effect of this poor nutritional status is a particular concern when the additional demands of pregnancy and lactation expose both the mother and her newborn infant to increased risk of adverse consequence.1 In response to this, the international community proposed about 10 years ago that a multiple micronutrient supplement be developed for widespread use as a dietary supplement during pregnancy.2 Since that time a number of large-scale randomised controlled trials have been carried out in which maternal supplementation with multiple micronutrients during pregnancy has been assessed for an effect on maternal mortality and morbidity, birth weight and later growth, morbidity and survival. <br/

    Nutrition of Honduran mothers/caretakers

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    In 1996, the Honduran Ministry of Health conducted a national micronutrient survey of children 12-71 months old, which also included an assessment of the nutrition status of their mothers/caretakers. The 1 126 mothers/caretakers who participated in the survey tended to be short and plump. About 15% of them were at obstetric risk by virtue of their short stature and/or low body weight. About 9% had chronic energy deficiency (CED), but 27% were at least 20% overweight. CED was associated with socioeconomic indicators of poverty. Risk factors for being at least 20% overweight included being over 30 years old, not breast-feeding, having attended no higher than grade 4, 5, or 6 of primary school, coming from a wealthier household, and living in San Pedro Sula or medium-sized cities. Among the women surveyed, 26% of nonpregnant and 32% of pregnant mothers/caretakers were anemic. The likely principal cause of anemia was the low intake of bioavailable iron from food and, in some cases, exces sive iron loss associ ated with intestinal parasites, especially hookworm. Only 50% of the mothers/caretakers participating in this study had received iron during their last pregnancy, and just 13% had received postpartum vitamin A. The results highlight the need to develop and implement an effective program to control iron deficiency anemia in women of reproductive age, including by fortifying such widely consumed foods as processed wheat and maize flour and by routinely administering iron supplements to high-risk groups. Postpartum vitamin A supplementation should be encouraged to protect both the mother and newborn infant against vitamin A deficiency

    Vitamin A deficiency and anemia among children 12-71 months old in Honduras

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    Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) have been recognized as public health problems in Honduras for over 30 years. This paper, based on the 1996 National Micro nutrient Survey on 1 678 children 1271 months of age, presents the results for vitamin A status and anemia prevalence, as well as the level of vitamin A in sugar at the household level. The results showed that 14% of the children were subclinically vitamin A deficient (plasma retinol < 20 µg/dL) and 32% were at risk of VAD (plasma retinol 2030 µg/dL). These data indicate that VAD is a moderate public health problem in Honduras. Logistic regression analysis showed that children 1223 months old living in areas other than the rural south of the country were at greatest risk of subclinical VAD. Infection, indicated by an elevated alpha-1-acid-glycoprotein level, increased the risk of subclinical VAD more than three-fold. Children from households that obtained water from a river, stream, or lake were at twice the risk of subclinical VAD compared with other children. That same doubled risk was found for children from a household with an outside toilet. VAD can be controlled by fortifying sugar. Retinol levels in sugar at the household level were about 50% of those mandated by Honduran law. There appears to be significant leakage of unfortified sugar into the market. This is particularly true in the rural north, where 33% of samples contained no retinol. Overall, 30% of children were anemic (Hb < 11 g/dL). Logistic regression analysis showed that children whose fathers lived with them but who had not attended at least grade 4 of primary school were at 33% greater risk of being anemic. Infection and being underweight increased the risk of being anemic by 51% and 21%, respectively. Many of the anemic children had not been given iron supplements, suggesting health care providers may not be aware that anemia is widespread among young children and/or know how to diagnose it

    Effect of iron supplementation on haemoglobin response in children: systematic review of randomised controlled trials

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of iron supplementation on haemoglobin (Hb) in children through a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Electronic databases, personal files, hand search of reviews, bibliographies of books, and abstracts and proceedings of international conferences were reviewed. Randomised controlled trials evaluating change in Hb levels with interventions that included oral or parenteral iron supplementation or iron-fortified formula milk or cereals were analysed. RESULTS: A total of 55 trials (56 cohorts) provided relevant information. Publication bias was evident (P &lt; 0.001). The pooled estimate (random-effects model) for change in Hb with iron supplementation (weighted mean difference) was 0.74 g/dL (95% CI, 0.61-0.87; P &lt; 0.001; P &lt; 0.001 for heterogeneity). Lower baseline Hb level, oral medicinal iron supplementation, and malarial nonhyperendemic region were significant predictors of greater Hb response and heterogeneity. Projections suggested that, on average, between 37.9% and 62.3% of baseline anaemia (Hb &lt;11 g/dL) was responsive to iron supplementation among children under 6 years of age; the corresponding range for malarial hyperendemic regions was 5.8% to 31.8%. CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review indicates that iron supplementation increases Hb levels in children significantly but modestly. The increase is greater in subjects who are anaemic at the start of the trial and lower in malarial hyperendemic areas and in those consuming iron-fortified food. The projected reductions in prevalence of anaemia with iron supplementation alone highlight the need for additional area-specific interventions, particularly in malaria-prone regions