390 research outputs found

    Principal noncommutative torus bundles

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    In this paper we study continuous bundles of C*-algebras which are non-commutative analogues of principal torus bundles. We show that all such bundles, although in general being very far away from being locally trivial bundles, are at least locally trivial with respect to a suitable bundle version of bivariant K-theory (denoted RKK-theory) due to Kasparov. Using earlier results of Echterhoff and Williams, we shall give a complete classification of principal non-commutative torus bundles up to equivariant Morita equivalence. We then study these bundles as topological fibrations (forgetting the group action) and give necessary and sufficient conditions for any non-commutative principal torus bundle being RKK-equivalent to a commutative one. As an application of our methods we shall also give a K-theoretic characterization of those principal torus-bundles with H-flux, as studied by Mathai and Rosenberg which possess "classical" T-duals.Comment: 33 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of the London Mathematical Societ

    C*-Structure and K-Theory of Boutet de Monvel's Algebra

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    We consider the norm closure AA of the algebra of all operators of order and class zero in Boutet de Monvel's calculus on a manifold XX with boundary YY. We first describe the image and the kernel of the continuous extension of the boundary principal symbol to AA. If the XX is connected and YY is not empty, we then show that the K-groups of AA are topologically determined. In case the manifold, its boundary and the tangent space of the interior have torsion-free K-theory, we prove that Ki(A/K)K_i(A/K) is isomorphic to the direct sum of Ki(C(X))K_i(C(X)) and K1−i(C0(TXâ€Č))K_{1-i}(C_0(TX')), for i=0,1, with KK denoting the compact ideal and TXâ€ČTX' the tangent bundle of the interior of XX. Using Boutet de Monvel's index theorem, we also prove this result for i=1 without assuming the torsion-free hypothesis. We also give a composition sequence for AA.Comment: Final version, to appear in J. Reine Angew. Math. Improved K-theoretic result

    Deformation quantization of gerbes

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    This is the first in a series of articles devoted to deformation quantization of gerbes. Here we give basic definitions and interpret deformations of a given gerbe as Maurer-Cartan elements of a differential graded Lie algebra (DGLA). We classify all deformations of a given gerbe on a symplectic manifold, as well as provide a deformation-theoretic interpretation of the first Rozansky-Witten class.Comment: Revised versio

    Ammonia production by human faecal bacteria, and the enumeration, isolation and characterization of bacteria capable of growth on peptides and amino acids

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    DA - 20130125 IS - 1471-2180 (Electronic) IS - 1471-2180 (Linking) LA - eng PT - Journal Article PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't SB - IMPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Dynamic Matter-Wave Pulse Shaping

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    In this paper we discuss possibilities to manipulate a matter-wave with time-dependent potentials. Assuming a specific setup on an atom chip, we explore how one can focus, accelerate, reflect, and stop an atomic wave packet, with, for example, electric fields from an array of electrodes. We also utilize this method to initiate coherent splitting. Special emphasis is put on the robustness of the control schemes. We begin with the wave packet of a single atom, and extend this to a BEC, in the Gross-Pitaevskii picture. In analogy to laser pulse shaping with its wide variety of applications, we expect this work to form the base for additional time-dependent potentials eventually leading to matter-wave pulse shaping with numerous application

    Which graph states are useful for quantum information processing?

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    Graph states are an elegant and powerful quantum resource for measurement based quantum computation (MBQC). They are also used for many quantum protocols (error correction, secret sharing, etc.). The main focus of this paper is to provide a structural characterisation of the graph states that can be used for quantum information processing. The existence of a gflow (generalized flow) is known to be a requirement for open graphs (graph, input set and output set) to perform uniformly and strongly deterministic computations. We weaken the gflow conditions to define two new more general kinds of MBQC: uniform equiprobability and constant probability. These classes can be useful from a cryptographic and information point of view because even though we cannot do a deterministic computation in general we can preserve the information and transfer it perfectly from the inputs to the outputs. We derive simple graph characterisations for these classes and prove that the deterministic and uniform equiprobability classes collapse when the cardinalities of inputs and outputs are the same. We also prove the reversibility of gflow in that case. The new graphical characterisations allow us to go from open graphs to graphs in general and to consider this question: given a graph with no inputs or outputs fixed, which vertices can be chosen as input and output for quantum information processing? We present a characterisation of the sets of possible inputs and ouputs for the equiprobability class, which is also valid for deterministic computations with inputs and ouputs of the same cardinality.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure
