20 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic analysis of SA <i>rrn</i> OTUs (RINH01–RINH21) and IA <i>rrn</i> OTUs (T01–T10).

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    <p>Placement of representative sequences of the present study in clades indicated with additional reference sequences obtained from GenBank. A sequence related to the Crenarchaeota phylum (Acc. No. AF418935) was used as an outgroup. Full multiple alignment using ClustalW and a consensus tree was constructed using the Neighbor-Joining method with the Jukes-Cantor substitution model. The trees were bootstrap resampled 1000 times with branch values ≥50% shown. Scale shows 0.05 nucleotide substitutions per nucleotide position.</p

    Multiple rarefaction collectors curves.

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    <p>Observed number of OTUs for different sequencing and analysis methods: A. SA <i>rrn</i>. B. IM <i>rrn</i>. C. IM <i>mcrA</i>. D. IA <i>rrn.</i></p

    Comparison of methanogenic archaeal diversity and depth of coverage for Sheep A and Sheep B.

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    <p>Shannon index (H′), Chao1 estimated number of species and Good’s statistic (C).</p><p>Comparison of methanogenic archaeal diversity and depth of coverage for Sheep A and Sheep B.</p

    Additional file 6: Figure S1. of The rumen microbial metagenome associated with high methane production in cattle

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    KEGG pathways associated with methane metabolism. Highlighted EC gene numbers are those genes that differed significantly between high and low emitting cattle. Red – genes that had higher abundance in high emitters; blue - genes that had lower abundance in high emitters. (DOC 22 kb