454 research outputs found

    Efficient classical simulations of quantum Fourier transforms and normalizer circuits over Abelian groups

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    The quantum Fourier transform (QFT) is sometimes said to be the source of various exponential quantum speed-ups. In this paper we introduce a class of quantum circuits which cannot outperform classical computers even though the QFT constitutes an essential component. More precisely, we consider normalizer circuits. A normalizer circuit over a finite Abelian group is any quantum circuit comprising the QFT over the group, gates which compute automorphisms and gates which realize quadratic functions on the group. We prove that all normalizer circuits have polynomial-time classical simulations. The proof uses algorithms for linear diophantine equation solving and the monomial matrix formalism introduced in our earlier work. We subsequently discuss several aspects of normalizer circuits. First we show that our result generalizes the Gottesman-Knill theorem. Furthermore we highlight connections to Shor's factoring algorithm and to the Abelian hidden subgroup problem in general. Finally we prove that quantum factoring cannot be realized as a normalizer circuit owing to its modular exponentiation subroutine.Comment: 23 pages + appendice

    A monomial matrix formalism to describe quantum many-body states

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    We propose a framework to describe and simulate a class of many-body quantum states. We do so by considering joint eigenspaces of sets of monomial unitary matrices, called here "M-spaces"; a unitary matrix is monomial if precisely one entry per row and column is nonzero. We show that M-spaces encompass various important state families, such as all Pauli stabilizer states and codes, the AKLT model, Kitaev's (abelian and non-abelian) anyon models, group coset states, W states and the locally maximally entanglable states. We furthermore show how basic properties of M-spaces can transparently be understood by manipulating their monomial stabilizer groups. In particular we derive a unified procedure to construct an eigenbasis of any M-space, yielding an explicit formula for each of the eigenstates. We also discuss the computational complexity of M-spaces and show that basic problems, such as estimating local expectation values, are NP-hard. Finally we prove that a large subclass of M-spaces---containing in particular most of the aforementioned examples---can be simulated efficiently classically with a unified method.Comment: 11 pages + appendice

    Quantum simulation of classical thermal states

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    We establish a connection between ground states of local quantum Hamiltonians and thermal states of classical spin systems. For any discrete classical statistical mechanical model in any spatial dimension, we find an associated quantum state such that the reduced density operator behaves as the thermal state of the classical system. We show that all these quantum states are unique ground states of a universal 5-body local quantum Hamiltonian acting on a (polynomially enlarged) system of qubits arranged on a 2D lattice. The only free parameters of the quantum Hamiltonian are coupling strengthes of two-body interactions, which allow one to choose the type and dimension of the classical model as well as the interaction strength and temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Which graph states are useful for quantum information processing?

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    Graph states are an elegant and powerful quantum resource for measurement based quantum computation (MBQC). They are also used for many quantum protocols (error correction, secret sharing, etc.). The main focus of this paper is to provide a structural characterisation of the graph states that can be used for quantum information processing. The existence of a gflow (generalized flow) is known to be a requirement for open graphs (graph, input set and output set) to perform uniformly and strongly deterministic computations. We weaken the gflow conditions to define two new more general kinds of MBQC: uniform equiprobability and constant probability. These classes can be useful from a cryptographic and information point of view because even though we cannot do a deterministic computation in general we can preserve the information and transfer it perfectly from the inputs to the outputs. We derive simple graph characterisations for these classes and prove that the deterministic and uniform equiprobability classes collapse when the cardinalities of inputs and outputs are the same. We also prove the reversibility of gflow in that case. The new graphical characterisations allow us to go from open graphs to graphs in general and to consider this question: given a graph with no inputs or outputs fixed, which vertices can be chosen as input and output for quantum information processing? We present a characterisation of the sets of possible inputs and ouputs for the equiprobability class, which is also valid for deterministic computations with inputs and ouputs of the same cardinality.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Local unitary versus local Clifford equivalence of stabilizer states

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    We study the relation between local unitary (LU) equivalence and local Clifford (LC) equivalence of stabilizer states. We introduce a large subclass of stabilizer states, such that every two LU equivalent states in this class are necessarily LC equivalent. Together with earlier results, this shows that LC, LU and SLOCC equivalence are the same notions for this class of stabilizer states. Moreover, recognizing whether two given stabilizer states in the present subclass are locally equivalent only requires a polynomial number of operations in the number of qubits.Comment: 8 pages, replaced with published versio

    Classical simulation of quantum computation, the Gottesman-Knill theorem, and slightly beyond

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    We study classical simulation of quantum computation, taking the Gottesman-Knill theorem as a starting point. We show how each Clifford circuit can be reduced to an equivalent, manifestly simulatable circuit (normal form). This provides a simple proof of the Gottesman-Knill theorem without resorting to stabilizer techniques. The normal form highlights why Clifford circuits have such limited computational power in spite of their high entangling power. At the same time, the normal form shows how the classical simulation of Clifford circuits fits into the standard way of embedding classical computation into the quantum circuit model. This leads to simple extensions of Clifford circuits which are classically simulatable. These circuits can be efficiently simulated by classical sampling ('weak simulation') even though the problem of exactly computing the outcomes of measurements for these circuits ('strong simulation') is proved to be #P-complete--thus showing that there is a separation between weak and strong classical simulation of quantum computation.Comment: 14 pages, shortened version, one additional result. To appear in Quant. Inf. Com

    Classical spin systems and the quantum stabilizer formalism: general mappings and applications

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    We present general mappings between classical spin systems and quantum physics. More precisely, we show how to express partition functions and correlation functions of arbitrary classical spin models as inner products between quantum stabilizer states and product states, thereby generalizing mappings for some specific models established in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 117207 (2007)]. For Ising- and Potts-type models with and without external magnetic field, we show how the entanglement features of the corresponding stabilizer states are related to the interaction pattern of the classical model, while the choice of product states encodes the details of interaction. These mappings establish a link between the fields of classical statistical mechanics and quantum information theory, which we utilize to transfer techniques and methods developed in one field to gain insight into the other. For example, we use quantum information techniques to recover well known duality relations and local symmetries of classical models in a simple way, and provide new classical simulation methods to simulate certain types of classical spin models. We show that in this way all inhomogeneous models of q-dimensional spins with pairwise interaction pattern specified by a graph of bounded tree-width can be simulated efficiently. Finally, we show relations between classical spin models and measurement-based quantum computation.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, minor corrections, version as accepted in JM

    The K-theory of twisted multipullback quantum odd spheres and complex projective spaces

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    We find multipullback quantum odd-dimensional spheres equipped with natural U(1)U(1)-actions that yield the multipullback quantum complex projective spaces constructed from Toeplitz cubes as noncommutative quotients. We prove that the noncommutative line bundles associated to multipullback quantum odd spheres are pairwise stably non-isomorphic, and that the KK-groups of multipullback quantum complex projective spaces and odd spheres coincide with their classical counterparts. We show that these KK-groups remain the same for more general twisted versions of our quantum odd spheres and complex projective spaces.Comment: The proof of Theorem 0.1(3) corrected, 35 pages. To appear in Journal of Noncommutative Geometr