482 research outputs found

    The Mechanical and Social Feasibility of Using Biogas to Fuel an Essential Oil Distillation Unit in the Rural Commune of Ankarimbelo, Madagascar

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    The rural commune of Ankarimbelo is located on the edge of the Ikongo Rainforest Corridor in southeastern Madagascar. The commune’s remote location, an increasing population, and the prohibition of farming in the rainforest corridor have contributed to extreme poverty. In an attempt to mitigate these effects, the Malagasy NGO Ny Tanintsika has implemented an essential oils distillation plant as an alternative livelihood project. While the project may provide needed income to local populations, thereby diverting destructive agriculture practices such as tavy, or slash-and-burn agriculture, the distillation of essential oils still requires that firewood be burned. Over the course of one year, between 700,000 and 111,000 kilograms of wood could be consumed. While Ny Tanintsika is investing in a sustainable Eucalyptus plantation in the commune, establishing a biogas plant as an alternative fuel source could benefit the local environment and population. This study evaluated the mechanical and social feasibility of using biogas at the essential oils plant. In particular, it determined the proportion of the energy demand that biogas produced from local biomass sources could meet. The results indicate that in the extreme case in which the still’s energy demand is maximized and biogas production is minimized, biogas could meet 4% of total energy demand. However, in less extreme cases, in which biogas production is larger or still energy use is less, biogas may be able to meet most or all of the energy demand. Moreover, the local population supported the creation of a biodigester

    A Look at the Effectiveness of High School Chemistry Curriculum in Preparing Students for ACT

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    In the ever-changing world, students are challenged with cultivating the skills and knowledge needed to handle the pace and level of understanding required to excel in their future. The foundation for a student\u27s future begins in their formative years, but high school is a prime environment for nurturing the applied, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills needed to move forward into independent, adult life. Mississippi schools are ranked by an accountability score, which is used to determine fund allocation and the development of improvement plans. This score is compiled by looking at various state-tested courses, College and Career Readiness Standards (MS CCRS) scores (including the ACT), and graduation rates. Chemistry is not an accountability subject, but students who take chemistry also take the ACT in the same year. In this case, the ACT serves as a tool for accountability and a tool for predicting college readiness and success (ACT.org, 2016). Given that the skills needed to succeed in chemistry are also needed to succeed on the ACT, it seems prudent to find ways to help students understand the chemistry content while simultaneously strengthening the skills to do well on the ACT Science sub-test. To address this, a two-tiered study was conducted over five years to determine if integrating an Inquiry-Based (IBL) method, specifically Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL), would benefit student chemistry success and increase scores on the ACT. The first two years looked at the effects of POGIL integration by comparing 3 assessment scores (Pre-test, Post-test, and ACT science sub-test). Years 3-5 sought to establish a difference between teaching methods by comparing the effects of POGIL integration versus non-POGIL integration The POGIL and non-POGIL classes were taught by two different teachers, and the scores were compared through the 3 same assessments (Pre-test, Post-test, and ACT Science sub-test). The research significantly impacts student ACT Science scores over a five-year period. The two-tiered study indicated that students were better prepared to be successful on the ACT science test. The change came through using critical thinking in the chemistry classroom in controlled environments and helping students build capacity with those skills

    Short- and long-term experience in pulmonary vein segmental ostial ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation*

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    Introduction: Segmental ostial pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) is considered a potentially curative therapeutic approach in the treatment of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF). There is only limited data available on the long-term effect of this procedure. Methods: Patients (Pts) underwent a regular clinical follow up visit at 3, 6 and 24 months after PVI. Clinical success was classified as complete (i.e. no arrhythmia recurrences, no antiarrhythmic drug), partial (i.e. no/only few recurrences, on drug) or as a failure (no benefit). The clinical responder rate (CRR) was determined by combining complete and partial success. Results: 117 patients (96 male, 21 female), aged 51±11 years (range 25 to 73) underwent a total of 166 procedures (1.4/patient) in 2-4 pulmonary veins (PV). 115 patients (98%) had AF, 2 patients presented with regular PV atrial tachycardia. ,109/115 patients. exhibited PAF as the primary arrhythmia (versus persistent AF). A total of 113 patients with PVI in the years 2001 to 2003 were evaluated for their CRR after 6 (3) months. A single intervention was carried out in 63 patients (55.8%), two interventions were performed in 45 patients (39.8%) and three interventions in 5 patients (4.4%). The clinical response demonstrated a complete success of 52% (59 patients), a partial success of 26% (29 patients) and a failure rate of 22% (25 patients), leading to a CRR of 78% (88 patients). Ostial PVI in all 4 PVs exhibited a tendency towards higher curative success rates (54% versus 44% in patients with 3 PVs ablated for the 6 month follow up). Long-term clinical outcome was evaluated in 39 patients with an ablation attempt at 3 PVs only (excluding the right inferior PV in our early experience) and a mean clinical follow up of 21±6 months. At this point in time the success rate was 41% (complete, 16 patients) and 21% (partial, 8 patients), respectively, adding up to a CRR of 62% (24 patients). In total, 20 patients (17.1%) had either a single or 2 (3 patients, 2.6%) complications independent of the number of procedures performed with PV stenosis as the leading cause (7.7%). Conclusion: The CRR of patients with medical refractory PAF in our patient cohort is 78% at the 6 month follow up. PV stenosis is the main cause for procedure-related complications. Ablation of all 4 PV exhibits a tendency towards higher complete success rates despite equal CRR. Calculation of the clinical response after a mid- to long-term follow of 21±6 months in those patients with an ostial PVI in only 3 pulmonary veins (sparing the right inferior PV) shows a further reduction to 62%, exclusively caused by a drop in patients with a former partial success. To evaluate the long-term clinical benefit of segmental ostial PVI in comparison with other ablation techniques, more extended follow up periods are mandatory, including a larger study cohort and a detailed description of procedural parameters

    Corporate Governance and Audit Qualifications: Empirical Study from Saudi Arabia and Oman

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    Since last decade corporate governance has been the focus of many studies worldwide. This stems from the belief that the better governance of the firms lead to more healthy corporations. Prior studies investigated many issues that could be affected by corporate governance of the firms such as performance, earnings management, transparency and disclosure. The current study will contribute to the growing literature in this field of study and mainly focusing on the impact of corporate governance on audit qualifications in Gulf countries, specifically, Oman and Saudi Arabia. The notion behind corporate governance could be extended also to study its impact on the role of auditor. The audit report is considered as a signal to the users of financial information disseminated in that report. Therefore, some argue that occurrence of audit qualifications is directly related to audit quality. In such a way the incentives that may motivate the auditor to express his opinion in a qualified manner could vary. However, it is contended that good corporate governance would lead to enhance the auditor role and mitigate the pressure on him by management and thus he will be more likely to issue a qualified opinion whenever certain circumstances exist. As many studies investigated the issue in different counties, this study will examine the impact of corporate governance mechanisms namely, independence, CEO duality, Board size, board meeting, audit committee independence and meeting on audit qualifications following the enactment the code of corporate governance in 2003 in Oman and in 2006 for Saudi listed firms. This result of study shows that corporate governance mechanisms have no impact on audit qualifications accept for the board size which shows that audit qualifications and board size are associated negatively. The results of study revealed that corporate governance in Gulf countries is a matter of illusion and the efforts should be directed towards enhancing the corporate governance in order to grasp the benefits behind the enactment of corporate governance worldwide

    Response Elaboration Training: Application to Procedural Discourse and Personal Recounts

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    Response Elaboration Training (RET; Kearns, 1985) is a verbal production treatment for aphasia that was designed to facilitate increased content and length of utterances. RET was developed on the premise that treatment should encourage the creative use of language rather than restrict the speaker’s productions to predetermined, convergent responses. RET entails elicitation of verbal productions of the speaker’s choice in response to action pictures. Then, clinician modeling and forward-chaining are employed to assist the speaker in expanding upon his/her original production. Kearns and colleagues conducted a systematic series of investigations to examine the effects of RET (Gaddie, Kearns, & Yedor, 1991; Kearns, 1985; Kearns, 1986; Kearns & Scher, 1989; Kearns & Yedor, 1991). Wambaugh and colleagues (2000; 2001) modified RET to allow application with persons with apraxia of speech and Conley and Coelho (2003) combined RET with Semantic Feature Analysis (Boyle & Coelho, 1995). Across the relatively numerous RET investigations, 17 persons with aphasia have demonstrated positive effects of treatment (12 with Broca’s aphasia, 3 with anomic aphasia, and 2 with conduction aphasia). Aphasia severity among participants has ranged from relatively mild to severe. Although strong response generalization effects of treatment have been demonstrated for RET (i.e., improved responding with similar, untrained pictures), stimulus generalization has received relatively limited study. Kearns and Scher (1989) found mixed results with respect to elicited discourse for three speakers. Wambaugh and Martinez (2000) reported modest changes in personal recounts for two of three speakers as a result of picture level RET training. When they modified RET to apply it without pictures in a personal recount condition, slight additional gains were evidenced. We speculated that application of RET without pictures, but in a more structured condition than personal recounts, may stimulate generalized responding. Consequently, this investigation was designed to explore the effects of RET applied to procedural discourse as well as to personal recounts

    Artist’s Statement: Recognizing the Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies Taking Flight

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    Artist's Statement for the cover art of IJPS volume 1, issue 1: Life Partners at Twilight, 2015. Watercolor on paper

    Obesidad asociada al desarrollo de estadios graves en la enfermedad por SARS CoV-2

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    Objetivo: Determinar si en pacientes con SARS-CoV-2, la obesidad está asociada al desarrollo de estadios graves medidos a través de los parámetros respiratorios como el lactato, PaO2/FiO2 y Saturación de O2 a la admisión, 24, 48 y 72 horas de la admisión, en comparación con los pacientes sin obesidad. Métodos: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo en el Hospital de Alta Complejidad Virgen de la Puerta de Trujillo entre abril de 2020 y enero de 2021. Se incluyeron pacientes adultos con diagnóstico de infección por SARS-CoV-2 además del diagnóstico de obesidad en la historia clínica. Se recopilaron datos sociodemográficos y clínicos con un enfoque en parámetros respiratorios, como lactato, saturación de oxígeno y relación PaO2/FiO2, en varios momentos después de la admisión hospitalaria. Se utilizaron pruebas estadísticas para comparar los resultados entre los grupos. Resultados: Los pacientes obesos presentaron niveles más altos de lactato al ingreso (4,18 ± 0,81 vs. 3,37 ± 0,91, p = 0,001), una disminución en la saturación de oxígeno al ingreso (89,15 ± 7,16% vs. 92,74 ± 3,28%, p = 0,001) y una relación PaO2/FiO2 más baja en todos los momentos evaluados (p = 0,001). Además, el grupo con obesidad tuvo una tasa de mortalidad significativamente mayor (34% vs. 12%, p = 0,001) y una estancia hospitalaria más prolongada (15,85 ± 9,95 días vs. 13,39 ± 8,02 días, p = 0,02) en comparación con el grupo sin obesidad. Conclusión: La obesidad presenta alteraciones en los parámetros respiratorios y que podrían indirectamente estar asociados a mayor gravedad de la infección por SARS-CoV-2; también se evidenció en los pacientes obesos, mayor tasa de mortalidad y una estancia hospitalaria prolongadaObjective: To determine whether in patients with SARS-CoV-2, obesity is associated with the development of severe stages measured through respiratory parameters such as lactate, PaO2/FiO2 and O2 Saturation at admission, 24, 48 and 72 hours after admission, compared no obesity. Methods: Retrospective cohort study at the Virgen de la Puerta High Complexity Hospital in Trujillo between April 2020 and January 2021. Adult patients with a diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection were included in addition to the diagnosis of obesity in the medical history. Sociodemographic and clinical data were collected with a focus on respiratory parameters, such as lactate, oxygen saturation, and PaO2/FiO2 ratio, at various time points after hospital admission. Statistical tests were used to compare results between groups. Results: Obese patients had higher lactate levels on admission (4.18 ± 0.81 vs. 3.37 ± 0.91, p = 0.001), decreased oxygen saturation on admission (89.15 ± 7.16% vs. 92.74 ± 3.28%, p = 0.001) and a lower PaO2/FiO2 ratio at all time points evaluated (p = 0.001). In addition, the obese group had a significantly higher mortality rate (34% vs. 12%, p = 0.001) and longer hospital stay (15.85 ± 9.95 days vs. 13.39 ± 8.02 days, p = 0.02) compared no oebsity group. Conclusion: Obesity presents alterations in respiratory parameters that could be indirectly associated with greater severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection; it was also found that obese patients had a higher mortality rate and a prolonged hospital stayTesi

    African rice cultivation linked to rising methane

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    Africa has been identified as a major driver of the current rise in atmospheric methane, and this has been attributed to emissions from wetlands and livestock. Here we show that rapidly increasing rice cultivation is another important source, and estimate that it accounts for 7% of the current global rise in methane emissions. Continued rice expansion to feed a rapidly growing population should be considered in climate change mitigation goals.Comment: 7 pages and 2 figure

    International Courts and Tribunals

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    This article reviews and summarizes significant developments in 2004 concerning international courts and tribunals, particularly events relating to tbe International Court of Justice, tbe United Nations Compensation Commission, the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal, and tbe Claims Resolution Tribunal. Significant developments relating to the International Criminal Court, the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda, proposed additional ad hoc international criminal tribunals, the International Tribunal for the Law of tbe Sea, and tbe World Trade Organization dispute settlement system and other trade dispute settlement systems are detailed in other articles in this issue