8 research outputs found

    Effect of body composition on the athletic performance of soccer referees

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    Nutrition plays an important role in improving sports performance. The present study aimed at nutritional assessment and examined the relationship between athletic performance and body composition in soccer referees at different levels. The study participants were 120 male soccer referees. 5, 10 and 30 metres (m) sprint tests to measure speed and cooper test for physical fitness were applied in the referees. Participants were divided into two groups as city and class soccer referee. The anthropometric measurements, excluding fat mass (FM) (%), were higher in class referees. Fat mass (%) differences (14⋅1 ± 4⋅28 v. 12⋅3 ± 4⋅41) were statistically significant (P < 0⋅05). Daily energy and nutrient intakes were similar. The inadequacy percentages of energy, vitamin A and calcium were the highest (29⋅2, 30⋅0 and 34⋅2 %, respectively). It was found that a negative significant correlation between FM% and cooper test score (P < 0⋅01; r = −0⋅35), a positive significant correlation between FM% and 5, 10 and 30 m sprint test scores (P < 0⋅01, r = 0⋅38; P < 0⋅01, r = 0⋅38 and P < 0⋅01, r = 0⋅48, respectively). Similarly, there was a negative significant correlation between waist circumference (WC) and cooper test score (P < 0⋅01; r = −0⋅31), a positive significant correlation between WC and 5, 10 and 30 m sprint test scores (P < 0⋅01, r = 0⋅33; P < 0⋅01, r = 0⋅40; P < 0⋅01, r = 0⋅33, respectively). Nutritional recommendations for soccer referees should be made specific to the individual, considering body composition, training intensity and match frequency by a dietician

    Assessment of Relationship Between Nutritional Status and Handgrip Strength in Hemodialysis Patients

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    In hemodialysis patients, the prevalence of malnutrition is high; a decrease in muscle strength is observed. &nbsp;The objective of the research was to evaluate the nutritional status of hemodialysis patients and the relationship between the nutritional status and muscle strength. Materials and Methods. Sixty hemodialysis patients (38 males, 22 females) were chosen from among volunteers. Food consumption, biochemical values, anthropometric measurements, body composition, physical activity status, subjective global assessment, and handgrip strength in individuals were examined. Results. According to subjective global assessment, 73.3% of patients were well-nourished, 26.7% of patients were moderately malnourished. In male patients, a moderate positive correlation was determined between handgrip strength and lean body mass (r=0.359, p&lt;0.05), albumin level (r=0.408, p&lt;0.05), energy intake (r=0.437, p&lt;0.05), protein intake (r=0.345, p&lt;0.05). In female patients, a moderate positive correlation was determined between handgrip strength and body weight (r=0.470, p&lt;0.05), body mass index (r=0.472, p&lt;0.05), triceps skinfold thickness (r=0.530, p&lt;0.05), mid-upper arm circumference (r=0.515, p&lt;0.05), mid-upper arm muscle circumference (r=0.557, p&lt;0.05), lean body mass (r=0.470, p&lt;0.05), body fat content (%) (r=0.588, p&lt;0.05), albumin level (r=0.565, p&lt;0.05). Conclusions. Handgrip strength alongside with more than one method of food consumption, biochemical parameters, subjective global assessment, anthropometric measurements, and body composition should be used for assessing the nutritional status in hemodialysis patients

    Biyoaktif Besin Peptitleri ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri

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    Biyoaktif besin peptitleri, vücutta birçok biyolojik işlevin kontrolünde yapısal özelliğe sahiptir. Bu bileşenlerin olumluetkilerini gösterebilmeleri için fizyolojik olarak gerçekçi düzeyde ve ölçülebilir etki göstermesi gerekmektedir.Biyoaktif peptitler; fizyolojik tepkimelerin indüklenmesine yol açan, hedef hücreler üzerindeki spesifik reseptörlerebağlanma yoluyla fizyolojik fonksiyonu olan, hormon veya ilaç benzeri aktiviteye sahip peptitler olarak tanımlanmıştır.Biyoaktif peptitler genellikle 3-20 amino asit kalıntısı içermekte ve temel protein yapısındayken etkinlikgöstermemektedir. Bitki ve hayvan proteinlerinin temel yapısında bulunan biyoaktif besin peptitlerinin etkinlikgösterebilmesi için peptit sekanslarının serbest hale gelmesi gerekmektedir. Bu peptitler çoğunlukla enzimatik hidroliz,gastrointestinal sistemde sindirim enzimleri ile hidroliz ve fermentasyon yoluyla üretilmektedir. Yapılan in vitro ve invivo çalışmalarda; biyoaktif besin peptitlerinin antihipertansif, hipolipidemik, antioksidan, antiinflamatuar aktiviteyesahip olduğu bildirilmiştir. Bu nedenle, son yıllarda kronik hastalıkların önlenmesinde, tedavisinde ve genel sağlığınkorunmasında biyoaktif besin peptitlerin kullanımına yönelik çalışmalar artmaktadır. Bu derleme yazının amacı,biyoaktif besin peptitlerini ve sağlık üzerine olan etkilerinin değerlendirilmesidir

    Energy And Nutrient Intake And Food Patterns Among Turkish University Students

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    The goal of this study was to determine the nutritional value and nutrients provided by each meal and snack of consumed by university students. Subjects were randomly selected from volunteer students at five universities in Ankara. A sample of 400 students (167 female and 233 male) aged between 19 and 24 years participated in this study. A questionnaire designed to assess general characteristics, anthropometric measurements, and 24 hours dietary records was administered using face to face interviews. According to body mass index classifications, 69.5% of male students, and 77.7% of female students were found to be in the normal weight categories. Overweight categories were found to be 25.1% and 5.6% for males and females, respectively. Breakfast and lunch were the most frequently skipped meals, with a total of 47.7% of students skipping breakfast and 25.2% skipping lunch. The percentages of energy deficiency were found to be 78.4% in males, and 81.1% in females. Dinner was the main meal for consumption of energy and the other nutrients, except saturated fatty acids, for both genders. Also, dinner was the largest contributor of energy in both genders. Students ate more bread, cereals, and meat at dinner than during the other meals and snacks. Fruit was consumed more during snacks than at the other meals by all students. It was concluded that students need more nutritional information about healthy nutritional habits, adequate intake of nutrients, and ideal body weights.PubMedWoSScopu

    Greenhouse Gas Emission and Water Footprint of the National Diet in Turkey: Results from Turkey Nutrition and Health Survey 2017

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    The study aimed to assess and characterize the sustainability of the national diet in Turkey and its association with diet quality, dietary requirements, and sociodemographic factors. Dietary intake was assessed using 24 h recalls from the Turkey Nutrition and Health Survey 2017 (TNHS-2017) (n = 12,527). The environmental footprints were assessed with two environmental indicators: greenhouse gas emissions (GHGEs) and water footprint (WF). Diet quality was assessed using the diet quality index (DQI) and dietary diversity score (DDS). The dietary GHGEs was 3.21 ± 2.07 kg CO2-eq/person/day and the dietary total WF was 2832 ± 1378 L/person/day. The DQI and DDS were 62.26 ± 8.28 and 6.66 ± 1.31, respectively. Total energy intake was significantly higher in the highest GHGEs and total WF tertiles (2238 ± 722 and 2383 ± 701 kcal, respectively) compared to lower GHGEs and total WF tertiles. Individuals with higher diet-related GHGEs and total WF had a higher daily intake of nutrients with the exception of the percentages of energy supplied from carbohydrates, percentages of meeting nutrients according to the recommended dietary allowance (RDA), DQI (excluding DQI total, moderation, and overall balance score), and DDS scores (p < 0.001). GHGEs and total WF value of the national diet in Turkey are lower than the world average. The results would help develop dietary guidelines to encourage sustainable dietary choices

    Optimal Waist:Height Ratio Cut-Off Point For Cardiometabolic Risk Factors In Turkish Adults

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    Objective: To identify the optimal waist:height ratio (WHtR) cut-off point that discriminates cardiometabolic risk factors in Turkish adults. Design: Cross-sectional study. Hypertension, dyslipidaemia, diabetes, metabolic syndrome score >= 2 (presence of two or more metabolic syndrome components except for waist circumference) and at least one risk factor (diabetes, hypertension or dyslipidaemia) were categorical outcome variables. Receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curves were prepared by plotting 1 - specificity on the x-axis and sensitivity on the y-axis. The WHtR value that had the highest Youden index was selected as the optimal cut-off point for each cardiometabolic risk factor (Youden index = sensitivity + specificity 1). Setting: Turkey, 2003. Subjects: Adults (1121 women and 571 men) aged 18 years and over were examined. Results: Analysis of ROC coordinate tables showed that the optimal cut-off value ranged between 0.55 and 0.60 and was almost equal between men and women. The sensitivities of the identified cut-offs were between 0.63 and 0.81, the specificities were between 0.42 and 0.71 and the accuracies were between 0.65 and 0.73, for men and women. The cut-off point of 0.59 was the most frequently identified value for discrimination of the studied cardiometabolic risk factors. Subjects classified as having WHtR 0.59 had significantly higher age and sociodemographic multivariable-adjusted odds ratios for cardiometabolic risk factors than subjects with WHtR <05.9, except for diabetes in men. Conclusions: We show that the optimal WHtR cut-off point to discriminate cardiometabolic risk factors is 0.59 in Turkish adults.WoSScopu

    Geriatrik Bilimler

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    Dünyada popülasyonun profili yaşlılara doğru yer değiştirmekte ve adeta bir "demografik devrim" oluşmaktadır. Hem gelişmiş, hem de gelişmekte olan ülkelerde yaşlı popülasyonun sayısında süreğen bir artış söz konusudur. Sağ­lık alanındaki gelişmeler sonucunda yaşam beklentisinin artması, her yıl yaşlı nüfus grubuna dahil olan insan sayısının fazlalaşması ile sonuçlanmaktadır. Birleşmiş Milletler'in tanımına göre bir ülkedeki yaşlı nüfusun toplam nü­fus içindeki oranı; %8 - %10 arasında ise, ülke nüfusu "yaşlı", %10'un üze­rinde ise, "çok yaşlı" olarak tanımlanmaktadır. İleriye yönelik projeksiyonlar; Türkiye'nin 2023 yılında "çok yaşlı" (%10,2) nüfus yapısına sahip olacağını öngörmektedir. "Dünya Yaşlılar Yılı" olarak ilan edilen 1999 yılında kuruluş çalışmaları başlayan; Hacettepe Üniversitesi Geriatrik Bilimler Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi GEBAM; 2000 yılında kuruluş sürecini tamamlamış olup ülkemizde konusundaki ilk uygulama ve araştırma merkezidir. International Associati­on of Gerontology and Geriatrics-IAGG Global Aging Research Network- GARN üyesi olan GEBAM'ın hedef kitlesini akademik platformda çalışan­lar, profesyonel olarak hizmet verenler, öğrenciler ve halk oluşturmaktadır. Amaçları; geriatri ve gerontoloji alanında çalışan araştırmacıların, akademis­yenlerin, yaşlılara hizmet sunan profesyonellerin bilgi ve becerilerinin ge­liştirilmesini ve güncellenmesini sağlamak için ulusal ve uluslararası düzey­de eğitim programları ve bilimsel etkinler yapmak, halk eğitimi etkinlikleri gerçekleştirmek ve yaşlanma süreci ve bu süreçteki sorunlar ile ilgili ulusal ve uluslararası bilimsel araştırmalar yapmak, elde edilen sonuçları insanlığın hizmetine sunmak ve bilimsel yayınlar yapmaktır. Hacettepe Üniversitesinde faaliyetlerini devam ettiren 104 Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezleri arasında GEBAM bilimsel çalışmaları, topluma yöne­lik etkinlikleri ve şu anda elinizde olan bu değerli kitap gibi nice yayınları, Önsöz bilgilerini paylaştıkları seminerler ve konferanslar gibi birçok faaliyetleri ile öne çıkmaktadır. Yukarıda belirtilen bu çalışmaların önemli bir kısmı Hacet­tepe Üniversitesinin "topluma dokunma" toplumumuzun sorunları ile ilgili projeler yapma "toplumsal sorumluluk" yaklaşımı ile ciddi anlamda örtüş- mektedir. Eğitim misyonunun önemli bir bileşeni olarak 2002 yılından beri 21 adet kitap yayınlamış olan GEBAM, 18. yılında "Geriatrik Bilimler" başlıklı yeni bir referans kitaba imza atmış, Hacettepe Üniversitesinin Beytepe ve Sıh­hiye yerleşkelerinden değerli öğretim üyelerinin katkıları ile kapsamlı bir çalışma gerçekleştirmiştir. Bu değerli kitabın hazırlanmasındaki çalışmaları ve vizyonları nedeniyle başta editörler Prof. Dr. Yeşim Gökçe Kutsal, Prof. Dr. Terken Baydar ve Prof. Dr. Banu Cangöz'e olmak üzere katkı sunan tüm yazarlara teşekkür eder, ülkemize ve okuyuculara yararlı olmasını dilerim