357 research outputs found

    Quasiparticles and phonon satellites in spectral functions of semiconductors and insulators: Cumulants applied to full first principles theory and Fr\"ohlich polaron

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    The electron-phonon interaction causes thermal and zero-point motion shifts of electron quasiparticle (QP) energies ϵk(T)\epsilon_k(T). Other consequences of interactions, visible in angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) experiments, are broadening of QP peaks and appearance of sidebands, contained in the electron spectral function A(k,ω)=mGR(k,ω)/πA(k,\omega)=-{\Im m}G_R(k,\omega) /\pi, where GRG_R is the retarded Green's function. Electronic structure codes (e.g. using density-functional theory) are now available that compute the shifts and start to address broadening and sidebands. Here we consider MgO and LiF, and determine their nonadiabatic Migdal self energy. The spectral function obtained from the Dyson equation makes errors in the weight and energy of the QP peak and the position and weight of the phonon-induced sidebands. Only one phonon satellite appears, with an unphysically large energy difference (larger than the highest phonon energy) with respect to the QP peak. By contrast, the spectral function from a cumulant treatment of the same self energy is physically better, giving a quite accurate QP energy and several satellites approximately spaced by the LO phonon energy. In particular, the positions of the QP peak and first satellite agree closely with those found for the Fr\"ohlich Hamiltonian by Mishchenko et al.\textit{et al.} (2000) using diagrammatic Monte Carlo. We provide a detailed comparison between the first-principles MgO and LiF results and those of the Fr\"ohlich Hamiltonian. Such an analysis applies widely to materials with infra-red active phonons. We also compare the retarded and time-ordered cumulant treatments: they are equivalent for the Fr\"ohlich Hamiltonian, and only slightly differ in first-principles electron-phonon results for wide-band gap materials.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figure

    Long-range rhombohedral-stacked graphene through shear

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    The discovery of superconductivity and correlated electronic states in the flat bands of twisted bilayer graphene has raised a lot of excitement. Flat bands also occur in multilayer graphene flakes that present rhombohedral (ABC) stacking order on many consecutive layers. Although Bernal-stacked (AB) graphene is more stable, long-range ABC-ordered flakes involving up to 50 layers have been surprisingly observed in natural samples. Here we present a microscopic atomistic model, based on first-principles density functional theory calculations, that demonstrates how shear stress can produce long-range ABC order. A stress-angle phase diagram shows under which conditions ABC-stacked graphene can be obtained, providing an experimental guide for its synthesis

    Ab-initio energetics of graphite and multilayer graphene: stability of Bernal versus rhombohedral stacking

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    There has been a lot of excitement around the observation of superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene, associated to flat bands close to the Fermi level. Such correlated electronic states also occur in multilayer rhombohedral stacked graphene (RG), which has been receiving increasing attention in the last years. In both natural and artificial samples however, multilayer stacked Bernal graphene (BG) occurs more frequently, making it desirable to determine what is their relative stability and under which conditions RG might be favored. Here, we study the energetics of BG and RG in bulk and also multilayer stacked graphene using first-principles calculations. It is shown that the electronic temperature, not accounted for in previous studies, plays a crucial role in determining which phase is preferred. We also show that the low energy states at room temperature consist of BG, RG and mixed BG-RG systems with a particular type of interface. Energies of all stacking sequences (SSs) are calculated for N = 12 layers, and an Ising model is used to fit them, which can be used for larger N as well. In this way, the ordering of low energy SSs can be determined and analyzed in terms of a few parameters. Our work clarifies inconsistent results in the literature, and sets the basis to studying the effect of external factors on the stability of multilayer graphene systems in first principles calculations

    Cost and cost-effectiveness analysis of mass drug administration compared to school-based targeted preventive chemotherapy for hookworm control in Dak Lak province, Vietnam

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    Background: School-based targeted preventive chemotherapy (PC), the main strategy for soil-transmitted helminths (STH) control, excludes other at-risk populations including adults and preschool children. Mass drug administration (MDA), covering all age groups, would bring additional health benefits but also requires greater investment. This cost survey and cost-effectiveness analysis compared MDA with school-based targeted PC for STH control in Dak Lak, Vietnam, where STH are endemic. Methods: A cost survey was conducted in 2020 to estimate the total and per person economic and financial cost of each strategy. Monte Carlo simulation accounted for uncertainty in cost estimates. The primary effectiveness measure was hookworm-related disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) averted, and secondary measures were hookworm infection-years averted and moderate-to-heavy intensity hookworm infection-years averted. A Markov model was used to determine the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of MDA compared to school-based targeted PC using a government payer perspective and a ten-year time horizon. One-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses (PSA) were performed. Costs are reported in 2020 USD (). Findings: Theeconomiccostperpersonwas). Findings: The economic cost per person was 0.27 for MDA and 0.43forschoolbasedtargetedPC.MDAinDakLakwillcost0.43 for school-based targeted PC. MDA in Dak Lak will cost 472,000 per year, while school-based targeted PC will cost 117,000.Over10years,MDAisestimatedtoavertanadditional121,465DALYs;4,019,262hookworminfectionyears,and765,844moderatetoheavyintensityhookworminfectionyearscomparedtoschoolbasedtargetedPC.TheICERwas117,000. Over 10 years, MDA is estimated to avert an additional 121,465 DALYs; 4,019,262 hookworm infection-years, and 765,844 moderate-to-heavy intensity hookworm infection-years compared to school-based targeted PC. The ICER was 28.55 per DALY averted; 0.87perhookworminfectionyearsaverted,and0.87 per hookworm infection-years averted, and 4.54 per moderate-to-heavy intensity hookworm infection-years averted. MDA was cost-effective in all PSA iterations. Interpretation: In areas where hookworm predominates and adults suffer a significant burden of infection, MDA is cost effective compared to school based targeted PC and is the best strategy to achieve global targets. \</p

    Experimental multipartite entanglement and randomness certification of the W state in the quantum steering scenario

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    Recently [Cavalcanti \textit{et al.} Nat Commun \textbf{6}, 7941 (2015)] proposed a method to certify the presence of entanglement in asymmetric networks, where some users do not have control over the measurements they are performing. Such asymmetry naturally emerges in realistic situtations, such as in cryptographic protocols over quantum networks. Here we implement such "semi-device independent" techniques to experimentally witness all types of entanglement on a three-qubit photonic W state. Furthermore we analise the amount of genuine randomness that can be certified in this scenario from any bipartition of the three-qubit W state.Comment: v2: text improved, steering witness redefined so that their violation provides the steering robustness, experimental data included in an appendi

    Two specific populations of GABAergic neurons originating from the medial and the caudal ganglionic eminences aid in proper navigation of callosal axons.

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    The corpus callosum (CC) plays a crucial role in interhemispheric communication. It has been shown that CC formation relies on the guidepost cells located in the midline region that include glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons as well as glial cells. However, the origin of these guidepost GABAergic neurons and their precise function in callosal axon pathfinding remain to be investigated. Here, we show that two distinct GABAergic neuronal subpopulations converge toward the midline prior to the arrival of callosal axons. Using in vivo and ex vivo fate mapping we show that CC GABAergic neurons originate in the caudal and medial ganglionic eminences (CGE and MGE) but not in the lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE). Time lapse imaging on organotypic slices and in vivo analyses further revealed that CC GABAergic neurons contribute to the normal navigation of callosal axons. The use of Nkx2.1 knockout (KO) mice confirmed a role of these neurons in the maintenance of proper behavior of callosal axons while growing through the CC. Indeed, using in vitro transplantation assays, we demonstrated that both MGE- and CGE-derived GABAergic neurons exert an attractive activity on callosal axons. Furthermore, by combining a sensitive RT-PCR technique with in situ hybridization, we demonstrate that CC neurons express multiple short and long range guidance cues. This study strongly suggests that MGE- and CGE-derived interneurons may guide CC axons by multiple guidance mechanisms and signaling pathways. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 73: 647-672, 2013