3 research outputs found

    The heating load determination of low energy buildings in northern climate

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    Low energy buildings require an efficient thermal insulation of the envelopes ensuring minor heat losses; such buildings must be tight in order to avoid heat losses due to over-infiltration. Installation of a heating recovery system compensates for some heat used for heating the ventilation air. The design solution of transparent envelopes of low energy buildings determines significant solar heat gains that compensate for a part of heat losses through the envelopes and ventilation systems. Taking into account these properties of low energy buildings, the modeling of indoor temperatures of such building was carried out at varying outdoor temperatures and power of the heating system. On the grounds of the obtained results, it was determined that a lower heat source power than the one determined according to the outdoor temperature of the coldest five-day period can be used to meet the indoor microclimate requirements in a low energy building. In this way, the expenses of heating system installation are reduced and the operational efficiency of the heat source is increased

    Mažai energijos naudojančio namo projektavimo ir statybos Lietuvoje galimybių tyrimas

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    Currently, the construction of low energy buildings in Europe is promoted. Existing and newly developed design and construction concepts for such buildings are adapted to their national or regional climatic conditions. The European Parliament has assigned the member countries to get ready for the reduction of the energy consumption in buildings. Therefore, Lithuania, like other EU countries, must be examined for the use of the low energy building design and construction experience, the existing concepts of low energy buildings should be adapted or new concepts of low energy building responding to the region’s climate should be created. In this article, the most popular European mid-region passive house concept and the energetic performance of the house, designed and built according to its requirements is analyzed, the main differences of this concept to the normative requirements of Lithuanian building regulations and proposals to improve provisions for the construction of low energy buildings in Lithuania is provided

    Research of low energy house design and construction opportunities in Lithuania / Mažai energijos naudojančio namo projektavimo ir statybos Lietuvoje galimybių tyrimas

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    Currently, the construction of low energy buildings in Europe is promoted. Existing and newly developed design and construction concepts for such buildings are adapted to their national or regional climatic conditions. The European Parliament has assigned the member countries to get ready for the reduction of the energy consumption in buildings. Therefore, Lithuania, like other EU countries, must be examined for the use of the low energy building design and construction experience, the existing concepts of low energy buildings should be adapted or new concepts of low energy building responding to the region's climate should be created. In this article, the most popular European mid‐region passive house concept and the energetic performance of the house, designed and built according to its requirements is analyzed, the main differences of this concept to the normative requirements of Lithuanian building regulations and proposals to improve provisions for the construction of low energy buildings in Lithuania is provided. Santrauka Šiuo metu Europoje skatinama mažai energijos vartojančių namų statyba. Esamos ir naujai kuriamos tokių namų projektavimo ir statybos koncepcijos dažniausiai pritaikytos konkrečios šalies arba regiono klimato sąlygoms. Europos Parlamentas įpareigojo šalis nares pasirengti mažinti pastatuose suvartojamos energijos kiekį. Todėl Lietuvoje, kaip ir kitose ES šalyse, turi būti išnagrinėta mažai energijos vartojančiių pastatų projektavimo ir statybos patirtis, perimtos jau taikomos arba sukurtos naujos koncepcijos, tinkamos šio regiono klimatui. Straipsnyje išanalizuota populiariausia Vidurio Europos regione pasyviojo pastato koncepcija, pagal jos reikalavimus suprojektuoto ir pastatyto namo energiniai rodikliai, nustatyti pagrindiniai šios koncepcijos ir Lietuvos statybos norminių dokumentų reikalavimu skirtumai ir pateikti pasiūlymai gerinti sąlygas mažai energijos naudojančiu pastatu statybai Lietuvoje. First published online: 10 Feb 2011 Reikšminiai žodžiai: pasyvus namas, mažai energijos vartojantis namas, rekuperacinė šildymo sistema, vidiniai išsiskiriančios šilumos kiekiai, išores oro temperatūra, sandarumas, šilumines energijos suvartojimas, sutaupyta šiluminė energij