219 research outputs found

    Metodi per la stima spaziale della temperatura in territori ad orografia complessa e parametrizzazione di un modello idrologico semi-distribuito su alcuni bacini appenninici

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    I bacini idrografici appenninici romagnoli rappresentano una fonte idropotabile di essenziale importanza per la Romagna, grazie alla regolazione stagionale svolta dall’invaso artificiale di Ridracoli. Nel presente elaborato si è implementato un modello per lo studio e la valutazione del regime idrologico dei bacini idrografici allacciati all’invaso, affrontando sia gli aspetti relativi alla miglior spazializzazione dei dati metereologici in ingresso al modello (in particolare in relazione alla stima della temperatura, fondamentale per la rappresentazione dei processi di evapotraspirazione e dei fenomeni di accumulo e scioglimento nevoso), sia gli aspetti di calibrazione dei parametri, confrontando le simulazioni ottenute a partire da diverse configurazioni del modello in termini di rappresentazione spaziale e temporale dei fenomeni. Inoltre si è eseguita una regionalizzazione del modello su due sezioni fluviali che sono al momento oggetto di indagini idrologiche, fornendo supporto alla valutazione della possibilità di realizzazione di una nuova opera di presa. A partire dai dati puntuali dei sensori termometrici disponibili si è ricercata la migliore tecnica di interpolazione della temperatura sull’area di studio, ottenendo una discreta precisione, con un errore in procedura di ricampionamento jack-knife raramente superiore al grado centigrado. La calibrazione del modello TUWien in approccio semi-distribuito, sia quando applicato a scala oraria sia quando applicato a scala giornaliera, ha portato a buoni risultati. La complessità del modello, dovuta in gran parte alla presenza di uno specifico modulo per la gestione di accumulo e scioglimento nivale, è stata ripagata dalle buone prestazioni delle simulazioni ottenute, sia sul periodo di calibrazione sia su quello di validazione. Tuttavia si è osservato che l’approccio semi-distribuito non ha portato benefici sostanziali rispetto a quello concentrato, soprattutto in relazione al forte aumento di costo computazionale

    Microalgae as a Nutraceutical Tool to Antagonize the Impairment of Redox Status Induced by SNPs: Implications on Insulin Resistance

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    Microalgae represent a growing innovative source of nutraceuticals such as carotenoids and phenolic compound which are naturally present within these single-celled organisms or can be induced in response to specific growth conditions. The presence of the unfavourable allelic variant in genes involved in the control of oxidative stress, due to one or more SNPs in gene encoding protein involved in the regulation of redox balance, can lead to pathological conditions such as insulin resistance, which, in turn, is directly involved in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus. In this review we provide an overview of the main SNPs in antioxidant genes involved in the promotion of insulin resistance with a focus on the potential role of microalgae-derived antioxidant molecules as novel nutritional tools to mitigate oxidative stress and improve insulin sensitivity

    Grain size distribution uncertainty quantification in volcanic ash dispersal and deposition from weak plumes

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    We present the results of uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis applied to volcanic ash dispersal from weak plumes with focus on the uncertainties associated to the original grain size distribution of the mixture. The Lagrangian particle model Lagrangian Particles Advection Code is used to simulate the transport of inertial particles under the action of realistic atmospheric conditions. The particle motion equations are derived by expressing the particle acceleration as the sum of forces acting along its trajectory, with the drag force calculated as a function of particle diameter, density, shape, and Reynolds number. Simulations are representative of a weak plume event of Mount Etna (Italy) and aimed at quantifying the effect on the dispersal process of the uncertainty in the mean and standard deviation of a lognormal function describing the initial grain size distribution and in particle sphericity. In order to analyze the sensitivity of particle dispersal to these uncertain variables with a reasonable number of simulations, response surfaces in the parameter space are built by using the generalized polynomial chaos expansion technique. The mean diameter and standard deviation of particle size distribution, and their probability density functions, at various distances from the source, both airborne and on ground, are quantified. Results highlight that uncertainty ranges in these quantities are drastically reduced with distance from source, making them largely dependent just on the location. Moreover, at a given distance from source, the distribution is mostly controlled by particle sphericity, particularly on the ground, whereas in air also mean diameter and sorting play a main role

    Large-sample hydrology – a few camels or a whole caravan?

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    Large-sample datasets containing hydrometeorological time series and catchment attributes for hundreds of catchments in a country, many of them known as “CAMELS” (Catchment Attributes and MEteorology for Large-sample Studies), have revolutionized hydrological modelling and have enabled comparative analyses. The Caravan dataset is a compilation of several (CAMELS and other) large-sample datasets with uniform attribute names and data structures. This simplifies large-sample hydrology across regions, continents, or the globe. However, the use of the Caravan dataset instead of the original CAMELS or other large-sample datasets may affect model results and the conclusions derived thereof. For the Caravan dataset, the meteorological forcing data are based on ERA5-Land reanalysis data. Here, we describe the differences between the original precipitation, temperature, and potential evapotranspiration (Epot) data for 1252 catchments in the CAMELS-US, CAMELS-BR, and CAMELS-GB datasets and the forcing data for these catchments in the Caravan dataset. The Epot in the Caravan dataset is unrealistically high for many catchments, but there are, unsurprisingly, also considerable differences in the precipitation data. We show that the use of the forcing data from the Caravan dataset impairs hydrological model calibration for the vast majority of catchments; i.e. there is a drop in the calibration performance when using the forcing data from the Caravan dataset compared to the original CAMELS datasets. This drop is mainly due to the differences in the precipitation data. Therefore, we suggest extending the Caravan dataset with the forcing data included in the original CAMELS datasets wherever possible so that users can choose which forcing data they want to use or at least indicating clearly that the forcing data in Caravan come with a data quality loss and that using the original datasets is recommended. Moreover, we suggest not using the Epot data (and derived catchment attributes, such as the aridity index) from the Caravan dataset and instead recommend that these should be replaced with (or based on) alternative Epot estimates

    Glucocorticoid receptor signalling activates YAP in breast cancer

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    The Hippo pathway is an oncosuppressor signalling cascade that plays a major role in the control of cell growth, tissue homoeostasis and organ size. Dysregulation of the Hippo pathway leads to aberrant activation of the transcription co-activator YAP (Yes-associated protein) that contributes to tumorigenesis in several tissues. Here we identify glucocorticoids (GCs) as hormonal activators of YAP. Stimulation of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) leads to increase of YAP protein levels, nuclear accumulation and transcriptional activity in vitro and in vivo. Mechanistically, we find that GCs increase expression and deposition of fibronectin leading to the focal adhesion-Src pathway stimulation, cytoskeleton-dependent YAP activation and expansion of chemoresistant cancer stem cells. GR activation correlates with YAP activity in human breast cancer and predicts bad prognosis in the basal-like subtype. Our results unveil a novel mechanism of YAP activation in cancer and open the possibility to target GR to prevent cancer stem cells self-renewal and chemoresistance

    Conduit geometry and evolution of effusion rate during basaltic effusive events: Insights from numerical modeling

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    The dynamics of effusive events is controlled by the interplay between conduit geometry and source conditions. Dyke-like geometries have been commonly employed for describing conduits during effusive eruptions, but their depth-dependent and temporal modifications are largely unknown. Here we present a novel model that describes the evolution of conduit geometry during effusive eruptions by using a quasisteady state approach based on a 1D conduit model and appropriate criteria to model the geometric evolution of the conduit due to fluid shear stress and elastic deformation. Such approach provides time-dependent trends for effusion rate, conduit geometry, exit velocity and gas flow, among other output variables. Fluid shear stress leads to upward widening conduits, whereas elastic deformation becomes relevant only during final phases of the eruptions. Since the model is able to reproduce different trends of effusion rate, it was employed for addressing the effects of magma source conditions and conduit properties on the main characteristics of the resulting effusive eruptions (e.g. duration, erupted mass, maximum effusion rate). We show that the total erupted mass is mainly controlled by magma reservoir dimensions and their conditions before the eruption (i.e., initial overpressure), whereas conduit processes and geometry are able to affect the magma withdrawal rate and thus the eruption duration and effusion rate. The resulting effusion rate trends were classified in different types, and associated to the curves described in the literature for different volcanic events. Results well reproduce these trends and provide new insights for interpreting them, highlighting the importance of reservoir overpressure and the initial dimensions of the feeding dyke on the resulting effusion rate curve
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