1,471 research outputs found

    The tribe Spermacoceae (Rubiaceae) in the State of Ceará, northeastern Brazil

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    Tribe Spermacoceae comprises more than 1000 species and about 80 genera, being the largest lineage of herbaceous plants within Rubiaceae. Historically, it is marked by taxonomic complexes. This study aims to investígate the diversity and geographical distribution o f the tribe Spermacoceae in Ceará, in the Northeast región of Brazil. This State covers an area o f 150,000 km2 within the Caatinga domain and is divided into 11 phytoecological units, where the Crystalline Caatinga predominates. Specimens collected from 1990 to 2023, and collections from the EAC, HCDAL, HUEFS, HUVA, and PEUFR herbaria were analysed. The tribe is represented in Ceará by 31 species, of which Borreria savannicola and Mitracarpus fernandesii are endemic to the State, and seven genera, with Borreria being the most diverse (13 spp.), followed by Mitracarpus (six spp.), Hexasepalum (four spp.), Richardia and Spermacoce (three spp. each), andEmmeorhiza and Staelia (one sp. each). In total, 605 collections were verified. Morphological characteristics of fruit, seed, pollen, and intemal indumentum o f the corolla were diagnostic for taxonomic delimitation, with new species having been described for Science in recent years (B. apodiensis, B. savannicola, and H. nordestinum). Borreria scabiosoides has the broadest geographic range, while B. cupularis, B. savannicola, H. nordestinum, and M. polygonifolius are the most restricted species. The northwest región of Ceará is the most diverse (with 22 to 26 species), followed by the south (with 17 to 21 species). The same pattem was verified for the distribution o f records, with the northwest región having the highest numbers (232 to 289 records), whereas the south presents fewer records (59 to 116). Therefore, despite the northwest región having the highest number of species, the greatest diversity relative to the number o f records is found in the Southern región of Ceará. Acknowledgements: FUNCAP (Process BP5-0197-00136.01.00/22); UVA

    Análise do rendimento de soja e possíveis implicações climáticas.

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    Resumo: As tecnologias usadas na produção somada à variabilidade climática podem explicar grande parte das flutuações nos rendimentos de grãos de soja em diferentes safras agrícolas. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o rendimento de grãos de soja, em diferentes condições de disponibilidade hídrica no solo. Para tanto, os experimentos foram conduzidos no campo experimental da Embrapa Soja ? Londrina (PR), durante as safras 2005/2006 e 2006/2007. A diferença entre as médias das duas safras foi de 7,2 %. Na safra 2006/2007 as chuvas foram bem distribuídas, resultando em melhor desenvolvimento das plantas e, consequentemente, favorecendo rendimentos ligeiramente maiores do que na safra anterior. Analysis of soybean yiel and possible climate implications. The technologies used in the production coupled with the climate variability can explain most of the fluctuations in the yield of soybean in different years. So, the objective of this research was to analyze the yield of soybean under different soil water availability. For this, experiments were conducted at Embrapa Soja - Londrina (PR) during the 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 seasons. The difference between the means of two seasons was 7.2%. In 2006/2007 season the rains were well distributed, resulting in better plant growth, thus slightly favoring higher yields than the in the previous season

    Manejo do solo para redução das perdas de produtividade pela seca.

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    Princípios para o manejo adequado do solo; O tempo de adoção como fator de sucesso para o plantio direto; A adoção do plantio direto não dispensa o terraceamento e a semeadura em nível; Época de semeadura, ciclo de cultivares e sistemas de culturas; Manejo da compactação do solo; Conseqüências da compactação do solo para o sistema produtivo; Alternativas de manejo de solo e das culturas visando à qualidade no plantio direto; Cobertura do solo e persistência da palhada no campo; Melhoria da qualidade física do solo por meio da rotação de culturas; Aprofundamento do sistema radicular da soja; Estabilidade de produção sob condições de seca; Uso de cultivares de soja com maior enraizamento.bitstream/CNPSO-2010/30233/1/Documentos314.pd

    Calibração de psicrômetros para avaliações de potencial hídrico foliar.

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