194 research outputs found

    Coarsening versus pattern formation

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    It is known that similar physical systems can reveal two quite different ways of behavior, either coarsening, which creates a uniform state or a large-scale structure, or formation of ordered or disordered patterns, which are never homogenized. We present a description of coarsening using simple basic models, the Allen-Cahn equation and the Cahn-Hilliard equation, and discuss the factors that may slow down and arrest the process of coarsening. Among them are pinning of domain walls on inhomogeneities, oscillatory tails of domain walls, nonlocal interactions, and others. Coarsening of pattern domains is also discussed.Comment: 14 pages. To appear in a Comptes Rendus Physique special issue on "Coarsening Dynamics", see https://sites.google.com/site/ppoliti/crp-special-issu

    Behavior of the anomalous correlation function in uniform 2D Bose gas

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    We investigate the behavior of the anomalous correlation function in two dimensional Bose gas. In the local case, we find that this quantity has a finite value in the limit of weak interactions at zero temperature. The effects of the anomalous density on some thermodynamic quantities are also considered. These effects can modify in particular the chemical potential, the ground sate energy, the depletion and the superfluid fraction. Our predictions are in good agreement with recent analytical and numerical calculations. We show also that the anomalous density presents a significant importance compared to the non-condensed one at zero temperature. The single-particle anomalous correlation function is expressed in two dimensional homogenous Bose gases by using the density-phase fluctuation. We then confirm that the anomalous average accompanies in analogous manner the true condensate at zero temperature while it does not exist at finite temperature.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Marangoni instability of a heated liquid layer in the presence of a soluble surfactant

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    We consider the influence of adsorption kinetics on a longwave oscillatory instability in a layer of a binary liquid heated from below. It is shown that an advection of the adsorbed surfactant leads to a strong stabilization of the mode. Qualitative explanation of the numerical results is provided

    Spectral function and quasi-particle damping of interacting bosons in two dimensions

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    We employ the functional renormalization group to study dynamical properties of the two-dimensional Bose gas. Our approach is free of infrared divergences, which plague the usual diagrammatic approaches, and is consistent with the exact Nepomnyashchy identity, which states that the anomalous self-energy vanishes at zero frequency and momentum. We recover the correct infrared behavior of the propagators and present explicit results for the spectral line-shape, from which we extract the quasi-particle dispersion and damping.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revisited version, to appear as Phys. Rev. Lette

    Oscillatory long-wave Marangoni convection in a layer of a binary liquid: Hexagonal patterns

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    We consider a long-wave oscillatory Marangoni convection in a layer of a binary liquid in the presence of the Soret effect. A weakly nonlinear analysis is carried out on a hexagonal lattice. It is shown that the derived set of cubic amplitude equations is degenerate. A three-parameter family of asynchronous hexagons (AH), representing a superposition of three standing waves with the amplitudes depending on their phase shifts, is found to be stable in the framework of this set of equations. To determine a dominant stable pattern within this family of patterns, we proceed to the inclusion of the fifth-order terms. It is shown that depending on the Soret number, either wavy rolls 2 (WR2), which represents a pattern descendant of wavy rolls (WR) family, are selected or no stable limit cycles exist. A heteroclinic cycle emerges in the latter case: the system is alternately attracted to and repelled from each of three unstable solutions

    Infrared behavior in systems with a broken continuous symmetry: classical O(N) model vs interacting bosons

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    In systems with a spontaneously broken continuous symmetry, the perturbative loop expansion is plagued with infrared divergences due to the coupling between transverse and longitudinal fluctuations. As a result the longitudinal susceptibility diverges and the self-energy becomes singular at low energy. We study the crossover from the high-energy Gaussian regime, where perturbation theory remains valid, to the low-energy Goldstone regime characterized by a diverging longitudinal susceptibility. We consider both the classical linear O(NN) model and interacting bosons at zero temperature, using a variety of techniques: perturbation theory, hydrodynamic approach (i.e., for bosons, Popov's theory), large-NN limit and non-perturbative renormalization group. We emphasize the essential role of the Ginzburg momentum scale pGp_G below which the perturbative approach breaks down. Even though the action of (non-relativistic) bosons includes a first-order time derivative term, we find remarkable similarities in the weak-coupling limit between the classical O(NN) model and interacting bosons at zero temperature.Comment: v2) 19 pages, 8 figure

    Influence of a low frequency vibration on a long-wave Marangoni instability in a binary mixture with the Soret effect

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    We study the influence of a low frequency vibration on a long-wave Marangoni convection in a layer of a binary mixture with the Soret effect. A linear stability analysis is performed numerically by means of the Floquet theory; several limiting cases are treated analytically. Competition of subharmonic, synchronous, and quasiperiodic modes is considered. The vibration is found to destabilize the layer, decreasing the stability threshold. Also, a vibration-induced mode is detected, which takes place even for zero Marangoni number