60 research outputs found

    Longitudinal drift of Tayler instability eigenmodes as a possible explanation for super-slowly rotating Ap stars

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    Rotation periods inferred from the magnetic variability of some Ap stars are incredibly long, exceeding ten years in some cases. An explanation for such slow rotation is lacking. This paper attempts to provide an explanation of the super-slow rotation of the magnetic and thermal patterns of Ap stars in terms of the longitudinal drift of the unstable disturbances of the kink-type (Tayler) instability of their internal magnetic field. The rates of drift and growth were computed for eigenmodes of Tayler instability using stellar parameters estimated from a structure model of an A star. The computations refer to the toroidal background magnetic field of varied strength. The non-axisymmetric unstable disturbances drift in a counter-rotational direction in the co-rotating reference frame. The drift rate increases with the strength of the background field. For a field strength exceeding the (equipartition) value of equal Alfven and rotational velocities, the drift rate approaches the proper rotation rate of a star. The eigenmodes in an inertial frame show very slow rotation in this case. Patterns of magnetic and thermal disturbances of the slowly rotating eigenmodes are also computed. The counter-rotational drift of Tayler instability eigenmodes is a possible explanation for the observed phenomenon of super-slowly rotating Ap stars.Comment: Accepted in A&


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    The aim of the study was to investigate structurally functional features of lipidic infiltration of hepatocytes in a morphogenesis of chronic hepatitis C. Material and methods. A clinical and morphological study of 199 patients with HCV infection markers (139 men and 60 women aged from 20 till 65 years) was conducted. In all cases, a comprehensive study including analysis of blood biochemical parameters, serological markers of HCV replication in blood and liver, viremia level, number of the infected hepatocytes and HCV genotypes was performed. Diagnostic complex included clinical, biochemical, immunoserological methods. Results and discussion. The results of the analysis of structural and functional features of lipid-containing hepatocytes and indicators of replication of virus particles of chronic hepatitis C are provided. For its reproduction HCV enters into complex relationships with the metabolic apparatus of the cell, in which lipid metabolism and related structures – lipid droplets play an important role. The only structural marker that correlates with indicators of virus replication is subcytolemmal small-vesicular lipid infiltration, which can reflect a virus-induced increase in lipid metabolism in the host cell for the effective production of infectious active viral particles


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    On the basis of the analysis of own and literary data, proved the interaction psychophysiologic and immunologic parameters in healthy people and in patients with bronchial asthma. The main accent was made on the investigation of the role of the functional asymmetry of a brain, as the base phenomenon defining features of mental, vegetative and immunologic activity


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    The article presents the results of geological and structural studies of the northwestern part of the Gargan quartziferous province, wherein the Bural-Sardyk deposit is located. The early views on this deposit of high-quality siliceous raw materials have been amended using the new data. This deposit is associated with quartzites of the Meso-Proterozoic Irkut formation and discordantly overlaps the Gargan block. According to the detailed study results on the cover of the Oka-Urik interfluve area, its structure is predetermined by physical and mechanical properties of the rocks, and the degree of rock dislocation depends on the rock viscosity. Most of its section is composed of viscous quartzites that create the structural framework of the study area. Such viscous rocks are not prone to folding. An alternative is detachment taking place concordantly to layering. The only interlayer is composed of limestones that underwent intense plastic deformation reflected in multi-folding. Actually, limestones mark a zone of plastic detachment. The authors propose an interpretation of the formation of the deposit structure. The main deformation event was preceded by the sediment transformation stage in conditions of diagenesis and catagenesis due to the influence of a lithostatic load. Primary recrystallization under lithogenesis led to the formation of high-purity silicon rocks. At the next stage, the rocks were subjected to longitudinal compression in the PT conditions of green-shale metamorphism. This stage is mainly evidenced by sublayer detachments. In parallel with that process, quartzites experienced super-plastic flow and recrystallization, which led to the formation of super-quartzites. The bodies of super-quartzites tend to be layered and less discordant. Such a structural position suggests the possibility of detecting latent manifestations of super-quartzites at different levels in the quartzites of the Irkut formation. Tectonic detachments are observed in the sedimentary cover and do not reach the foundation. Based on these features, there are reasons to use the thin-skinned tectonic model. Rock deformation occurred under stress oriented from the northwest to the southeast. This is indicated by the position of the axial surfaces of the folds, as well as the orientations of the maximum compression axis and the crystallographic axes of quartz. Macro- and microstructural data indicate that the tectonic transport of matter was directed to the southeast. The research results were used for compiling a new geological map of the deposit.В статье изложены результаты геолого-структурных исследований северо-западной части Гарганской кварцитоносной провинции, в которой находится месторождение Бурал-Сардык. Полученные данные меняют ранние воззрения на его структуру. Месторождение высококачественного кремнистого сырья Бурал-Сардык связано с кварцитами иркутной свиты, которая относится к среднему рифею и с несогласием перекрывает Гарганскую глыбу. Детальное изучение структуры чехла на Ока-Урикском междуречье показало, что она предопределена физико-механическими свойствами пород свиты. Было установлено, что степень дислокации пород обусловлена их вязкостью. Большая часть разреза сложена кварцитами, которые являются вязкими и создают структурный каркас района. Кварцитам как вязким породам не свойственна складчатость. Альтернативой ей являются срывы, согласные слоистости. Известняки (единственный прослой) подверглись интенсивной пластичной деформации с формированием многопорядковой складчатости. По существу, они маркируют зону пластичного срыва. Для образования структуры месторождения предлагается следующая интерпретация. Главному деформационному событию предшествовала стадия преобразования осадков в условиях диагенеза и катагенеза под влиянием литостатической нагрузки. Первичная перекристаллизация в условиях литогенеза привела к формированию высокочистых кремниевых пород. На следующей стадии породы подвергаются продольному сжатию в РТ-условиях зеленосланцевого метаморфизма. Это проявилось главным образом в образовании субслойных срывов. Синхронно с этим кварциты испытали суперпластическое течение и рекристаллизацию, что привело к формированию суперкварцитов. Тела суперкварцитов имеют тенденцию располагаться по слоистости и реже дискордантно. Такая структурная позиция позволяет предполагать возможность обнаружения скрытых проявлений суперкварцитов на разных уровнях в кварцитах иркутной свиты. Тектонические срывы картируются в осадочном чехле и не затрагивают фундамент. Эти признаки позволяют сопоставлять ее с моделью тонкошкурой тектоники (thin-skinned tectonic model). Деформация пород осуществлялась в процессе стресса, ориентированного с северо-запада на юго-восток. На это указывает положение осевых поверхностей складок, ориентировка оси максимального сжатия и кристаллографических осей кварца. Макро- и микроструктурные данные показывают, что тектонический транспорт вещества был направлен на юго-восток. Результаты исследований были использованы при составлении новой геологической карты месторождения

    Order in Spontaneous Behavior

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    Brains are usually described as input/output systems: they transform sensory input into motor output. However, the motor output of brains (behavior) is notoriously variable, even under identical sensory conditions. The question of whether this behavioral variability merely reflects residual deviations due to extrinsic random noise in such otherwise deterministic systems or an intrinsic, adaptive indeterminacy trait is central for the basic understanding of brain function. Instead of random noise, we find a fractal order (resembling Lévy flights) in the temporal structure of spontaneous flight maneuvers in tethered Drosophila fruit flies. Lévy-like probabilistic behavior patterns are evolutionarily conserved, suggesting a general neural mechanism underlying spontaneous behavior. Drosophila can produce these patterns endogenously, without any external cues. The fly's behavior is controlled by brain circuits which operate as a nonlinear system with unstable dynamics far from equilibrium. These findings suggest that both general models of brain function and autonomous agents ought to include biologically relevant nonlinear, endogenous behavior-initiating mechanisms if they strive to realistically simulate biological brains or out-compete other agents

    EPR study of the E’ defects in optical glasses and cristobalite

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    The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) in experimentaloptical glasses obtained from the East Sayan mountain quartzites has beenstudied. For comparison a powder sample of cristobalite that formed duringthe beneficiation process of quartzite was also investigated by EPR. Thecomplex EPR spectra of fast-electron-irradiated glass andcristobalite were treated by computer simulations to determine the types ofEE' centers and their principal gvalues. In glasses the well-known paramagnetic centersEγE'_{{\gamma}} , EαE'_{{\alpha}} , EδE'_{{\delta}} have been observed. In particular, thecenter Eα1E'_{{{\alpha}1}} previously characterized as stableonly below T200 KT\sim200\ \text{K} was observed as a stable variantat room temperature. In cristobalite the paramagnetic defects similar to theEγE'_{{\gamma}} , Eα1E'_{{{\alpha}1}} , EδE'_{{\delta}} centers with slightly differentg values have been observed. From the observation of analogousEE' centers it was inferred that local structuresof glass and β{\beta} -cristobalite aresimilar